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How can we as Christians justify abortion when in the Bible it says that the Lord 'knew' us before we were born? He knew us before we were even conceived. What do you say about this.
To those of you who aren't Christian, please feel free to voice your opinion, simply understand that I am speaking as a believer and that life is to precious to destroy out of a need for convenience.

2007-03-14 10:58:48 · 22 answers · asked by You Ask & I Answer!!! 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

I cannot justify abortion.

Thought you might enjoy Mother Teresa's wisdom on this: "If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people to not kill each other? Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.
- From her National Prayer Breakfast Speech Against Abortion (1994) " & "It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish."

2007-03-14 11:06:49 · answer #1 · answered by Giggly Giraffe 7 · 2 0

Non-Christians are believers too.

You are right, abortion kills life, and who are we to destroy what God has created?

eating meat

All of these are examples of killing, but in different form. Some of you may think I'm wacko for listing stuff like dairy and eggs, but these animals get slaughtered too. I guess I'm presenting my vegan point of view.

I digress.

I agree with you, abortion is murder. Simple.

If the life of a mother is in jeopardy due to pregnancy, then abortion is the lesser of two evils, those being the baby dying, or the mother dying.

If a woman was raped, the baby is *still* an innocent life who didn't ask to be conceived. However, in the case of rape, I would totally understand if the woman decided to get an abortion. Having to carry a rape baby for 9 months is a horrible thing to ask a woman to do. And when the baby is born, how will s/he feel knowing that s/he is a product of rape? Whatever a woman decides in this situation, I'm cool with.

If a woman is poor, TOO BAD. Give it up for adoption. Who the hell is she to say that the baby doesn't deserve a shot at life? No one should decide on when life begins and ends but God. If she's too young, TOO BAD. Same goes for a young mother, give the baby up for adoption to someone who can afford to take care of the baby, and who is mature enough to handle this. Besides, there is open adoption now, so a mother need not be separate from her adopted baby anymore.

My two cents.

2007-03-14 11:14:43 · answer #2 · answered by Dolores G. Llamas 6 · 0 0

The Bible clearly says that the Lord knew us before we were born. Regardless of that fact, the Lord also killed many of us that he knew before we were born through abortion in the form of miscarriage. God also presumably knew that he would abort some of us and that abortion was part of his plan.
It is interesting to think of why God may use abortion and why he clearly does sanction abortion. Each time a pro lifer "saves" a fetus he is killing at least 12 loved and wanted children. That is because the resouces that are required to raise a fetus can be easily used to raise 12 third world children. And I think God knows this and that that is his reasoning behind supporting abortion as strongly as he does. For example God constantly says that we should feed and take care of the poor, yet he never says we should save a fetus. To most people this feeding the poor is just common sense. As our society becomes dumbed down, the ability to reason decreases and we end up with "pro life" advocates that actually cause the death of 12 times more kids than they save.

2007-03-14 14:39:55 · answer #3 · answered by Give me Liberty 5 · 0 0

You are right. And to those people who use the justification that it is the woman's body, what about the that baby's body that was just destroyed. Why do you consider a person any less of a person just because the body is not yet fully formed? Even when a baby is born, it is not fully formed. Many parts of the body continue to grow and mature even after birth. I just do not understand how anyone can justify murdering a baby only because it has not yet made its way out of its mother's womb.

2007-03-14 11:15:35 · answer #4 · answered by rbarc 4 · 0 0

On that point, I might ask this:
If every fertilized egg is a human life, why is it that most of them are never born? Even without abortion, most fertilized eggs either never implant, or are aborted spontaneously before a woman ever knows she might have been pregnant? Does that mean that God is in wholesale abortion? In those cases, is a "person" being killed?

Where resides a soul? Does a fertilized egg have a soul, long before any part of the body of the potential being is even formed?

2007-03-14 13:51:48 · answer #5 · answered by Deirdre H 7 · 0 0

Hmmm, like I discussed with another christian I am pro-choice. I argue that something without a central nervous system is really not human at all. It is an arbitrary marker perhaps, and in this really emotional issue I am loathe to do it but I have to place a marker somewhere, and this seems like a rational junction.

A clump of cells without a central nervous system. I would place the limit at the development of that central nervous system.
For me personally, you understand. I would not presume to judge or hold council over another in such a difficult position.

2007-03-14 11:15:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

That is the problem today. People use abortion as a convience to there mistakes.
Every life is precious and should not be destroyed because of peoples stupidity.
Abortion is murder, it always has been and always will be. We all weep for these forgotten children.

2007-03-14 11:06:32 · answer #7 · answered by Kerilyn 7 · 3 0

Using these same verses, many Christians believe that God knows the hour and day of our birth as well as our death. If this is true, then if you stop an abortion, you are interfering with God's plan.

Plus, what can be so wrong about sending all those little babies up to Heaven to be with God? I would think that an atheist would have more objections to abortion than would a Christian. Isn't getting to Heaven everyone's goal in the long run, anyway?

Unless....when faced with death, even the most devout Christian knows deep, deep, down inside that Heaven probably doesn't really exist.....

free2bfearless, is a baby from non-consenting adults any less of a person than a baby from consenting adults? For a Christian to accept abortion in cases of incest and rape produces a huge fallacy.

And your logic concerning the "guy that wants to kill me" is flawed too. What if it is God's will that I die. Would you have stopped the cruficixion of Jesus? Just think about the paradox you've opened.

(Fallacies and Paradoxes that disappear only when you accept the truth that God doesn't exist).

And so the asker once again, when God (by commandment) killed the Caananites, every man, woman, child, and baby (and even pregnant women with their babies) wasn't that destroying life for convenience? God could have simply relocated the Caananites like the Jews have done for the Palestinians. He didn't have to kill them, did he? Talk about eminent domain! Geesh!

2007-03-14 11:03:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 5

It can't be justified from either a religious POV or logically. For example, I wonder why abortion is legal, but if you attack a pregnant woman and kill her unborn child, you can be charged with murder. What hypocrisy.

Is it only murder when the baby is wanted?

2007-03-14 11:09:53 · answer #9 · answered by cmw 6 · 2 0

I don't believe we can justify abortion. I don't believe that we can even justify many types of birth control, which are at their core--abortion, but many Christians are very informed about these things.

2007-03-14 11:08:52 · answer #10 · answered by happygirl 6 · 2 0

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