tell her that men are drawn to confident women, and she will have a hard time finding someone to love her if she doesnt love herself first. Beauty comes in all sizes
2007-03-14 08:56:29
answer #1
answered by Bubba 2
Well, some men are just shallow but if a guy is really good and nice and perfect, he will see through the outside and will only see what's on the inside, a beautiful person. Okay so that sounded really corny but you know what I mean. Tell your friend just to be herself and that someone will come along.
2007-03-14 09:07:21
answer #2
answered by M. 2
My dad is one of the guys who likes heavy women. When he & my mom got married she was pushing 275 lbs. Then she had her stomach stapled and lost better than 100 lbs. He filed for divorce less than a year later. His current wife is also heavy. So was the woman he had an affair with after my mom's surgery.
2007-03-14 08:59:26
answer #3
answered by Cricket 5
Well as I guy who likes heavy set women(BBW) tell her that they are out there. They just might always look like a Ken doll...I have found that alot of larger ladies say the samething but when they look for a man they only look for the skinny ones. Has to go both ways...
2007-03-14 08:58:30
answer #4
answered by Tripp T 1
I've known heavy set women who attract men like bees to honey. The different between her and most heavier women is self-confidence. However, there IS a line between slightly overweight, and morbidly obese. I don't care how good you feel about your looks, you should always be concerned for your HEALTH.
2007-03-14 08:56:55
answer #5
answered by MBE 2
With all due respect........for me personally.....there's some heavy set women that I would be attracted to and some that I wouldn't be attracted to.
There's one woman who I used to work with who is more on the heavy set side who has a wonderful personality and she's fun to be around. She's one I would be attracted to.
At least all has to do with being a fun person and having a good personality.
2007-03-14 09:05:48
answer #6
answered by Frank 3
I for one only like woman who are thin and in in shape because i spend alot of time working out and eating right so i don't gain weight so the woman i look for are the same as me?
2007-03-14 09:00:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Confidence is key...i honestly think it doesnt matter what size u are as long as ur confident and believe in urself. Im a big girl but I dont have any problems getting guys (not to sound conceited)..its all about how u present urself.
2007-03-14 08:58:45
answer #8
answered by Rosa S 1
Evolution in every species has told us to mate with healthy people which is attractive to us. There's a stereotype that heavy women are not healthy
2007-03-14 08:59:35
answer #9
answered by HopelessOne 2
There a lot of men who like heavy set women. They have to carry it well, meaning no spandex, or midriff shirts. Classy dress is more sexy on a fatty...
2007-03-14 08:57:21
answer #10
answered by Anonymous