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Q1. Explain what is unusual about Jesus' Childhood?
Q2. What was Jesus' attitude towards people that everyone else saw as outcasts? Give examples.
Q3. What did Jesus do that caused the High Priest's and the Roman and some of his followers including Judas to turn against him?

2007-03-13 20:22:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

4 answers

Is this a homework question?!

1. Jesus' childhood was unusual because he spent time in the temple learning from the priests and prophets, and he knew more than any child his own age. Read the gospel accounts of his childhood!

2. Jesus loved them. Great example is his healing the lepers - in those days, the lepers lived in colonies outside the village, and whenever they went near the village they had to shout "Leper!" so that the villagers would know to avoid them. In the story of Jesus healing the leper, there is no account of this call being heard, which historians and theologians have concluded means that Jesus went into the leper's colony - unheard of! (Read it in Mark 1:40ff). There are heaps more examples - the bleeding woman (Matthew 9:20ff), the tax collector who became a disciple (Matthew 9:9). Matthew 9:11 also highlights that Jesus treated sinners as real people, unlike the Pharisees.

3. Jesus forgave sins - see Mark 2:6-8, Luke 5:12 and 7:49 - and the priests, etc, didn't believe that he had the right to. He was also a radical! He preached love, acceptance, forgiveness, and he hung out with people the priests and teachers of the law didn't consider worthy.

Phew! That was a bit of a theological workout! Hope it answers your questions.

2007-03-13 20:35:43 · answer #1 · answered by astra6584 2 · 0 0

We don't know much about His childhood and that is what makes it unusual. According to the Bible, He had brothers and sisters. We have oly one account of His boyhood when he was 12 and He stayed behind in Jerusalem and scared his parents and they had to return to Jerusalem, Luke 2:41. They found him after three days and He said "Imust be about My Father;s business" He obviously knoew who He was and why He was sent. I have always wondered if He ever siad to Joseph, "Wait till I tell My Father..." HA
He loved the outcasts, because their need was the most visable, Have you ever noticed Chrsit always used the most lowly to convey HIs message? The shepards were the first to hear the news of His birth, and they were NOT at the top of the social ladder, HIs mother was but all accounts a simple country girl. Joseph was a lowly carpenter and not someone very important.
In the parables He always used used common people to make a point. The Parable of the Sower (Luke 8)
Healing the poor of disease and affliction, (Luke 8:30)
Tax collectors were amoung the outcast, because they were dishonest, but yet Matthew was a tax collector and one of the 12 disciples. The rich and powerful (pharasees i.e. keepers of the law, teachers) already had power and money adn thought salvation came through keepign the "law" Jesus was born to save us, He was the last blood sacrifice and suffered and died terribly for our sins.He tells us in John 14, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one come to the Father expect by me." It's that simple, nothing but faith in Christ's death and resurrection can et us to Heaven. Keeping laws, giving money to the poor, being nice is all in vain unless it is done in the belief that because Christ's paid our debt for sin, and we cannot beginto repay HIM, then we will take car of His people on Earth who need us. The rich and powerful in Christ's day didn't want to and would not belive this and they wanted to keep the poor under their control. Look at Luke 18:9, the story of the Pharisee and the Tax collector. Lule 17:11, 10 lepers cleansed, Read Luke14:12. about caring for the less fortunate. Luke 9:48, Whoever is least among you will be great. Jesus wanted the lowly to be uplifted in God's eyes, and by beliving and preaching the Gospel to the world, the lowly are lifted up. Read Matthew Chapter 8 all the way through, there are many examples of HIm coming to the aid of the poor and needing. Luke 19 is also a great example.
One of my favorie passages that will shed some light is Matthew 23: 37. "How I long to gather the children together as a hen gather s her chicks..." You have to remeber, belive that Jesus is, was and always will be God. We are His creation created in HIs image, He loves us enough to suffer horribly and die in our place so we will never die eternally in Hell. EVERYONE will have eternal life, but your faith determines where your will spend eternity.
John 3:16 answers all 3 of your questions: For God so loved the world that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. Isn't that amazing?!? We just have to BELIEVE to gain entrance into heaven. It doesn't require money or sacrifice or rituals, just faith.
I have learned that Judas didn't necessarily turn AGAINST Jesus. He, like the rest of the disciples believed Jesus to be an earthly king and he was about to overthrow the rulers and be a king and they would be right there beside Him. Judas was trustworthy enough to handle the groups money, so he must have been a smart cookie. I think he may have thought by turning Jesus over to the chief priests and elders, Jesus would have to show Himself as the Son of God and then He would begin His earthly kingdom.Judas had seen Jesus feed the 5,000, saw Him calm the storm, saw Him raise the dead. so turning the hearts of a few rulers should be a peice of cake and then every one lives happily ever after. Judas apparently thought he was speeding up the process and all went terrribly wrong.
Alot of things led up to HIs crucifixion. He had amassed a huge foloowing among the common people, they has seen the miracles, healing the blind, raising the dead, casting out demons.
Raising Lazarus from the dead was apparently the last straw. Read John 11:38 through the end of that chapter. The dead guy is now walkign around, although the grave smelled of death, many peopple came to believe in Him (aparently Lazurus was a populr guy) and the Chief Preists, Pharisees adn Sanhedrin (more teachers) decided "Waht can we do? He is perfoming miracles adn if we let Him go the Romans will come and take away out place and nation." They were worried about losing their cushy lifestyle and didn't mind killing one carpenter to keep their lifestyle going. The High Priests, or most of them were never for Jesus, they thought him harmless until Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter when huge crouds of people met Him before the Feast of Passover and said "Hosanna" (means: save us) The crowds of believers were getting to loud and to powerful and the political leaders wanted it stopped.
Judas was just the man, who thought he was hastening the beginning of God's Kingdom on Earth, all the time the disciples spent with Jesus and they JUST DIDN"T GET that Jesus must be the ultimate scarifice for us all. He had spoken about His death and ressurection and they just didn't get it. Someone as powerful as Him could not possibly die like a common thief. Even when He was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemene and even then preformed a miracle IN FRONT OF THE SOLDIERS by healing the guy who got his ear cut off (Luke 22:49) and they arrested Him any way. Even Herod could not see that He had done anything wrong, but by this time so many people hade worked themselves into a frenzy, Barabas the murderer was released and Jesus was killed.
Read the books of Luke and John and you will get a good idea of what happened. I am Lutheran and it your really want to hear it told right, attend a Lutheran Church on Wednesday night from Ash Wednesday to Easter. (which is now, the time of Lent) Especially attend the services on Maunday Thurday and Good Friday and THEN Easter Morning. You will hear the story told once again and it will be amazing. I will be praying for you that this amazing Truth becomes part of your life. Sorry this got so long, but Jesus death and resurrection is the single most important event in the world's history and I hope you realize it happened just for you! Bless you!

2007-03-14 04:44:57 · answer #2 · answered by tlcats 3 · 0 0

i have to agree with "happy pilgrim"
But i will help you out still.
He had 24 chromosome, Hedi not have a human father,
"And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man."

2007-03-14 04:00:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

sounds like a homework assignment.. Read the bible yourself!

you will benefit by studying!!

god bless

2007-03-14 03:33:02 · answer #4 · answered by happy pilgrim 6 · 0 0

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