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I just bought a new computer with windows vista home premium.I downloaded the disk when i bought it. Now I cannot get connected to the internet.I was using peoplepc version 6.3 but when I put the peoplepc disk in it says this version of windows is not compatible.I did put peoplepc version 5.0 and it started up this version worked all the way up to very last of the download then it freezes up what could be the problem.and how do i get my peoplepc disk to work with this version of windows.Oh it told me that I might have a firewall or antivirus program on how do i disable my firewall and find out if I have a antivirus program on.I need step by step instructions to get my computer back on the internet with this new version of windows vista.I tried everything to fix this problem I have been on the computer for hours trying to fix this someone please help.I need help getting back online no internet service

2007-03-14 07:46:43 · 1 answers · asked by classy48292 1 in Computers & Internet Software

1 answers

I would recommend Upgrading your Vista machine to Windows 2000. Windows XP and Vista really got harder to set up and use. The biggest problem with Vista is that even on a massively fast set of hardware, it still runs very sloooooowly. You'll have much less trouble setting up a 2000 machine, or if you absolutely have to, an XP machine.

2007-03-17 07:26:22 · answer #1 · answered by incorrigible_misanthrope 3 · 0 0

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