I know where I'm going! So can you if you choose LIFE! You must be born again! Only The Lord can give you a new heart and spirit, NOT by righteous works that WE have done, but by The precious Blood of The Lamb of God who was without spot or wrinkle. No man can qualify with out Faith in the finished work of The anointed One, Yeshua (Jesus) The Messiah. All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, it's by Faith that we are saved not of works least any man should boast!!!!! The Lord said; Those who worship me must worship me IN SPIRIT and IN TRUTH! Not on This mountain or that mountain!! He will send His Holy Spirit who leads and guides you into all truth, and gives liberally to those who ask!! Ask, and it shall be given, seek and you will find, knock, and it shall be opened onto you, ANYONE who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it is opened to him! Would your Father in heaven give you a stone if you ask for a bread? Or a serpent if you ask for a fish? If your earthly fathers do this well, how much better will your Father in Heaven who supplies all good gifts, give to those who ask Him!!! So, my friend you needn't hang by someones shoes!!! Just ASK your Father in Yeshua (Jesus) Name, he has been given ALL authority in heaven and in earth,,,ask Him in your heart, confess and repent(change your mind and your actions will follow) and Renew you mind daily to The Word of Life and Faith!! You'll never regret it!!!Have a Great Day!!
2007-03-18 06:02:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Definitely Heaven
2007-03-14 11:01:27
answer #2
answered by hello 3
Heaven or hell is what we make it.
I believe that it's more down to how we feel we've lived our life rather than what we have actually done to 'deserve' a particular fate..
If I was an inquisitor during the Spanish inquisition I would fully expect to go to heaven for all my 'good' deeds.
We 'judge' ourselves and then go into that place we feel we deserve.
The scary thing is I feel so differently about myself from one day to the next, who knows where I could end up!
2007-03-22 01:43:44
answer #3
answered by Freespirit 1
God doesn't exist.
It was a government conspiracy to collect taxes and to control its population.
The idea is that you follow the guidelines, set forth by god and you will go to heaven right?
well the idea of the government is to stop crime and to make money through taxes.
If you believe in the idea well answer some questions...
where is god now?
Why is god all powerful and why did he create us?
Yes. It is easy to believe in a higher power than to realize when we die, because then
we can think about the nice place we are going. If people realized that in life there is only pleasure
and pain they would commit a lot of crimes.
God decided to contact humankind through books...?
With his all powerful ability dont you think he could have contacted us in dreams?
Strange so people who can read are trusted with god those who can't well they won't know gods message.
Well people who don't know how to read probably don't work and pay taxes anyways so the governments didn't bother with them.
Well now with these Islam jihads we know the truth. These muslim radicals want to kill people who don't believe in their religion.
Pray to god? Keep praying, I'm sure he will answer in a few millenia.
God suddenly stopped with the miracles when we have videotapes and cameras to actually show it.
Strange...we die. Wouldn't god create servants that were immortal so they can believe and serve forever?
Waste your life to god and when you die and finally realize the truth...the irony.
Too late then indeed thats what the governments thought.
Well if you continue your forced existence may god bless you.
2007-03-22 07:46:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Ultimately I can't be the judge of that, God is. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior, so by what God tells me I will be going to heaven.
[John 3:16] For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever shall believe in Him shall not parish but have everlasting life.
This means that you too can right now know for sure that you will be in heaven some day. All you have to do is accept Jesus as the Son of God, who died on the cross, as your personal savior and believe.
Hope to meet you there some day.
2007-03-21 22:18:28
answer #5
answered by rfurgy 2
HEAVEN,by God,s choice
In work one day i thought it was about time to have my morning break,so i went to my little store room/office. I set out my cup of tea and sandwich,and as i did at such times started my quite time. this was the norm, having give sone time to my thoughts and prays and was joist about to eat when i was taken up and found myself singing with a heavenly choir.
The words i understood but they were not in English and yet i new and understood as if i had always sang them,there where others standing in front of me and all praising theLord God .There were not that many, and all that were their i could see in frint of me and yet the sound of the choir was mor than i saw, the rest must have being hid in some way,
Although we could not see him we new by the brilliance in front of us and his presence could not be mistaken it was God.
As sudden as i had being taken i was returned, i then fond i was standing up and facing a different direction and not sitting as i was to start wih. Now i had a problem, i was back but still felt he was sill with me at my side! What was i to do if i were to look he would go , i went to the door and outside locked it As i walked away back to my work place he was still at my side it was some thing that washappening that i did not want to stop,but could not resist looking, i turned and he was gone:
If this was heaven which i believe it was,why return me? i would have stayed there forever i did not want to go back.
For this to have happened i must have being in a state of grace ,and for the Lord to return me could only mean one thing; some time in the future the Lord would be bringing me back, for the simple reason that to be fit for heaven then he would not risk loseing me at a later date unless he already new the outcome.I was savedfir ever in other words i was predestind, it was nothing to do with me it was Gods choice it was by his grace may GOD BLESS ALL WHO READ THIS.
2007-03-15 01:22:34
answer #6
answered by Frederick j 3
I've been struggling with that ? for along time. my children bring good, my relationship with there mother in my mind is bad. the way i think an what i do about most things well must likely seen me to hell, i was raised a Catholic ,forced. so now that is something i stray from, so if there is a hell , i have been waiting for it.
2007-03-22 06:20:14
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
you are never to young to decide to live for god or not and heaven and hell is not a myth they are both VERY real and u guys who said it was need to get it right anyway im going to heaven cause hell is nothing good at all....
2007-03-21 13:08:16
answer #8
answered by Amber 1
Well, i'm too young to say. I haven't many sins on my list yet but from the things i have done, i think I will put devil and God in a big dilemma for who sould take me...
But i have done some really stupid things. Maybe i go to heaven and God puts me to work a lot.
2007-03-14 08:25:39
answer #9
answered by Angel K 1
Only you will decide where you will go ?? No one else can do it for you and you can know now where you will be going.. I know you may not like this answer but try it.. You must accept Christ as your personnal Saviour and turn from your sins and a simple pray like.. Lord forgive me of my sins, I want to accept you as my Lord and Savior today. He will answer that pray for you. but you will also have to make a change in your life to live a life pleasing to Him.
2007-03-14 08:30:04
answer #10
answered by allll_98 1