When you are both of legal age and you both want it.
2007-03-14 09:05:14
answer #1
answered by IveBeenThere 4
If you are asking this question you are probably not ready to have sex with him. Hold your ground girl because he is gonna try every way possible. I say wait until marriage, but if you don't do that then wait until you are mature enough to handle sex and all the consequences that go along with it. Are you gonna be able to raise a child on your own? Are you going to be able to get medical treatment if you get an STD. Are you going to be able to face yourself and him in the morning? These are all questions you need to ask yourself before engaging in any type of sexual activity. If he is really feeling you he will wait until you are ready, if not kick him to the curb. Believe me it will not be the end of the world.
2007-03-14 09:06:39
answer #2
answered by Lady A 3
Sex is a serious thing especially if this is your 1st time. You have to make sure that both of you have been tested for any type of STD or AIDS cause you don't want either of those in your body. Secondly, you have to make sure that this person is the absolute one that you want in your life. Just cause a person say I love you doesn't mean that they love you. It could just mean that he wants to have sex so he or she will say that to get you to have sex with them. Then, you need to talk to each other and find out about the consequences of having pre-marital sex such as a baby before you are ready and condoms that break and not using condoms. It's alot to think about not to mention the pressure that you could be getting from your boyfriend trying to rush you into something that you aren't ready for. For me, it has to be when I get married because God honors it when you are married and not before. Think of it like this: you are in the middle of having sex and God forbid you die. Where do you think your SOUL will go? God Bless
2007-03-14 09:11:58
answer #3
answered by sharethalove 4
Are you ready for the possibility that you may get pregnant and have a baby? Because if you're not ready for that, then you're not ready for a sexual relationship. I don't want to see you on here in a few months asking if you could be pregnant, ok?
2007-03-14 09:05:10
answer #4
answered by Mr. Blue 2
Wait. in case you adore him and experience like your relationship is worth conserving on to, you want to attend. i'm no longer attempting to evangelise at you, I understand to each their personal, yet i'm imparting you with wise advice in accordance to my personal journey. Sexual relationships without marriage isn't that tremendous. there's a reason that waiting is so tremendous...once you've sex including your husband, there is not any regrets. And have self assurance me, the regrets come even once you imagine that they received't. i visit't emphasize how major that's to watch for the single you walk down the aisle to. once you've this potential, have the potential to do it. you'd be satisfied you probably did, no count number how a lot your hormones hate you at present.
2016-12-02 00:18:48
answer #5
answered by ? 4
I was with my boyfriend for 9 months before we began to get intimate. But when istarted doesnt matter. Everyone is different, and if you go into it too early it might ruin a relationship. When you feel comfortable doing things like that go ahead.
2007-03-14 09:04:07
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If by sexual relationship you mean intercourse, you must think about that. I think that it's different from person to person. There's no one way that applies to everyone. There's good couples I know who waited and good couples I know that just went right ahead and did it. Talk to him about it when you feel the time is right. And don't make a decision simply to please him or fit some norm. Good luck and enjoy it if and when you do!
2007-03-14 09:04:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It all depends on how you feel about that person. I myself wait at least 3 months before i do any type of sexual activities but you may not feel the same way i do.
2007-03-14 09:05:06
answer #8
answered by Mrs.Grandberry 1
It's how you feel about the person. Some people you connect with on the first date. Some it takes a while to feel comfortable around them like that. If he pressures you, make him wait. If he doesn't, then just go with the flow of things.
2007-03-14 09:04:19
answer #9
answered by cinnatigg 4
When you know you have other things in common than just an interest in sex. If you don't have good times together that don't involve being physical, you probably don't want to have sex with him or keep the relationship going.
2007-03-14 09:32:34
answer #10
answered by Martin Pedersen 6
Whenever you feel the time is right. Whether that is the first nite you start dating or a couple of months down the road.
2007-03-14 09:04:00
answer #11
answered by carleigh 1