Real love is undiscribable. Poets and philosophers have tried for years.
But here goes. True love is:
-feeling safe around you true love
-being ready to die in order to save your true love's life
-Never having enough time with them
-when your mind wonders at work or school, you think of them
-when they smile at you and are ahppy, all your worries just drift away
-They make you as happy as when you were a child, playing your absolute favourite game
-YOu can't stand to see them upset or hurt
And the list goes on and on. Basically,
True love is whenever you think of him/her, you get this wide smile that makes you look slightly idiotic, but the happiest idiot on the planet.
Here's to true love :)
2007-03-14 09:50:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Real love, good question.
You could say real love comes in two stages.
First is the infatuation stage, this can last up to three years, but rarely much longer than that. It's tumultuous, intense, and very emotionally charged. This feeling, in a clinical sense, is mediated primarily by the hormone phenylethanol.
Second, is what most people think of when they've been married a long time. It grows after some time together. Usually no sooner than a year together. It's more subtle than infatuation. It becomes very intense when you are separated from the person you love, but is subtler when you are around them. You have feelings of warm and safety associated with that person. This feeling, in a clinical sense, is mediated primarily by the hormone oxytocin.
You hardly have to be married or have sex to feel either of these. Often people will dismiss the infatuation phase as not real love, but without it, most people would never get to the second stage.
2007-03-14 16:04:42
answer #2
answered by Radagast97 6
Real love in my opinion, I guess has to do with very strong emotional attachment/attraction to a person. Note the word "emotional", Love goes beyond the physical. You don't have to be married or have sex to be married.
Also, I think Love is something you have to give time to develop in a relationship and once it's there, you work at making it stronger.
2007-03-14 16:20:08
answer #3
answered by Skitch_™ 3
No you do not need to have sex or be married to know what real love is. Its hard to describe what you will feel but you will just know. I believe there are three steps in life till you find love. You learn with someone, you lust over someone(which you think is love) then you love someone.
2007-03-14 16:05:32
answer #4
answered by PIGPEN 1
my opinion no, you don't have to have sex or be married to be in love. But love is a very big word and should be used carefully. You will know when you are truly in love for real.
2007-03-14 16:07:15
answer #5
answered by Casey 3
.well Kate from what i understand Real "love" is impossible to define, sorry. No you don't have to be married or have sex with someone to truly love them. But since i don't know what love is, i guess I'm just contradicting myself
2007-03-14 16:02:18
answer #6
answered by aphotic nostrum 4
I never been married for gos sakes i'm only 23 but i've loved and been loved more then once. its when you feel in the pit of your stomach and you just can't live without them. you don't need to be married to experince that. when you see that person everyday and you love and care about them more and more as time passes by.
2007-03-14 16:06:20
answer #7
answered by Erica 2
No. Real love is respect, loyalty and understanding. Look at your family. You have family love. There is different kinds of love. Love is something that's different for everyone so I guess you have to find out yourself.
2007-03-14 16:03:59
answer #8
answered by vexen431 4
Real love is when you don't have to ask if it's real love.
2007-03-14 16:03:35
answer #9
answered by in_TIM_idation 2
well i no its not a crush & i no its not infatuation, other than that i dont no. sorry cant help. i just use guys anyhow. coz thats all they would do to you
2007-03-14 16:03:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous