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i just started going out with a girl that i have liked for a while now, but there is a problem. there is this other girl that really likes me, but i really don't like her. for some odd reason, this girl thinks that bugging me until my hair falls out will make me like her. she knows that i am going out with the other girl, but doesn't care and has even tried telling me to break up with her today right in front of my new gf. she has been doing stuff like this for a while now, and i have tried to be really nice about putting her down, but she still persists. if she keeps this up, im going to snap!!!! the girl im with is getting pretty ticked as well, they have already gotten in an argument and want to take it further, but i would really rather not have them fight( even though my girl would win). how can i get rid of this psycho?

2007-03-14 11:57:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

8 answers

Your stalker has a serious problem that being a little mean or telling her to stop won't fix. The way to stop this forever is to go to a teacher you trust and ask her to talk to this girl with you. You need to sit down with the three of you and you need to tell her that even if you didn't have another girlfriend you wouldn't be interested in her. Tell her, in a matter-of-fact way, that you don't find her attractive even though you think she's very nice and that isn't going to change. Ever. Then you need to tell her that if she tries again to contact you, come between you and your girlfriend or threaten you or your girlfriend that you will call the police. You don't have to be an adult to be a stalker.

If she does try again call the police.

2007-03-14 12:08:04 · answer #1 · answered by Gretchen C 2 · 0 0

Sounds like shes totally crossed the line, forget about being nice. You need to let this girl know your NOT interested. Even if that does mean being cruel, who cares--she needs to take a hint.

2007-03-14 19:03:16 · answer #2 · answered by Dakota 1 · 0 0

The only way to get rid of her is to tell her straight up to hit the road. Be honest and frank, not nice.

2007-03-14 19:01:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Tell her that you don't like her that way. Or have your girl friend fight her (verbally). If she continues, get a restraining order.

2007-03-14 19:00:04 · answer #4 · answered by Rewind 4 · 0 0

be a little mean. just come out and say you're not leaving your girlfriend for her so she needs to stop annoying you. she should get over it... at least you were honest.

2007-03-14 19:01:18 · answer #5 · answered by greysanatomylover3 1 · 0 0

set her straight. but don't half-*** it over the phone or online. maybe you and your gf should talk to her alone, seriously

2007-03-14 19:01:33 · answer #6 · answered by rise FROM the ashes 2 · 0 0

sh needs to let it go. try saying it once more that your not interested, then just ignore her.

2007-03-14 19:00:56 · answer #7 · answered by Trouble 1 · 0 0

Do them all..........

2007-03-14 19:00:07 · answer #8 · answered by troble # one? 7 · 0 0

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