you have your whole life to date... n 16 isnt a bad age..
your going to go through so much between the ages of 16 and 18 that u will get lots of experience
2007-03-14 12:07:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You must date before you are 16 or your life is over. And with a little hard work and Grey Goose you could probably have a baby by 17! And that's when life's doors really begin to open up for you :) Now let's get this party started!
2007-03-14 12:10:40
answer #2
answered by killmylandlord 4
I know how you feel because this is even worse for my situation. just go along with the fact that you cant date until then. It doesn't matter with having experience because if that person who enjoys your time then nothing like messing up would really take place. Having a boyfriend is like a longing thing but don't worry time goes fast.
2007-03-14 12:10:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Goodness, 16 and no experience - what a disaster (sarcasm) thats absurd - at 16 even if you've had so called boyfriends you arent 'experienced' or you shouldnt be unless your very promiscuous - its a good thing to wait until you're old enough to know yourself first.
2007-03-14 12:07:54
answer #4
answered by radiancia 6
I understand the feeling. However, try not to be too eager. I know you probably hear this a lot, but you have plenty of time ahead of you. Wait until you find someone who is right for you, whether it be tomorrow or in two years. With luck, you'll find that special someone and you'll probably be ready.
2007-03-14 12:08:38
answer #5
answered by Prue 3
16 is a good age to start dating . Keep cool and concentrate on school first . You will not miss anything until then .
2007-03-14 12:07:55
answer #6
answered by silverearth1 7
dont stress regardless of what anyone may say everyone has little or no real experience with dating at 16 --- its all new and all different --- some may put on an air of knowledge its all front --- you dont need a boyfriend just yet --- best wishes
2007-03-14 12:12:49
answer #7
answered by Waterdragon 7
Take your are still young. You will know when it is time to start dating. I can tell you that you will make your biggest dating mistakes you are young and inexperienced. Your parents are correct - take your time and do not make a mistake that you could pay for for - for the rest of your life
2007-03-14 12:09:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Girl Just sneak it ok
basically make it do what it do k
2007-03-14 12:09:10
answer #9
answered by Baby Girl 2
Start giving guys lots of kinky will get lots of boyfriends
2007-03-14 12:08:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous