Onl been here a week, still searching, but it seems the people with religion don't want to help, only persecute.
2007-03-14 05:00:17
answer #1
answered by ste.phunny 4
This forum has made me believe in God even more deeply because there are a number of people in the world who just to have a clue...and I say that with respect...that they need to take an interest in their spiritual well being and to love their neighbor as themselves, that that is the start of a better world, has nothing to do with cleaning the air up, voting and all that supuflious stuff...The basic conquering of true Love is the answer.
2007-03-14 05:03:13
answer #2
answered by miriamadamswashington_01 2
No. In something as powerful and influential as religion - or lack thereof - I think it would take a lot more than some questions on Yahoo to affect, let alone change someone's beliefs.
2007-03-14 05:01:08
answer #3
answered by jennifer74781 4
I doubt it. Each side poses good arguements, but in the end, Nobody is ever going to convince me that God does not exist. And I highly doubt we're going to convince Atheists that he does. I think we just need to accept that everyone has their own beliefs. I just get upset when people post questions just to attack people who have different beliefs. (the people who dont have questions, they just want to insult those who believe differently)
2007-03-14 05:12:05
answer #4
answered by Dani 7
I don't only know god, i know his name, and purpose for the earth,this planet will not be distroyed by a explosion, but will be transformed into a beautiful paradise, but first the unrighteous will be distroyed at armagedon,ONLY the unrighteous. then we'll all be judged,and those of us that have repented of our sins ,will make it into paradise. But how will everyone hear this message before it is to late?. well that's when you have to go door to door to proclaim this life saving message to everybody. What religion does that today? feel free to e-mail me, if you agree with this message.
2007-03-14 05:12:12
answer #5
answered by hello there 2
No. It's merely reinforced my belief that I'm on the right path for me. But it has helped me better understand other people.
2007-03-14 05:07:33
answer #6
answered by swordarkeereon 6
I have not changed my belief in God or Jesus, BUT , I have learned a tremendous amount of info. or insights from people of different beliefs.
2007-03-14 05:01:15
answer #7
answered by Wayne 3
No. If anything, it has re-affirmed my belief and faith in God and has also helped me to be more understanding of others.
2007-03-14 05:01:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The only way it has changed me is to be saddened by so many people's lack of basic Bible knowledge.
So much opinion, so little proof.
2007-03-14 05:01:38
answer #9
answered by Uncle Thesis 7
Not mine....but they have may me think, and consider different beliefs and thoughts of others.
2007-03-14 05:08:45
answer #10
answered by Anonymous