really? did you check to see if this question has been asked before? What other information would you need, I wonder.
" Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
They are not Jews. Most of them are xtians who pretend to be Jews in order to trick lonely old people and people ignorant about their religion into becoming apostates. Messy Jews are the lowest of the low. They are trying to steal souls for their church, to turn Jews away from the path that G-d gave.
At least xtians who openly follow their Mithraic mystery cult are honest that they want to convert Jews; the J4J try to fool people into thinking they are not turning their backs on G-d's Commandments that there is only one G-d - not a man , and not three beings. "
They are not Jews. If there are a few who were born to a Jewish mother, they are apostates - people who turned their backs on their people and heritage and religion. None of the messy leaders are Jews. They are not rabbis; they have attended seminaries run by baptists in order to become missionaries and fool ignorant people into thinking that one can violate every precept of Judaism and still be Jewish.
"I am the L-rd thy G-d. Thou shalt have no other g-ds before me." "Sh'ma Yisrael, Adoshem Elokaynu, Adoshem Echod." G-d is not, and never has been limited by taking on a human form. He is not three beings.
Messy Jews are pitiful excuses for human beings.
2007-03-14 09:24:09
answer #1
answered by mourning my dad 3
Messianic Judaism is a religious sect whose congregants are comprised of both Jews and Gentiles who believe that Jesus of Nazareth, whom they call Yeshua, is both their savior and the resurrected Jewish Messiah. While Messianic Jews practice their faith in a way that they consider to be authentically Torah-observant and culturally Jewish, Jews, Jewish denominations, and most Christians do not consider Messianic Judaism to be a form of Judaism. Messianic Jews are also not considered Jewish under the State of Israel's Law of Return.
By 1993 there were 160,000 Messianic Jews in the U. S. and 350,000 worldwide. By 2003, there were at least 150 Messianic synagogues in the U.S. and over 400 worldwide.
2007-03-14 09:14:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Messianic Jews believe that Jesus was who He said He was, The Messiah and believes that God's righteousness was manifested in Christ and not in the Law.
Since Jesus came to fulfill the Law, not to change the Law, He has brought it to an end. The righteousness God now offers is based on faith in Christ, not keeping the Law (no one could keep it anyway except Jesus).
It involves confessing Jesus as Lord and believing that God raised Him from the dead. It is offered to all, both Jew and Gentile. It is offered through the medium of preaching the Word.
God's words of promise were not just to the fleshly descendants of Abraham (as Jews would have it), but to the faithful remnant of Israel and to the Gentiles who accepted the righteousness which is by faith.
The only reason any of the Israelites were rejected by God was because of their rejection of the Messiah, even as Isaiah foretold (30:33).
For the Gentiles: Attain righteousness through faith by the hearing of the Word.
For Israel: Though diligent for the Law, they do not have the attitude of faith (i.e. they need to combine zeal with knowledge). They seek to establish their own righteousness through the Law of Moses.
I am sorry that a lot of Jews don't understand this. But we will all understand it by and by.
2007-03-14 09:54:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Include them among the door-to-door peddlers of Christianity. They are every bit as annoying to Jews as other peddlers are to Christians!
2007-03-14 09:33:31
answer #4
answered by Hatikvah 7
It represents Jews who believe that Christ was the promised Messiah and foretold in Isaiah. They are still Jews.
2007-03-14 09:13:46
answer #5
answered by pops 6
Sure, it is Christians pretending to be Jews
2007-03-14 09:10:38
answer #6
answered by Quantrill 7
They believe that Jesus is the Messiah but cherish their Jewish roots.
2007-03-14 09:13:45
answer #7
answered by moonrose777 4
2007-03-14 09:14:08
answer #8
answered by tebone0315 7