It sounds like she was sringing you along as a back up. But then again she may have really liked you and now doesn't or she could still like. Anyways, there are so many different scenarios as to what it could be that it is probably just best to ask her!
2007-03-14 09:37:27
answer #1
answered by JEN P 3
Plain and simple. Girls love attention. They love the fact a guy is hot for them. So they'll string them along to think they have a chance, but they really don't. Girls don't always think about the emotions that are attached to the flirting.
My suggestion is to move on. If at one point in time she confronts you and asks why you've moved on simply state "you should of said something a while ago, so frankly I'm over you".
Girls always want what they can't have, so play hard to get.
2007-03-14 16:38:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Ask her what all the flirting was about if she doesn't like you and never did. (I'm just assuming that she means she doesn't like you "like that" but maintaining a friendship with you is something important to her.) Many people feel that if they move into a romantic relationship with someone then they will lose the specialness that came with the friendship.
2007-03-14 16:38:17
answer #3
answered by SodaLicious 5
I agree tell her your feelings, and try to salvage a good thing. I have a friend that I went through the same thing with. And five years later we are better friends for it. You can still have platonic love with someone. After all you find yourself in love with someone for ????? commonalities, mutual likes & activites, companionship. Find a way to enjoy those things, but bridle or reign in your heart and you may find being freinds is better than lovers. It will not always be easy, but if you look past the hurt, you can find and remember what happiness is there to be found.
2007-03-14 16:54:31
answer #4
answered by parkster1969 1
Maybe she's just a flirtatious person and you took it to heart. Act like nothing happened, because to her, nothing probably did.If you want to, let her know how hurt you are, but you might not want to continue the friendship if you're not going to be comfortable. Move on and mingle, there are more fish in the sea.
2007-03-14 16:38:57
answer #5
answered by TNP Girl 3
Sounds like she doesn't know what she wants. Do what's best for both of you, and just try to forget about her. Move on, and hopefully you will do better next time, with someone a bit more mature, and truly interested in you, for who you are.
2007-03-14 16:42:34
answer #6
answered by Klum 3
You may have mistook her kindness for flirting. She did however try to let you down easy, by saying a relationship would affect your friendship. You may want to end your friendship so you no longer get mixed signals from her.
2007-03-14 16:40:19
answer #7
answered by juju baby 2
A lot of people just like to flirt for the sake of flirting. Unfortunately that leads to confusion like you're experiencing.
You never can tell.
2007-03-14 16:36:38
answer #8
answered by Peter N 4
someone can love you w/o loving you. love and sex are exchanges of energy. you would not love her if something was not happening b/w you and her. someone who denies the existance of the love is protecting the relationship from the expectations associated w/ relationships. you know what you have, so never abandon that and in time the obstacles and barriers will be managed. seek ye the kingdom of heaven, and all else will be added unto u.
2007-03-14 19:41:56
answer #9
answered by gekim784l 3
You're already on the friend ladder, she is interested, just not right now, if you're in your mid 20's, then she probably won't be interested till she tests other guy's out, you're probably the nice guy that girls want to marry, but just not date right now
2007-03-14 16:37:02
answer #10
answered by 3