you were supposed to be a booty call, but you didn't go for it.
2007-03-14 08:51:32
answer #1
answered by glue stick 2
Fact from fiction, truth from diction. If you left the coffee shop and a guy with a blanket ant 3 cards 'tice you to play a game of 3 card Monty, do you think he really just want to test if you can track the object card? No matter what his mouth say, he just want you to bite so he can quickly dispatch $10 or more bucks from your purse to his empty pocket. Look at the logic, people have ditched work to go somewhere or do something they really liked. And if he was really into you as other than a booty call, he could not wait to talk with you again. Truth be told, I think he was out on booty call #1 the reason why he had to wait so late. Either you were desert or plan B if booty call number #1 did not go off as planned. Had it, he would have canceled your late night maybe.
Kudos for you on not taking the bait. Sadly many other fish end up in the boat gutted from end to end with a box of tissue.
2007-03-22 02:18:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Sure, it was late on a Friday, but his job may make him work late. From the time between calls, I'd say he's not really all that interested in getting to know you. He may be really busy, he may have someone else, or he may just be a slow when it comes to cultivating relationships.
My advice: Don't sleep with him until he makes more of an effort to contact you more than once a month. Some guys are just looking for quickies. But there are definitely guys out there that are worth waiting for.
Good luck!
2007-03-14 08:52:09
answer #3
answered by Dave 6
WC, 10 pm is what most ppl have as the limit. I don't follow that, thats what I do: Call someone I don't know for services (buffet, invitation, etc) - I would call until 8 pm. Call someone I don't know for a date - I wouldn't unless I am certain there's something going on. If theres something, I would say 10 pm. Formal purposes - I'd say until 6pm. Official purposes - 4pm no matter what. Romance - Anytime is great if you are already an item. If not, ask for the celular phone.
2016-03-28 23:07:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
That sounds like a boody call. Then again maybe his intentions were good and he just didnt feel any chemistry. Dont worry about it, if he is a player then you dont need him in your life and if he wasnt feeling any chemistry between the two of you chances are you didnt feel any either. And then again maybe he is one of those guys that takes forever to call but beware if he only calls occasionally and wants to hang out really late.
2007-03-14 08:54:27
answer #5
answered by carleigh 1
Since you met at Denny's it seems that it is not a booty call. But, while you were there did he keep hinting you should go back to his place? Then again, he could be setting you up for a booty call at a later date.
2007-03-14 08:58:33
answer #6
answered by Paul S 3
My girlfriends and myself have a theory that if a man calls you after nine p.m. to schedule a date, yes it's a booty call. If that's okay with a woman then no problem. Sometimes a booty call is just what a girl wants.
2007-03-14 08:51:32
answer #7
answered by sustasue 7
wierd. will i can understand the geeting out of work late thing espically if if works in a resturant. If he was looking for a booty call i think he would have brought to a bar and not to have coffee. maybe he decide your not his type you should be happy that you didn't sleep with on a first date.
2007-03-14 08:54:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Doesn't sound like a booty call if you didn't do anything! Maybe after he got to talk to you one on one, he just wasn't as interested as he originally thought he might be.
Move on, there's better guys out there!
2007-03-14 08:51:31
answer #9
answered by Valerie S 3
I don't think it's a "boody" call? Whatever you called it.. he called one whole month later. If it was a boody call he wouldn't have waited so long.
2007-03-21 18:58:22
answer #10
answered by _____ 2