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.......in denial of God? Why do atheists insist on proving that God doesn't exist and ignore the facts that surround the Bible? Why are Atheists lazy? Atheists mostly will say they don't serve God because they don't want to comply with Christian rules and don't want to be responsible for a god to worship. Why be so lazy?

2007-03-14 10:03:17 · 29 answers · asked by Branden 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

3 out of 5 athiests have sadi something similar to what I said. Check my profile out and see the questions I've aked about athiests before.

2007-03-14 10:13:46 · update #1

quit reading psalms and telling me my religion is wrong. the existence of God would make that burning bush in Genisis possible so quit saying otherwise

2007-03-14 10:25:26 · update #2

Paul S, I'm not lying. check out my other questions. You'll see that athiest have said stuff like "why follow your religion when it's no fun. Athiests don't like religion for many reasons not only that. You may not like christians because of other reasons but many have shown me laziness. (Spiritually and well religously)

2007-03-14 10:30:06 · update #3

29 answers

I love this. Yeah, us atheists are too lazy to be as moral as you are. I just can't get up the gumption to say things like

"Atheists mostly will say they don't serve God because they don't want to comply with Christian rules and don't want to be responsible for a god to worship".

I mean, yeah, if I had a nickel for everytime an atheist told me that, I'd have, well, no nickels.
Kid, have you thought about how it looks when so many of you Christians repeat that same idiotic piece of utter nonsense? Until I came here and saw that, I never thought that Christians were anywhere near that desperate - I assumed they were simply innocently confused. But I've seen that same lie - the one you just told - over and over and over again so many times that I'm dead certain that your churches are teaching you that. I'll bet anything that you're reading that lie in Christian publications, and that your preachers are preaching it from the pulpit, and that it in fact permeates everything that your religion teaches about atheists.

It's so obviously false that I also have to believe that your religion is intentionally appealing to morons.

Atheists don't "insist on proving that God doesn't exist" either. You just made that one up too. The "rebelling" line is dishonest and idiotic as well.

It's pretty obvious that you've chosen to be Christian because it's easier than being moral.
"3 out of 5 athiests have sadi something similar to what I said."

Lying isn't like multiplying negative numbers. It doesn't become the truth when you tell the same lie the second time. You know as well as I do that "3 out of 5" atheists haven't said any such thing - I'll bet you can't find a single one who has. It's a standard Christians line about atheism, and as such, has nothing whatsoever to do with the truth.
You started with "atheists mostly...", and then put "3 out of 5 atheists...", and now you're giving me one quote that barely touches on your claim? And without a link?

I don't believe you. I've been here long enough to know that your tall tales about atheists are fiction. Put up or shut up - let's see some evidence.

I think this is all in your head - you can't get your head around the fact that atheists don't believe in god because there's no sign that a god exists. You desperately want to believe that atheism is the product of laziness and/or immorality, and you've convinced yourself of that despite the fact that it simply isn't true. Now that I've challenged your belief, you're going to slowly realize that you made it all up - that it has nothing to do with reality. Wait for it - it'll come, if you actually look at what atheists say and do rather than buying into what some liar in your church told you to believe.

2007-03-14 10:07:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

It's clear from all the hateful anwsers here that this question must have struck a cord with many atheists. And I think it's because deep down they know that these allegations are correct. The simple fact is that many atheists would actually be religious if it didn't demand a moral life. There are many people (agnostics and atheists) who have jumped into strange religions or pervertions of christianity because they allow or even encourage sinful lifestyles.

Atheists also have a shallow, superficial understanding of the bible. They rattle off things from the old testament and use that to condemn the whole bible (including the new testament). They fail to understand why things had to be done a certain way in the bible, for example to emphasize the seriousness of sin and it's consequence of death. They fail to get past a superficial reading of the texts and see into it's spiritual depth.

Atheists also tend to have a very concrete and shallow view of the universe and existence itself. They don't appreciate the fact that we don't just exist for no reason at all. That we're not just here by accident. Sometimes it's not really their fault and sometimes it is.

Fortunately everyone will get their chance for salvation and it's up to each individual whether he/she takes it or not.

2007-03-16 00:38:39 · answer #2 · answered by Nick 2 · 0 1

You're lying when you say that atheists say they don't want to comply with "Christian" rules or be "responsible" to a God to worship. That's the kind of things Christians like to tell each other to make themselves feel better. Non-belief has nothing to do with being "lazy". You are ignorant, arrogant, and obviously desperate to make such statements, and it shows. You're presenting a very weak argument, and nobody's buying it. Atheists follow most of the same life rules Christians follow, they just don't attach a mythical figure to their life rules. And has it ever occurred to you that atheists think that you're the lazy one for just attaching a supernatural significance to everything you don't understand, rather than taking the time and making the effort to look for the truth?
Your argument is a very poor one in favor of God. Hurling insults at atheists will not convince them that God exists.

2007-03-14 17:34:51 · answer #3 · answered by Jess H 7 · 1 0

1. We're not in denial. To be in denial, there has to be something to deny.

2. I don't insist on proving that god doesn't exist. I tried for so long to find Him and He never showed up. I don't see any reason to prove He ain't there, because He does a pretty good job of it Himself.

3. What facts?

4. Why are you generalizing?

5. You must have met some strange atheists. Most atheists i know of say they don't serve God because there's no such thing as God. (They *might* say that they wouldn't serve the Christian god ~**IF**~ He did exist--but if they thought that He existed for them to disobey, then they wouldn't be atheists.)

6. What exactly are we supposedly lazy about?


2007-03-14 17:26:45 · answer #4 · answered by RickySTT, EAC 5 · 2 0

"Why are atheists in denial of God?" There is no evidence.

"Why do atheists insist on proving that God doesn't exist and ignore the facts that surround the Bible?" Facts suggest the bible is nothing but a book of legends.

"Why are Atheists lazy? Atheists mostly will say they don't serve God because they don't want to comply with Christian rules and don't want to be responsible for a god to worship. Why be so lazy?" You consider Bill Gates, Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, and a host of other atheists lazy? This is just a straw man. We don't believe in God because there is no evidence. We are responsible to ourselves, our families, and our communities.

2007-03-14 17:09:47 · answer #5 · answered by NHBaritone 7 · 9 0

It could either be the lack of or the denial of God(s). Atheists are not Christian-centric and I personally look at all religions in a equal manner. I dont insist on proving God does not exist, rather on showing why all God(s) are equavalent to eachother in ways common to all cultures. Atheists arent lazy, I work at an independent studies high school and am currently going to college. Atheists say the same thing towards all religions, Christians are obviously dogmatic and believe they are correct, I would say who says they are correct? Anyways, I wouldnt want to join any religious group, not just yours!

2007-03-14 17:16:08 · answer #6 · answered by Maikeru 4 · 4 0

There's nothing to deny.

I can't prove a negative. I can't disprove Yahweh any more than you can disprove the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

The Bible is factual? Since when?

*laughing* Lazy? Sure... you could say that... if you have no idea what you're talking about.

No... I don't say that I "won't serve God"... I say that no deity exists to be served. It's not about responsibility or accountability, kiddo. It's all about the fact that the "god concept" is logically impossible.

2007-03-15 04:41:47 · answer #7 · answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7 · 0 1

Laziness? Seriously, that's why you think people don't believe in God? Let me ask you this... if we are so lazy, why are we constantly having to defend our choices to Christians who spout nonsense and dogma and scripture as proof that they are right instead of working out a rational, logical and valid argument in defense of their choice to believe? You're the lazy ones, assuming that believers are right, non-believers are wrong, and we're all going to Hell in the end. When's the last time you went out and did good works for your fellow man? When's the last time you had a real religious debate with someone who believes differently than you? The only Christians who can validly claim not to be lazy are the ones who go door-to-door selling their brand of religion. They're annoying as Hell, but at least they're not lazy.

2007-03-14 17:10:21 · answer #8 · answered by sacredvanity 5 · 5 0

Nice generalizations!!

So, I'm not sure where you're getting your information, but I don't think most Atheists deny god's existence out of laziness. After all, being a Christian doesn't seem to be so much work. Read one book, and tell everyone who doesn't that they are evil.

I'm an atheist because I have seen no proof of god, and because the scientific explanations of the world satisfy me.

2007-03-14 17:09:36 · answer #9 · answered by Greenio 2 · 6 0

Lazy?! LOL! I used to be Christian, I went to church, and then youth group. I even read a small kids bible when I was young. And then recently I started thinking...a lot. I've been tossing and turning the thought of God, and Jesus, and the bible in my head for months. And guess what? After all my hard thinking...I am now atheist.

2007-03-14 17:21:24 · answer #10 · answered by abacus314 3 · 5 0

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