No, that's not bad, It's natural. So do whatever you want.
2007-03-14 11:53:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What's wrong with just being best friends? Girlfriend and Boyfriend are titles that kids may use in high school. At this stage... I think you may get a better reaction from people around you if you just refer to each other as "best friends".
Also being best friends is more fun...means you enjoy each others company and do fun things with.
There is a kind of stigma associated to the word "boyfriend". A "boyfriend" is obligated to you... will he loan you money when you need it? Will he dirve you to work when you car breaks down? Does he open doors for you? Throw his coat down over a puddle so that you can walk over it without getting mud on your shoes. He also has to treat your parents with respect... and if your dad is building a patio in the backyard he is obligated to help.... These are things your "boyfriend" should do. (I know some of these sound a bit corny but.. when your being courted by a man... expect to be considered special. These things will come when your a bit older.... there is no need to rush to be grown up.)
2007-03-14 12:13:24
answer #2
answered by Darren 7
I've has crushes in grade 6 i remember there was one guy that i just couldn't stop thinking about. We went to the dance together and we both liked eachother, but after "dating" for a week we desided that we liked being best friends alot better. Now i am in grade 10 and he is still my best friend. So my advice to you is do what you want to do. Date him but just don't let what happens ruin you friendship with him. That is always the worst thing. Good Luck
2007-03-14 11:57:56
answer #3
answered by *~*Volleyball player*~* 6
yes it's too young to waste your time on your hormones.
nothing wrong with liking each other and being friends, but you both have some growing to do and chances are pretty goodyou might end up growing apart anyway so why bother.
2007-03-14 11:55:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think you should say yes. I'm in sixth grade and I have a bf. He is nice to me. Just remember, the younger, the better.
2007-03-14 11:55:11
answer #5
answered by Chase 2
You should only say yes if you are really into him. I don't think you're too young to be a couple.
2007-03-14 11:54:00
answer #6
answered by Blossom 1
Before saying yes consder whether you can risk losing him. when you guys break up will you regret going out with him or is he going to make you a better person?
2007-03-14 11:56:26
answer #7
answered by Violet J 1
Honey, you are only in sixth grade. Its just puppy love! Tell him that you like him, but you are too young to be dating. Good luck!
2007-03-14 11:54:47
answer #8
answered by Caiti 2
I'm in 7th grade, and i think that if you like him, nothing should stop you from saying yes. just dont get too serious too fast. it can lead to bad things, trust me.
2007-03-14 11:53:59
answer #9
answered by Liz 3
I remember I had girlfriends from 2 grade to 5 grade, but they were all little cute crushes. It seems this is what you have. Go for it, your young, but I'm trusting your not going to do anything stupid. DONT BE STUPID! YOUR TOO YOUNG FOR STUPID!
2007-03-14 11:55:19
answer #10
answered by Back 4 Revenge 2
I would first talk to your parents and see if dating is okay. If you don't want to ask them. GO FOR IT!!! its not to young and pretty soon you'll be in middle school. if it dosn't turn out good just tell him you want to be friends. good luck
2007-03-14 11:54:25
answer #11
answered by pjpilar 1