I don't know any woman who is actually this shallow... "all else" is never equal, there are ALWAYS other reasons to dis/like a guy, and if you're REALLY just primarily interested in his money, then you shouldn't be dating at all, because you'll hurt people who are in it for more substantial reasons.
But if assuming I was interested in a guy, and found out he had a fancy car but high debt, I wouldn't be terribly impressed with him. If I found out the same guy had a ratty car but decent savings, I'd probably be more impressed with his fiscal responsibility. The preferable solution would be a happy medium - an average-priced car with some savings in the bank.
2007-03-14 12:37:41
answer #1
answered by teresathegreat 7
The guy with an older 10,000 vehicle with 60,000 in the bank
2007-03-14 12:34:48
answer #2
answered by xanderbee 2
I would personally prefer a guy with a cheap vehicle with $60,000 in the bank. This is because it shows he is responsible and spends his precious cash wisely, instead of wasting it to try and impress people.
-----Personality is what's seen; Character, what lies beneath.
2007-03-14 12:34:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The one with the car and the money in the bank
2007-03-14 12:32:59
answer #4
answered by Cheers 1
certainly, as a 0.33 occasion, you do not would desire to get your motor vehicle fastened, and would get a verify payable to you. the only individual who the coverage corporation is had to make beneficial gets the motor vehicle fastened is their insured(whilst he has a lien holder). subject concerns approximately this would selection by using state, yet they simply would desire to pay for the maintenance. you are able to butt up against a obdurate service who insists on making the verify co-payable to you and the keep. Be waiting for that.
2016-12-18 13:51:43
answer #5
answered by holness 4
The guy with 60k in the bank. Obviously he is more responsible and has his act together.
2007-03-14 12:33:25
answer #6
answered by fade_this_rally 7
As my husband always said, "You can't drive a $70,000 car into the bedroom!"
2007-03-14 12:33:50
answer #7
answered by Lisa D 5
I'd probably go with the guy who has 60K in the bank.
2007-03-14 12:36:06
answer #8
answered by Rawrrrr 6
Money and vehicle does'nt really matter. How sweet , caring , respectfull , and attentive is the man ?
2007-03-14 12:34:23
answer #9
answered by andy 2
60000 in the bank...and i wouldn't need to know that to want to date him, but an expensive car does nothing for me
2007-03-14 12:35:35
answer #10
answered by stella.cella 2