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I’ve been with my guy for more that a year and everything is great, we love each other a lot. There is one thing that bothers me very much. I talked to him about it, but he doesn’t get, I guess…He always looks at other girls, he would even say to me what he thinks…For example, ”oh, she is cute”, or “she has nice hair”, or “she is in a great shape.” We’ve argued about it, so now he doesn’t say anything, but he keeps looking…. I’m tired of telling him I don’t like it, he doesn’t get it… I am very good looking girl, it offends me as well. The other thing that I hate, he likes to talk dirty to me in bed, and lately he has this thing…He talks about threesome and fuc..ing other girls, like my girlfriends… He says its just a fantasy… I don’t know what to do…. He says he would never do anything to offend me, but that’s enough for me… It turns him on so much, when he talks about having sex with other girls, and not just random girls. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!! I love him so much! Maybe I am just making too big deal out of it.. I don’t know… It just really really bothers me. I want this fantasy to go away… I don’t want a threesome. He says he would do it only if still love him the same after, he wants to always be with me. But how the hell can I feel the same after???

Thanks so much for your answers!!!

2007-03-14 12:22:04 · 7 answers · asked by Lora W 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

7 answers

ok it seems like you're not comfortable in your relationship it it bothers you so much that he finds other girls attractive, I'm sure you still see a hot guy and can admit he's hot, it doesn't mean you want to talk to him or jump his bones, so you should forget about fighting with your boyfriend about that, as for the dirty talk, try talking dirty back, it's hot just tell him you don't want to do that all the time but every once in awhile ... it's good to spice things up and keep it interesting. Now as for the threesome if it makes you uncomfortable let him know that it's not something you're into and that it's a huge turn off for him to talk about your friends and that he shouldn't disrespect you like that. it's one thing to say they looked nice in an alfit and for him to say he wants to sleep with them, if he doesn't stop then you should think about finding someone who will respect your feelings more.

2007-03-14 12:31:12 · answer #1 · answered by Like Nothing Else 4 · 0 0

Wow that is crossing the line talking about other girls while having sex!...I want my guy to think about me and ONLY me while were doing something that personal...It isn't fair for him to offend you like that you NEED to talk to him because I would not tolerate it. Please sweety do not let this boy pressure you into a threesome to please him because you will feel horrible after and your relationship will change for the worse. You love this boy so I am sure you can stand up to him and tell him that you are no longer going to stand him talking about other girls...even though he says that your the only one he wants to be with and he just says it because it turns him on let him know that it turns you OFF to know that someone or something else is on his mind when all that should be on his mind is his love and expressing his love for YOU...good luck girl! Fix the situation before its too late! :)

2007-03-14 19:27:40 · answer #2 · answered by *Mariah* 3 · 0 0

my name is Aleisha King. There is two ways to deal with this.
He is a guy, he is going to have a fantasy. I mean like having a threesome is one of them. So you can either deal with because you love him so much, or you can sit him down a tell him that what he is saying to her is making you mad and is offending you. You said that he doesn't want to offend you. But that is what he is doing. If you tell him how you feel, y'all might get into an argument but, if y'all love each other like you said y'all did. then that shouldn't effect y'all.
Hope I helped you.
Always Aleisha King.

2007-03-14 19:38:42 · answer #3 · answered by honey.. 2 · 0 0

omg.your bf is a perv...my husband use to be like that...(checking out other girls when we're together)...i dont think he does it on purpose but it would bug the hell out of me!its just theyre nature.men can be dogs.but to me that is so disrespectful!i would always fight with him about it.and he finally got the hint!he doesnt do it anymore.but anyways....he fantasizes about having sex with you and your girls..now that aint right.you should tell him something.that it bothers you.so what if it turns him on.but does it turn you on?you should put an end to his stupid fantasies and tell him you dont like that ****.i think he has a thing for your friend.and why is noticing strangers hair when all his attention should be on you.im sorry but your bf is a dog.cut that dog lose!

2007-03-14 19:35:10 · answer #4 · answered by Itsjustme 5 · 0 0

That's just his fantasy. Everyone has their own fantasies and their bf or gf may not always approve of them and actually fullfill their fantasies.

About your guy looking at other girls all the time, i think he just loves looking at women to criticize and judge them. It doesnt mean he's looking for new women in his life. If he is, he wouldn't tell you or let you know anyway.

If your bf forces you to make his fantasy come true, leave him. But otherwise, i wouldnt worry about it if he is saying thats just a dream for him.

2007-03-14 19:33:22 · answer #5 · answered by =) 3 · 0 0

If you guys are as tight as you say you are, then WHY can't you just come out and TELL him it bothers you? It is entirely in your hands. BTW: there's hardly a guy around who doesn't dream or fantasize about a 3-some.

2007-03-14 19:28:18 · answer #6 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Tell him that it bothers you. If he doesn't like how you feel leave him because it's not worth being with someone who "loves" other people more than you.
Good Luck Hun :]

2007-03-14 19:31:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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