I fully agree that a woman should be able to have an abortion if she is the victim of rape or incest without any discrimination. Also, I don't necessarily agree with women getting abortions due to their own lack of responsibility BUT, if a girl feels pressure to have a child she doesn't want, that child runs the risk of being born in some restroom and being thrown in the trash. Or, the mother could decide to keep the baby and not take care of it, abuse it and otherwise neglect it because of her own bitterness toward the baby. Or, she could give it up for adoption where the child runs the possibility of growing up in the adoption agency or a long string of foster homes that just want a tax break or more welfare...
It's a tough decision all around and I am so tired of "pro lifers" acting like the decision to abort is such an easy decision and that the women who do have abortions are these evil people when they don't know the first thing about their situation.
2007-03-14 13:21:37
answer #1
answered by Hillary M 2
Anyone who says a fetus is not living is stupid. I read something that said "a fetus is something that has the potential to live". The thing is, it's already living! That's why the cells are able to multiply. Also, I don't know if you've ever seen an abortion done....but I saw a video in which some doctors installed a camera into a woman's womb and performed an abortion....the baby was shaking the entire time until it died, while blood was gushing from it's tiny little body.....what does that tell me? It tells me that it FEELS PAIN!
Abortions are immoral and certainly not necessary. No one has the right to kill a baby. Especially not the mother....and not b/c "it's my body I have the right to do w/e I want w/ it", but b/c IT'S NOT YOUR BODY, IT'S ANOTHER HUMAN BEING!
2007-03-14 09:29:08
answer #2
answered by ac28 5
The arguement is that a baby is a baby regardless if it is breathing air or getting it's O2 from umbilical coard. blood (of which some people call the life water) is pump throughout the babies body. It's heart beats, It's lungs function. The fetus can hear, feel, and move. And is the start of human life.
Definition of Living things are as follows and how they relate :
1) Chemical Uniqueness. Fertilized eggs possess their own unique DNA
from conception.
2) Complexity and hierarchical organization. Hickman, Roberts, and
Larson (1997) explain that the most basic unit in the biological
hierarchy is the cell. The cell holds the properties of living organisms,
and cells can be manipulated in the laboratory and can be reproduced,
whereas nonliving elements cannot. Therefore, the fertilized egg would
meet this criteria, although it would be a more basic unit of the
biological hierarchy.
3) Reproduction. Francis Beckwith (1994) observes that the zygote
possesses two different methods of reproduction: cell reproduction and
twinning. According to Beckwith (1994), twinning is "a form of asexual
reproduction, which can occur after conception."
4) Possession of a genetic program. Francis Beckwith (1994) confirms
that from conception, the fertilized egg has "its own unique genetic
code." The 46 chromosomes present at conception provide all of the
genetic information that will ever be needed.
5) Metabolism. Francis Beckwith (1994) confirms that from conception,
the fertilized egg meets the requirement of metabolism.
6) Development. Hickman, Roberts, and Larson (1997) state,
"Development describes the characteristic changes that an organism
undergoes from its origin (usually the fertilization of the egg by sperm)
to its final adult form." Thus, although the fertilized egg will take on
different forms throughout its life cycle, the development of life begins
at conception.
7) Environmental interaction. The entity in the womb interacts with its
environment in many ways. Kicking and jumping are both examples.
In addition, research has shown that the fetus can be soothed by music
and can recognize the voice of its mother.
2007-03-14 09:31:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i am totally against abortion,
with acceptions, like rape, deformation, genetic deseases, life threat and such!
Before anyone jumps the gun, I don't mean those SHOULD ALWAYS be aborded, but i do think that under those circumstances the parents should be able to get it if so required.
God created this baby (may it be called fetus), for a reason.
If God made a mistake by giving you this child, you will either have a miscarriage or a still born baby. God will only give us as much as we can handle.
And what makes us so special as to where we can play God and decide which ones are to live and die. If they can have a good quality of life, we shouldn't take that from them.
There is 1000s of couples in America who are desperate for a baby, yet adoption is in many cases very expensive and a normal family can not affort it without severly putting a burden upon themselfs.
Yes there is orphanges out there, but to adopt one of them is a long hard process and often too expensive.
If there wasn't any abortions allowed, i believe the problem Teenage pregnancies would spike at first (1-2years) and than drastically fall, since they now can't take the easy way out!
I believe that obduction cases would get less, because a lot of unwanted pregnancies would end up with babies being able to go out for adoption and the $$$ for babies would go down.
It shouldn't cost anything to give a child a home!
There is so many children in foster homes that weren't adopted out as babies, because either there parents didn't give them away that soon ( maybe they died tragically), or because of the pure COST. Lawyers make BIG money selling babies.
I was adopted, 29 years ago and i was lucky to get to such a loving family and away from my mother. My father doesn't know i exist and my mother, i met 9 years ago, had given my older brother away for adoption at 16, myself at 18 and kept 9 more children with her. My siblings and i have 10 different fathers! And my mother was trying for yet another child...
So you may say that i've got personal reasons why i'm against abortion. You'd be right!
I've given my mom and dad a lot of heartache and joy! I was a child of choice, not one they ended up with. And i always try to make them proud. It doesn't make me 'better' than a 'own' child, but i'd like to think i'm more appriciative!
2007-03-14 09:38:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'll just say that I prefer to look at it from another angle altogether. First, let's just agree that nobody "likes" abortion. I think we can all have at least that much faith in the mores of the general mass of humanity. Second, we can and should do everything possible to prevent the sorts of situations in which abortion seems to be the best or only option available to women; but it should be a legal option, because those situations will always arise, and if it's not legal, it'll just go underground. We're fighting enough losing battles with acts that have been criminalized to no greater social effect than the overcrowding of prisons. I'm not saying we should "cave" to "immorality;" just that a policy of criminalized abortion wouldn't even serve its intended purpose of preventing abortion, and would further penalize already desperate people.
I'll add that I believe the more open and honest we are about sex as a society, the more we'll be able to effectively address the fundamental issue of sexual responsibility.
2007-03-14 09:29:20
answer #5
answered by jonjon418 6
Just to add a few rhetorical questions:
Is it alive? Jack of all trades does an effective job of answering that.
Is it human? Again, as Jack of all trades points out it is distinctly human by DNA standards.
Well if it is alive and it is human, then to kill it is most definately murder.
So, what about rape? What about incest?
Fine, you want to lock the rapist up? I'm all for that.
But if you want to kill the child, I have to ask what crime did the baby commit that is so damnable that it deserves a death sentence?
Sure, I feel for the mother/victim. I'd say put the rapist on a chain gang at hard labor for minimum wage with every penny going to his victim for the next 18 years. But will you execute the child for the sins of its father? Who are you trying to punish?
It isn't fair, is it? No. But then again, I don't recall anyone making me any promises that life would always be fair.
If you find yourself going through a hard time, there is one who will give you the strength to keep going. If you turn to Him, He can help you.
If you want His help, all you have to do is ask.
2007-03-14 10:01:18
answer #6
answered by sparc77 7
Do you mean when someone kills a pregnant woman? That's only murder when the fetus is at the same point in development when abortion also becomes illegal.
2007-03-14 09:23:09
answer #7
answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7
State's rights. Abortions can be legal in some states, but not others. Same thing about Gay Marriage--legal in some states, not others.
2007-03-14 09:20:00
answer #8
answered by GLSigma3 6
Rape or Incest are the only two that I can think of that would make it "okay" to do it. . but even then, its murder. . Any women that does not meet those two (rape or incest) should not do it. . What gives that person the right to say who lives and who dies? maybe they should have kept their legs closed and not be engaging in pre marital sex if they didn't want to deal with the consequences. . Why do you think God said not to have pre marital sex. . makes sense!
2007-03-14 09:19:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Personally I think its murder but i wouldn't outlaw it completely i think abortion should just be restricted. I can't help but think about all the poor pregnant girls who have gotten raped by abusive fathers and brothers i think they should have the right to terminate their pregnancies.
2007-03-14 09:20:55
answer #10
answered by nobody 5