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If so, I would love to hear about it in detail. Thanks.

2007-03-14 12:05:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

My near death experience was when I got all mixed up in paganism. I almost traded my soul for the ways of idolaters. Praise God I came back to Jesus.

2007-03-21 22:23:49 · answer #1 · answered by rfurgy 2 · 0 0

I nearly died. Almost everyone on the planet nearly died. However, how many of you nearly lived? LOL
Nah, I was 12 and walking out on the plains of Crete and fell into an old Benetian tunnel. I didn't break my neck (it was a long fall) because I fell ontop of an dead donkey. I'M SERIOUS. The donkey had been trapped in the tunnel (I found out later it lead to Venetian Fort of the town) and died. It must have been there for at least a hundred years. As I lay there, dazed, I wondered why the ground was so soft. I honestly thought I had died. That donkey saved my life.

2007-03-22 17:55:16 · answer #2 · answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7 · 0 0

i have had six or seven i think it is now.

i have been on fire a few times including once i had books of matches in my pocket and i was lying to my mother and the matches lit off of each other and my pants went up in flames with me in them. (i lied and my pants caught fire)
also once when i was burning garbage (i live in the country) i accidentally set me and the forest behind my house on fire and the fire department had to be called. they were the biggest flames i have ever seen though.

i have also drowned a few times. when i was a few months old i drowned in a bathtub and was rushed to the hospital and i was legally dead for two minutes. they brought me back with defibrillators.

i was also in a motor cycle accident that put my grandfather in a coma for a few years until he died, all i did was break an arm.

i was also electrocuted

i am still only 15 so i still have a lot of almost dieing to do in my lifetime.

all-in-all i think i only have like 3 brain cells left.

2007-03-14 19:23:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have. It wasn't much worth reporting. I opened my eyes and found myself in a dimly lit cave that stretched as far as the eye could see. There was ambient lighting but it seemed to have no real source. Sitting next to me was a wolf easily my size if not slightly larger that I immediately recognized as Fenrirulf (Fenris Wolf) of Norse mythology. He said nothing, I said nothing. I simply placed my right hand on his left shoulder and he wrapped his left forepaw around my arm to return the gesture, and I knew that it was a gesture of acceptance and an invitation to later return.

That was the whole of my experience. I've since accepted his offer and returned in numerous out-of-body experiences, however, but only the one was near-death.

2007-03-14 19:10:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

No i have not.Have you?if so i would love to hear about it.However i did have an out of body experience which was very frightening.After my mothers death i had an oobe where i was at my own funeral and i could feel myself chocking as i was not dead and i was being buried it was exactly like real life, it was absalutly terrifi-ing.

2007-03-14 19:18:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Have you? Because if you have I would love to hear about it in detail

2007-03-14 19:10:27 · answer #6 · answered by michelle5196 3 · 0 0

yes I stood next the cadaver at a funeral reception once and that's as near as I care to get . the body was pale, cold and hardened.

2007-03-22 01:15:17 · answer #7 · answered by dogpatch USA 7 · 1 0

After rudenski theres no room left.

2007-03-22 08:33:50 · answer #8 · answered by naseldrip 4 · 1 0

I almost drowned in Maui.

2007-03-14 19:29:17 · answer #9 · answered by Claire 2 · 0 0

On my way to a military school...I was involved in a car accident
during a flash-flood. As my car began to roll over and over...I experienced an extraordinary Near Death Experience.
I had a life review...i saw my life flash before my eyes...I saw every event of my life from outside of my body...it was 3 dimensional...like a 3D movie of my life...as if I was an
observer of each event...Different events had different levels of importance...1. Most important were moments when some person shared their joy in some natural setting with me...fishing with my grandfather...flying over a river....a sunset...
2. Then relationships: The love of my mother...family... friends...it is funny but...work..sex...restroom breaks... eating...arguing..fussing...fighting...were just kind of fast forwarded...and not important
Any activity that was not related to love...kindness...joy...was not important...AS if every so called sin was simply forgotten...
Add every joyful event and every blessing in your life and take out the corruptible flesh...and this is what you get to take to the light...quite a wonderful Video of your life actually....This is what you get to take with you...into the next life...all the joy and blessings you experienced in this life....
This was only the first part of my journey...I remember each part of this journey...as if it happened today...just now...To sum it up...try to experience as much joy, love, and kindness in this life....because that is what you get that you can call "Yours" in the the next life.

I want you to know how this this going to The Light experience is not a scary thing.....I did feel a little disoriented at first though...There was darkness at first....then there was spinning whirling tunnel around me...Lots of dark purples... and blues..and greens....then way out...beyond the beyond...there was this light...As soon as I recognized the light...it felt like I had been lost and finally...now...I knew... I was going home....

It all started when my head went crashing through the side windows of my car...as my car rolled over and over... I had my life review...but then...as my body flew in and then out of my front windsheild...the life review ended.....
the universe started spinning......as if the flesh or material world began to spin off of my being...all kinds of darkness was shedding from me like layers of an onion...whirling off of me....

As I was rising away from my body...I entered a tunnel...When I first saw the light at the end of the tunnel...I recognized my first thought...The light is love...Wherever it was I was going to...I knew it was going to be good....When I emerged from the tunnel, I entered a place that was blistering white....Light so bright that all of the colors of the objects in this place...bled away...I could tell objects had colors...but I could only discern the color by adjusting my perception of it...imagine ten shades of white and then a highlight of green or gold...

As I reached the end of the tunnel....there was a being who met me...An orb of light...about the size of a person's body from the bottom of their neck to bottom of their stomach...elevated off of the deck of a floor about the height of someone's legs.... If this sounds far fetched...It didn't seem that way when I was there...

...This being gave me some instructions...It was interesting how the being spoke to me from the top center of where I imagine one's sternum might be...in the orb...and I heard the message...not from my ears...but from the same centered place...

The message was to not look up or I would die...As we walked along...I did have the sensation of walking....I was looking down at the road....The road coloration was some type of translucent gold...I couldn't see all the way through it ...but I could see through a certain measure of thickness...let us say 9 inches or so....
As we were going down this road with my vision diverted down...we came to our destination...I noticed a huge double door.....hewn out of wood...with ornate carving and one ring on each side of the door....
...I remember opening the door and I was in a stadium sized room....As I was looking down ...I can not tell you how high the place was...but I can tell you it was about the length of football field wide....And there were a dozen or so rows of colossal Pillars ....

The Pillars were wonderful....As I walked past one of them...I stopped and looked at one for a long moment....The Pillars were I imagine...about 10 to 12 feet wide...and they were embedded with every kind of jewel imaginable....They were beautiful sapphires, emeralds, diamonds...the colors of the jewels were beautiful....but again the light was so intense that I could only see the colors sparkling as an afterthought... The pillars were staggered two-50 yards apart...and then two about 75 yards apart all the way to a series of steps.

As I entered the room... I could hear the voices of millions of singers...the sounds of a million instruments....all playing their own strange beautiful song ...but somehow...this most wonderful of sounds...this orchestra and choir....created a harmonious wonderful sound...The sound was thunderously loud...but it didn't hurt my ears....in fact...I felt no pain whatsoever..This music surpasses any music I have ever imagined....It is second in beauty only to the glorious lovely light....
I then ended up in front of a hewn wooden courtroom bench...The bench was tall...I could not see the top of it because I was looking down....But it was at least 10-15 fee tall. At least it felt as if I was in a court-room.
This has exhausted me a bit. Telling this story is so personal....but I want you to know that the being I was about to speak with... I called this being "God"....I could also call this being Love....This being is The Light......The intensity of this light is so strong...but the light doesn't blind you....

If you want to know more...I will tell you...I can tell you this...God is greater than any version of a deity we have ever imagined...on earth...the love of this being is bigger than all of the great religions..Christianity...Buddhism...or god's Krishna...Jehovah..or anything...because the Love of this being is the love of all that there is....I imagine this being as God...but if u want to imagine this being as something else...go ahead....If you could sum up this being as one word though... I would call this being Love.

As I stood before this courtbench, I sensed the being above me. I was looking down, because if I looked up, I would die in my body. I didn't really understand that concept at the time though. I just figured this orb of light that was standing behind had my best interest at heart so I kept my eyes directed down. I understand now that if I looked up into the eyes of this glorious being, I would not have desired to return to my smashed and broken body. My body was in a dire and precarious condition. My neck was fractured as my convertible MG was rolling over and over in the material world. I believe I died by the time the tiny car I was driving had rolled on top of me for the third time.
This being I called "God" was above me in this majestic Supreme Court Room and brought my "Life Review" back to my attention. Although I did not look up, I sensed these other beings on either side of this being I called "God." I also sensed two beings floating above the being I called "God." "God" does not accurately depict who this being was. But now I know that there is a lot to learn even in heaven. This being was as you said, "Perfect Love." I have begun calling this being "Yah" in the last several years. I intuited that I was supposed to respond to my life. I said,
"Thank you 'God' for my life." ... " I had a wonderful life." In my life-review I called up memories of my mother and grandmother...I called up memories of playing with childhood friends.... I called up the memory of fishing with my grandfather....all of my life...all of the million ways I had been blessed...I saw hundreds of sunrises and sunsets. I felt the absolute blessing I had received through my life.... I distinctly remember the joy I felt while flying over a river in a single engine plane. I was just outside the cockpit of the airplane, looking down at the river winding below me. It was beautiful...I remembered flying into a cloud...This was a time when I just was having fun flying along a river and enjoying it for joy's sake. I remembered every good thing...that had ever occurred in my life. I said to "God," Thank you for flying."
Then, what happened next, I was totally un-prepared for..."God" spoke to me, asked me in this voice that was neither male or female....with the most lovely words that have ever been spoken to me, " Did you learn enough about love." This was all that this being said to me but inside these words were a million sayings...a complete realignment of my whole concept of what was important. It was a staggering statement. This being told me things in these few words that I have taken 20 years to absorb and am still not even close to touching the true meaning. I get little glimpses of new knowledge as I go through my life though. I just see things differently now that I know how you are supposed to see other people. The saying of those words made me examine my life from a totally different way...through the eyes of love. I realized just how wonderful my life had been in a profound way. I saw me the way "God" saw me. I knew how much this being loved me. It was beyond comprehending. There is no comparison.

I didn't know what to say. I know for certainty, there is an almost infinite amount things to learn in this life and even more beyond the life we are living now. I quietly said, " Thank for my mother's love...and all my friends...and my family" ...and then I said, "but...I never had a wife or children." I had judged myself...My meeting before this assembly of loving beings was over. In one moment I was out of the Court Room.

I was back on a road of translucent gold. I could look up now. I could see a beautiful garden with brilliantly beautiful flowers and perfectly manicured grass. There were groomed hedges along the walls on either side and perfect trees. There was nothing dead at all in this garden. Every thing was vibrant with life. The orchestra and choir were playing their marvelous symphony and song in the background. As I looked down the road, I saw a line white of orbs of light...moving off the edge of this place I called heaven. Heaven is not round. Heaven is like a big rectangular boxy spaceship. As I came close to the edge of heaven, I saw white orbs going down, like an almost infinite string of pearls. As I went over the edge, I felt myself emerged in pitch darkness.
My return trip was almost as extraordinary as my visit with this being I spoke with. If you want to know how my return trip went... I will try to tell you when I can get the energy. I can't fully describe how loving this being was. Words are not enough...but I can assure you...that the judgement is not a bad thing...Our lives on earth and in heaven are all about learning. WE get to keep the blessings we had on earth through the Eyes of "Perfect Love." This state of becoming a light filled being should be our goal if we are going to learn all of the lessons we can learn from this life. But you get help. There are lots of spiritual beings out there just waiting to help you with your learning. While I am far from perfect, at least I know what perfection is. Sometimes I want to go back...every day actually...but i am here...we are here...

I think the real proof of my experience is the changes in my outlook on life...I may have said I had been in the military...When I joined the military....I had the overpowering desire to destroy communism...I fantasized about flying to Moscow on a one way trip...on a secret mission...to destroy the Kremlin with a nuclear device....(does this sound vaguely familiar..I became a pilot when I was 15...throwing newspapers...sacking groceries...or whatever I could to get to flying lesson...I had to sit on a phone book to see over the das...I was a good pilot. I spent years learning every weapons system...waiting for my chance to do my part to change the world...When Ronald Reagan Spoke of the Evil Empire...I thought my time would soon come....

The change: When I returned from my NDE...I no longer wanted to kill anyone...I left the army...I spent years trying to figure out what God meant for me to do..I know this....I am not a Saint...but I try to make every day...a day where I personally try to give the same type of love to others that was shown to me...I fail to give Love the way it was given to me...but I know that the very effort of giving as much love as you can is not forgotten...This is a long way from my unenlightened believer in the American Dream Myth I had before my experience....I know more than anything...that "God" is love.....and that is a long way from what I believed before my experience...The God I knew before my Experience was an Angry Avenging God...The God I know now is like a cross between a loving mom and a caring daddy...Proof is hard stuff....I guess I will never be able to prove Yah exists to folks hardened against it...If I walked on water...somebody might say it is just a special effect...or mind manipulation....This event happened more than 20 years ago...It is hard to put down in words something that is not in the context of what I am familiar...Try describing love to me...in detail...in the written form...and get back with me..Even though I experienced a NDE, it is not easy to make the words to describe it come out to easy...

I don't know why I walked off the edge of heaven. I just did. I was walking toward a huge line of white orbs as they just walked off the edge so I got in line and did the same thing. It was almost as if I had done it several times before and I just knew what to do. There is no fear and no darkness there. There are no tears. It is a joy to be there..in heaven...with this wonderful being... The Inexpressible Light of Love...
I looked into a pitch black thick darkness and stepped off the edge of this rectangular shaped heaven. Still there was no fear but everything around me was absolute darkness. I could see the orbs in front of me...They weaved down in an irregular pattern...appearing like a precarious ladder...going down... into complete darkness...
I didn't know where I was going...and I did not seem concerned about the journey. This was not the tunnel I had come from... This place I called heaven was beyond time and space....long before there were stars and matter. There was not time where I came from...but where I was going to....from a far and distant vantage point... I witnessed time speeding forward from the beginning of the existence of a material earth...to its ultimate destruction......
The first physical objects I recognized were points of light that looked like faint lights in the distance. At this point I began to recognize the backs of my hands in front of me. It was quite a bit different than looking at my body...there was a distinct lightness to them...not transparent...but not solid either...
I looked behind me...to look at stars flying past me; behind me were a trail of other beings...but they still looked like orbs....dancing across the cosmos...like a crazy Chinese new year's dragon....I looked forward again and planets went flying by.

It was an amazing trip in retrospect....but I was not in awe... I could control my movements but I was falling at a blinding speed.Then in front of me was a blue marble... Earth....
IT WAS BEAUTIFUL....Perfect....Uncontaminated..Illuminated....Earth had become clean....and pure... Then....A huge explosion from the center of the Earth occurred....Earth was shattered into a billion pieces......I was observing the end of the Earth.....The fireball erupted from the center and the Earth began breaking into parts
...The pieces of earth went flying past me on the edge of what I believe was the atmosphere.......{Kind of odd that I saw earth exploding outward because I had a certain sense that I was seeing the end of time...moving backwards...)....I have to stop here....The next part of my experience will take too much out of me to say right now....I want to let the experience speak for itself and I sense from my last statement that I am getting beyond my ability to say what occurred....I will try again when I can : )
But do not dread the future....our souls are indestructible...If the earth fell into the sun today...your soul could dance in the flames...(That saying was just given to me by Yah" : )

As I entered back into the atmosphere...below me I could see the Great Lakes...How my soul knew where it was going is still hidden from me. As I flew down to my body like Superman, I could see my arms in front of me. I could not see through so they must of had some kind of substance but I didn't feel any weight of a body. I had a shell of a body surrounding my soul. As I went through the clouds rain began to hit my arms...but I could not not feel the raindrops hitting my arms although I could see them splashing off of me. I kew for sure that I was not in a physical body at this point but something in between the orbs of light I met in heaven and my physical body which was well below me. As I was moving closer to my body I recognized the road I had been traveling down before
I left my body. Then off on the side of the road, I observed a lady pulled over on the side of the road and getting out of her car. I then recognized my little MGB which had landed on its four wheel after it had rolled three times.
don't know who that lady is...but she got out of her car on that day and saved my life. I hope her life is blessed because she blessed my life that day. The top of my convertible was ripped off and as I was getting closer, I saw my body still in the driver's seat. I entered back in my body and their was darkness. The lady had sent a man to call for an ambulence. I was 45 miles from any town and the closest hospital was in Toledo Ohio. But..by some miracle there was a volunteer ambulance service close by and they arrive after only 5 minutes of calling 911. My car was still running! I had just had it tuned up before I left. It was a nice running little car.
The lady who I had seen pull over on the side of the road asked me if I was alright. I was thinking about how I was going to get a ticket for wrecking my car. I said, " I'm alright but I think I need to go to a hospital." I asked the lady if she would follow me. I tried to argue with her about how my car was just fine. I was in the military and didn't want to get in trouble for wrecking my car. I was traveling to go to a special school in North Dakota and I was going to go visit a girl I like in Chicago. It was quite a detour...but I was only 21.
She said, " I think you should just lay down." She found a blanket and made me lay down on the ground and she covered me up with the blanket. At this point I began to feel freezing cold...Ice cold blood seemed to be freezing in my veins. I was in shock and I was dying again. The men from the Volunteer Ambulance service arrived and put a neck brace on me and and bound my body down to a stretcher. I shaking badly as they drove me to the hospital. I want to thank those guy. I never did. The took be to the ambulance and then I took a trip to Toledo Hospital.
This should have been a frightening time in my life. The pain was horrific....But I was rather calm through the whole ordeal.My neck vertebrae had jumped tracks and broken. Glass was embedded in my chest and back...somehow my face ad managed to escape without scarring. I had apparently flown through my left and right window and forward through my front windshield as my car rolled over and over.In the emergency room they were trying to stabilize and they were putting tube in my nose down into throat. That hurt worse than my broken neck. they stabilized me and sent me upstair. Those folks save my life. I wish I could tell them how much that meant to me. I never did say thank you.
Later they put me in traction. They drilled screws into my skull and put me in traction. In a circular bed..it was like a torture chamber. I don't remember much. But the nurse called the nurse in San Antonio, where they took me and told the nurses I was flirting with the nurse and got all their phone number. I must not have been shy on morphine.
My mother called Jake Pickle to find out what had happened to me. She sensed that something was wrong. They sent an Army Jet to deliver me to San Antonio. The flight was excruciating. They put me back in traction in San Antonio. My vertebrae popped back in place after a few week. The nurses there were so nice to me. The nurses from Toledo sent me flowers. I was around the most loving caring people you could imagine. I felt confident that I would be okay but the dreary windowless ICU felt like a tomb. I never even called to thank those wonderful people who save my life and watched over me. Thank you.
I spent the next year in and out of a body cast and I went to Washington Walter Reed where they fused my vertebrae..C-4-5-6.

If you read this far, I find that if you learn anything from this is that we are all instilled with the light of love and we should treat each other as if the other is ourself because they really are. If we are to live this life to be the most valuable it can be then we should try to live that way. Returning harm for harm is like poking oneself in the eye and then poking the eye as a response. To make this flesh trip worth the trouble, help others with loving-kindness. Every day I fail to do this but each time I do that time becomes timeless....recorded forever in a 3D recording of our lives. That is the real substance of what we get to take to the other side.


2007-03-18 07:06:18 · answer #10 · answered by rudenski 5 · 0 1

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