Go to a good hairstylist, and they'll give you good advice about your hair....just a side note, maybe you didn't get good answers before b/c it's so hard to read what you've typed!
2007-03-14 03:19:09
answer #1
answered by Christina G 2
My hair was severely damaged at one point from all dye jobs. It was really dry, coarse, frizzy. and it felt like a Brillo pad. First thing I did was to dye my hair back to my natural hair color. Then, I made a vow never to dye my hair again. I got some real good moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, and washed it every two days, as well as a thick deep moisturizing conditioner about once a week. I didn't flat iron, or blow dry it, or put any products on it for about 2 month. I wore a bun every single day. I hated the bun, but it's what i had to do to get my hair healthy again. After that, I got a good haircut. I had the bottom trimmed and got some layers put into it. I flat ironed my hair that night and it was so soft, shiny, and healthy. I haven't seen my hair look that good in a real long time. Hope this helps.
2007-03-14 10:55:37
answer #2
answered by Betty 4
OK I have a mixed father and got a blonde afro? Talk about crazy. What I do when I don't want curl is put a LOT of biosilk on my hair then flat iron the sh1t out of it with my Chi iron. These work better than the rest b/c they get really hot and make hair lay smooth and flat. Ahhhh so nice. But, it takes a long time to do so I only do it once a week or so.
2007-03-14 10:17:53
answer #3
answered by Seeker 5
There are a lot of shampoos and conditioner that do the same, but I think the best product that I have come across was the CHI silk infusion serum. It does not matter what kind of shampoo and conditioner I use when I use this product. The results are always the same: gorgeous smooth hair-
2007-03-14 11:02:08
answer #4
answered by Kat 6
Okay don't laugh but the best stuff to use is stuff for black hair. There hair is very course so they need extra moisture... I'm a very white girl but that stuff works awesome. I swear by it. The stuff I really like is called Cholesterol with carrot. It's in a big orange jar. Works like a charm, and it' only like 3 bucks
2007-03-14 10:20:45
answer #5
answered by blondegirl1472 2
try using a massage lotion in your hair, preferably one that heats up on its own. massage into your hair really good and then put a shower cap on. leave it in for a few hours or overnight. then wash it with a good shampoo and conditioner like pantene pro v . it will moisterize your hair. i learned this from a salon on a cruise ship, itm ade my hair reqlly soft ans silky.
2007-03-14 10:20:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You maybe need to change your shampoo.
2007-03-14 10:16:33
answer #7
answered by Ljubisa Vulic 1