This sounds like something that you need to sit down and talk to him about. If it bugs you that much, talk to him before things between you get really bad.
2007-03-14 11:58:06
answer #1
answered by LTD 4
I would openly discuss it with him. If it's bothering you enough to ask a totaly stranger, it's bothing you enough to talk about it with a person you care enough to date. Come on, if he can see you partialy naked or fully, you can discuss why he's acting like an army general when it comes to your food.
Bottom line though: I wouldn't put up with it for long. I'm sorry, females got to eat. Eatting habits are very easy to form & if he's cutting you off now, these are unhealthy patterns that you could adapt to later in life. If he doesn't understand you need food (especialy around that time of the month... DO NOT deprive us of chocolate!!) then he needs to go.
In a healthy relationship, he will understand that you have your cravings & he needs to learn self control. If he can't obtain a simple request like respecting the fact that you, as a human, need food, and adjust to it then he's not respecting you.
In a more serious manner, if this is the beginning of the relationship and he's telling you what to eat & what not to eat, this could be a very dangerous relationship. Physically & mentally abusive relationships start with small comments like food, then move to the way you look, what you wear, your friends. Proceed with caution!
2007-03-14 12:04:45
answer #2
answered by Meg 4
Thats kind of odd, Maybe he is just not very good at sharing. Tell him not to be so inconsiderate & that its bad manners not to offer even though you decline. Thats what i would do, & say you need to control your own eating habits and if i want a kit kat in the freezer then I'm gonna store some there and I dont want you to eat them. Because i know from time to time its a good snack. Just dont go overboard and buy a box from costco or anything. Treat him how he treats you dont offer to serve him desert.
2007-03-14 12:02:17
answer #3
answered by ~chopperwon~ 3
hi there I think that we are our own boss in eating habits. unless if it's a medical condition then I say following advise from others would be in our best interest. you have to take care of your own body as in eating good foods but letting another person do it for you when you do not have a medical conditions is out of the question. but hey if he is over a few pounds than maybe you should stop him from eating. you has a person should eat what you want but with caution 3 meals a day nothing after 6 pm but a fruit or yogurt . wheat bread meaning eat heatlhy is wiser . well take care be well be safe and in good health.
2007-03-14 12:08:16
answer #4
answered by sugarlove_one 4
You need food, hun. Tell him off, girlfriend! Just go get yourself a snack from the cupboard, or grab a carton of ice cream from the market! You have a life, don't let him control it. If he has a problem, try to hide any sweets so that he won't eat them. He just can't go around dictating what you eat. If he's only your boyfriend, DON'T LIVE WITH HIM!!!!!! Because that's what it sounds like.
2007-03-14 11:58:35
answer #5
answered by DramaChic 2
You need to either leave him or stand up for yourself. Tell him how you feel and let him know that his behavior isn't okay anymore. Then, when he goes to get a snack, ask him to bring you something, too (if you're hungry). When you want chocolate, buy chocolate. You don't have to taunt him with it (since he's on a diet), but he's waaaaaay too controlling. If he won't listen or gets worse, I'd leave. Sorry, hon.
2007-03-14 11:58:49
answer #6
answered by Kristi 3
If I were in your shoes I would leave him.
The reason why is because he is so selfish and if he thinks that being skinny and puicking back up your food just to stay really really skinny and not letting you get you want... dump him.
I mean really I wouldn't stay with him because controlling people are always the ones who thinks they have the pants in the house when both of you should have the same amount of pants room.
2007-03-14 12:06:32
answer #7
answered by astateson111 2
Unless he's perfect in every other way, I'd think he's inconsiderate and controlling.
Maybe you should look at the entire relationship and see if he makes other decisions for you, too.
If so, you should plan to move out and get your own place and see him on alternate Thursdays so that you can develop your own persona, without his overbearing machismo.
Sorry for being so harsh, but when you're an easygoing person (as I am) people just move in and start dictating, and you don't even notice it until they get totally out of hand.
2007-03-14 11:59:52
answer #8
answered by nora22000 7
he's a pig! u should do the same and not offer him anything...and if he wants any u say get ur own this is mine and then when he's eating and not offering u any just take some from him...i hate men like that...then he really doesn't love u 4 who u are after...if u gained a little wheight that would bother vain is that!...he shouldn't tell u what to do period...he doesn't own u!
2007-03-14 11:59:25
answer #9
answered by jojo 5
It sounds like he's trying to control your behavior. I'd dump him and find a man that didn't tell me what to do. I'm saying this because I was in a relationship where my ex tried to control everything I did. I'll never let that happen again!
2007-03-14 11:58:50
answer #10
answered by Sabina 5
well i would respect the stuff like chocolate and junk food not being around if he is not able to resist it, but as far as controlling your portion sizes, that's when i would say something, cause that's just a little too far
2007-03-14 12:01:48
answer #11
answered by jjgreen 2