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anyone got any good latte recipes I can make in my own home? i'm addicted to the Vanilla Bean Latte from Second Cup but it's becoming an expensive habbit!

2007-03-14 06:56:42 · 6 answers · asked by Sara * 3 in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

6 answers

Vanilla Bean Latte
1 oz. (2 Tbsp.) Torani Vanilla Bean flavoring syrup
8 oz. (1 cup) milk
1 – 2 oz. espresso

Steam Torani Vanilla Bean flavoring syrup and milk together.* Pour steamed flavored milk to about _ inch below the rim of a pint glass. Add espresso and top with a layer of foamed milk. Serves one.

*If you do not have an espresso maker or steamer, combine milk and Torani in a small saucepan over medium to low heat until steaming. Whisk until frothy. You may also heat milk and Torani in a microwave, pour into a blender and blend until frothy, about 30 seconds.

2007-03-14 07:09:47 · answer #1 · answered by txchelbaby 3 · 0 0

Vanilla Bean Latte

2016-10-03 11:13:08 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

here you go.. I hope its as good as Second Cup..

Vanilla Bean Latte
1 oz. (2 Tbsp.) Torani Vanilla Bean flavoring syrup
8 oz. (1 cup) milk
1 – 2 oz. espresso

Steam Torani Vanilla Bean flavoring syrup and milk together.* Pour steamed flavored milk to about _ inch below the rim of a pint glass. Add espresso and top with a layer of foamed milk. Serves one.

*If you do not have an espresso maker or steamer, combine milk and Torani in a small saucepan over medium to low heat until steaming. Whisk until frothy. You may also heat milk and Torani in a microwave, pour into a blender and blend until frothy, about 30 seconds.

2007-03-14 07:10:45 · answer #3 · answered by mama 4 · 0 0

1 3/4 cups (5 ounces) good-quality medium roast coffee beans
5 cups cold water
4 1/2 cups 1% low-fat milk
1/2 cup fat-free sweetened condensed milk
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise

Place coffee beans in a food processor; process 45 seconds or until coffee is coarsely ground and no whole beans remain. Combine coffee and 5 cups cold water in a medium bowl, stirring to combine. Cover and refrigerate 8 hours or overnight.
Combine low-fat milk and condensed milk in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Scrape seeds from vanilla bean; add seeds and bean to milk mixture. Cook 8 minutes or until thoroughly heated (do not simmer), stirring occasionally. Remove from heat; let cool to room temperature. Cover and refrigerate 8 hours or overnight.

Strain coffee mixture through a cheesecloth-lined fine sieve into a bowl. Discard cheesecloth and solids. Pour coffee mixture into a pitcher. (Yield is approximately 3 cups coffee extract.) Remove vanilla bean from milk mixture, and discard. Add milk mixture to coffee mixture just before serving; stir well to combine.

2007-03-14 07:07:10 · answer #4 · answered by kirene45 3 · 0 0

Blend it in with some ice cream to make a cool drink.

2007-03-14 07:01:01 · answer #5 · answered by Eason W 5 · 0 0


2007-03-14 07:00:40 · answer #6 · answered by Cister 7 · 0 0

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