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Seems they have no problem showing others their material, but when I try to show them some I have they wont look at it. Seems a bit strange.

2007-03-14 08:49:18 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

Everyone has a bit of this.

When was the last time you read the Qur'an with an open mind?

As a Muslim, I have to actively understand perspectives of Christians and Jews. But sometimes I get sick of it.


There is only one God, get over it.

2007-03-14 08:53:07 · answer #1 · answered by aliasasim 5 · 2 7

They are neither afraid or forbidden. But, after 100 years, all you are doing is repeating the same old stuff they've seen dozens of times, so what is the sense of looking at it again. Also, when you look at how un-Christ like the religions are trying to stop the growth of the witnesses, it also shows how unreliable the info is.

People who try to come up with this so called evidence have good company in their efforts, in the both the Nazis and the old U.S.S.R. also tried the same thing to convince their citizens not to listen to the witnesses. There's some good info on that on the History Channel on a program about Himmler. He couldn't understand why the other religions in Germany were willing to accept the divinity of Hitler and not the witnesses, and of course, the Jews.

There are far too many factors and levels related to what it means to be a witness for you to under or feel, without being one. It is far more than just simple knowledge. It is also the knowledge that it teachings comes from the combined efforts of millions of witnesses over the last 100+ years. Since witnesses don't have an elite class of pastors, preachers, elders, etc. everyone is involved in the changes that has come about within them over the years.

Unlike other religions, all witnesses is taught the same, the whole Bible, from childhood up, including how to preach and teach. Many end up at Bethel, writing the articles and even serving on the Governing Board. No, they didn't attend a school of advance theology like the elite of other churches do, as they receive that education every week in their congregations. They learned the same way the first Christians learned, the hard way, by studying together and learning the lessons behind the scriptures, such as the science and archeology of the Bible.

They also learn the history of the organization, including the errors, such as sending a delegation to Hitler in the 30s, on behalf of the treatment of the Jews and convince him not to drive the world into another war. Several Interment Camp survivors will be speaking at special showings of the independent PBS program “Knocking”, if you are interested in attending.

Now, the question I have for you, what day do you observe the Memorial on? If you are a follower of Christ, than you should know down to the day, hour, and why?

2007-03-14 17:24:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 6 5

We do have a basic knowledge of other religions. There is even a book called Mankind's Search for God that outlines different religions throughout the world.

However, in order to know the right way to worship Jehovah, we do not have to study and compare the teachings of all the many religions. We only learn what the Bible really teaches about true worship. Let me illustrate: People who are given the job of picking out counterfeit money, do not memorize every kind of counterfeit. They study real money. After they know what real money looks like, they can recognize a counterfeit. Similarly, when we learn how to identify the true religion, we can recognize those religions that are false.

2007-03-14 18:46:42 · answer #3 · answered by izofblue37 5 · 6 2

The head office says that reading materials like this is tantamount to reading pornography. That is a challenge. Don't use anti-JW materials. Instead, use the places that they regard as Watchtower sources. Robertson's Word Pictures, Strong's Concordance etc. With those, you have permission to show them to the JW's because they are recoginized Watchtower sources.

2007-03-18 09:35:48 · answer #4 · answered by Buzz s 6 · 1 1

The majority of Jehovah's Witnesses have come out of the very false teachings you are trying to show us.

All have researched the bible and found the truth.

Why would we want to go back to the vomit or the mud as Jesus said?

When I first started studying, everyone at work became an expert on Jehovah's Witnesses and the Bible.

One person shared a booklet from the Moody Publishing

When I looked at the scriptures referenced, they supported the Witnesses teachings and not the 'bible' teaching this booklet taught.

When researching many 'proof' material of so called false teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, I have found them to be half truths, or misquotes, or lies.

It becomes a waste of time to unlearn the Bible's truth.

2007-03-14 16:08:03 · answer #5 · answered by TeeM 7 · 10 4

If it is against their religion then the material does not come from the bible.

2 Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is inspired of God."

If the material does not come from the bible then it is a man's opinion and not from God.

"I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God shall add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book" - Revelation 22:18, 19

2007-03-15 11:30:43 · answer #6 · answered by keiichi 6 · 4 2

I have been one of Jehovah's Witnesses for ten years now.I used to be a Catholic.I know now that I have finally found the truth.Why on earth would I want to look into or read material that comes from Babylon the Great?Why would I want to waste my time?Believe me,Witnesses are not afraid.Yes,we are advised not to,but it is for our own spiritual welfare that we avoid all those mistruths that Satan is saturating so called Christianity with.Most of us have been there,and done that.And now that we have found the only true religion,why would any of us want to look back???

2007-03-15 09:03:30 · answer #7 · answered by lillie 6 · 6 3

I was not born a Jehovah Witness, I was born Jewish. so I know what other religions are all about. I am glad that I am a Jehovah Witness, my late husband was also a Jehovah Witness. even my children are witnesses also. I read material from other religions and I am not interested in reading it again.

2007-03-14 20:57:39 · answer #8 · answered by lover of Jehovah and Jesus 7 · 5 3

Jehovah's Witnesses believe the bible to be the infallible, inspired Word of God. Any Witness is happy to discuss the bible and only the bible with any respectful person. In fact, no group of Christians works harder than Jehovah's Witnesses to pursue such bible discussions!

(Luke 4:44-5:1) [Jesus] went on preaching...the crowd was pressing close upon him and listening to the word of God

No other reading material can be compared with the bible.

Jehovah's Witnesses do not pretend that their own publications rival the bible, and Witnesses certainly do not insist that anyone read Witness publications. In fact, Jehovah's Witnesses are happy to conduct a free home bible study with an interested person using nothing but the bible; a householder can even choose whatever translation he prefers!

(Luke 11:28) [Jesus] said: “...Happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it!”

Since Jehovah's Witnesses do not pretend that any publication (but the bible) is needed to learn God's will and the "mind of Christ", a better question might ask why anti-Witnesses are so insistent that Jehovah's Witnesses read material other than the bible itself...?

(Matthew 15:6-9) You have made the word of God invalid because of your tradition. You hypocrites... It is in vain that they keep worshiping [God], because they teach commands of men as doctrines.

2007-03-14 17:38:44 · answer #9 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 6 4

I already have. I wasn't born into such a family. I had to search through many false religious teachings before I found the group that teaches what the Bible teaches, instead of ideas from pagan origins. I have no desire to return to those ideas. They are not entertaining, nor are they upbuilding. In fact, they contributed greatly to my past desperation! Besides, we thoroughly read about & discuss such beliefs in our own publications, where they are compared to what the Bible actually teaches. What could possibly be added, after all that?

We seek not to change the beliefs of those who are satisfied with their choice of religious affiliation. We are sent to find & help those who yearn for the hope God holds out in his word ... Those who are not satisfied, & who want to learn the alternatives that God has provided.

2007-03-14 16:57:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 9 2

"Not allowed to"?
"Afraid to"?

How about choosing not to based upon what the Bible says. For example, note this from the KJV of Romans 16:17 &18: "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple."

Or from that same translation, 2 Peter 2:3 --
"And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not."

Most of Jehovah's Witnesses choose to follow the advice in God's inspired word.

2007-03-14 16:10:40 · answer #11 · answered by Abdijah 7 · 8 3

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