The one most attractive thing in my personal opinion is the right combonation of self confidence and self respect. Any woman with that combination can do anything in life she wants. Personally and professionally.
2007-03-14 09:05:29
answer #1
answered by in_TIM_idation 2
Physically: Knowing how to show off what she's got without being trashy. If she's curvy, a little cleavage, if she's not, something that helps with the assets and draws my eyes to the right places.
Mentally: Intelligence and loyalty. Most guys don't want a slutty girl, nor a dumb girl... they want one that's loyal and smart enough to talk about real problems with.
Bottom line is, you gotta have the right physical characteristics and show them off properly in order to get the attention, but it takes the right attractive mindset to keep him.
That's honest.
2007-03-14 09:05:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
A girl is most attractive when she knows, she looks good.
2007-03-14 09:09:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Physical thing: Beautiful face, hot but modest.
Character thing: Doesn't gossip and backbite, doesn't bash on men.
Spiritual thing: Truly loves Jesus, believes in the authority of the Bible.
EDIT: Okay, and I forgot--
Mental thing: a perceptive, quick mind, an open mind.
2007-03-14 09:09:22
answer #4
answered by Free Ranger 4
It really depends on the woman. Every woman hs something beautiful about them. It may be a body part like butt, boobs or something. It could be her smile or the look in her eyes. It could be the content peacful glow she gets when holding her baby. As a man we just have to open our eyes and look for it.
2007-03-14 09:06:24
answer #5
answered by NIKK F 4
I'm not a guy, but I'm curious, how are you going to determine the most HONEST answer? You don't know any of these people!! (or is it the answer you WANT to hear?) It could be as 'shallow' as big breasts but it could very well be honest.
Just wunderin'
2007-03-14 09:06:15
answer #6
answered by Mary C 3
Honestly that can and will vary a lot from man to man. Me personally, I like a nice warm and friendly smile with eye contact. There is nothing like that to get a conversation started.
2007-03-14 09:05:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
everyone is lieing. those are all good things but what matters most is looks. thats what get you to talk to the person in the first place. you wouldnt strike up a conversation with a butt ugly person. you may fall in love with them for there personality, but looks are what got you to notice them.
2007-03-14 09:51:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I dated a guy that thought my neck was sexy. When some one would ask him this question his answer was always my neck. I thought it was different and a little strange, but I sure did enjoy the results when I would wear my hair up!
2007-03-14 09:10:57
answer #9
answered by Cricket 5
a hot little body with no flab, no tattoos and no fake boobies.
you can forget about all the rest, we couldn't care less about honesty or eyes or hair or sense of humor, a tight hot body is what's most attractive about a girl.
2007-03-14 09:08:14
answer #10
answered by gw_bushisamoron 4