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I have a got cat of nearly five years old, she has always used her litter tray as she isnt really an out door cat as she will only go out when the weather is warm or dry, the problem is all of a sudden she has started to wee in the living room and in the bedrooms, she has occassionaly done this before but only once or twice and she stops as soon as she is shouted at. first we started locking her out of the living room while we wernt in or at night and now she has started weeing in the spare bedroom we have had to start locking her in the kitchen all night which i dont think is fair on her as cats like to roam but it the only thing i can think of at present to stop her from doing it all over the house.
to be honest she is a very spoilt cat as she was hand reared and i have always spoilt her but now her behaviour is getting out of control. she was spayed when she was 6 months old.
she only wees she does the other in her tray
can any one help

2007-03-14 09:32:58 · 7 answers · asked by julie b 1 in Pets Cats

7 answers

Your cat is not just being a "spoilt brat." When a cat who is litter trained begins pee (or pooping) in places other than the litter box, it is usually becuase she may have bladder, erethra or kidney issues (crystals). This causes pain when peeing and the first time it may have happened your cat was using her litter box (as usual). Now the cat associates that pain with the box itself and will hence avoid using it. Unless you take the cat to the vet to have her checked for possible urethra, bladder or kidney issues, the cat will keep on peeing everywhere in your house but the litter box (she will constantly try to find a spot where peein does not hurt). She may have UTI in which case the vet will ive her antibiotics. She may have crystals in the bladder in which case the vet will tell you to chane her food type. At any rate, crystals in the bladder or kidneys is a potentially fatal condition, so you'd best get your cat to the vet.

2007-03-14 11:57:54 · answer #1 · answered by Phoebhart 6 · 0 0

Any time a pet changes behaviour suddenly we look for a medical cause, most times we find a problem. Mother Nature has equipped our animals with a instinct. She is trying to get your attention!

When cats do what she is doing there is usually a reason. Most often it is a urinary problem and need to see vet. You may know that cats are easy to get urinary problems and she has gotten a bit older. Going where she shouldn't is maybe her way of saying "help, got a problem here".

Not to brag, but after 14+ years in animal rescue this is my "gut" feeling. Also, is she drinking more water than usual? Is urine odor stronger or different? Give your vet a call on this.

2007-03-14 16:50:00 · answer #2 · answered by pets4lifelady 4 · 0 0

I had a couple of cats when I was a kid who started that - the older one started first, the younger one started urinating in the house where the older one already had... Apparently, it can be a kitty emotional disorder, and 15 years ago there wasn't really a treatment for it, and even determined efforts at re-training did nothing. Things might have changed that way, drug companies have started paying a lot more attention to domestic animal health disorders!

Take your cat to the vet, tell them what's going on, she doesn't sound like a healthy and happy cat... and she's counting on you to help her out!

2007-03-14 17:17:10 · answer #3 · answered by Megs 3 · 0 0

First, keep the litter box very clean. She might not like going in a box that's even slightly smelly. Second, spray Lysol in the spots where she has peed. Cats don't like the smell of it, so it should prevent her going there again.

2007-03-14 16:37:25 · answer #4 · answered by mithrandir_lathspell 3 · 0 0

This happened to my cat too but it was because of we brought another animal into the house so he got threaghtened so if you brought another animal into the house maybe thats why... also maybe she has a bladder infection ... urinary infections are common in cats.

2007-03-14 16:43:09 · answer #5 · answered by indychick18 2 · 0 0

take syringe needle fill with Lysol inject into carpet. this will kill traces of old odor and the cat will stop going there. vet had me try this it worked right away.

2007-03-14 17:48:37 · answer #6 · answered by windriver 2 · 0 0

Try and see a doctor your cat might be unwell :(

2007-03-14 16:51:58 · answer #7 · answered by The Answer 3 · 0 0

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