I actually made this in chemistry class. 1 cup 1% low-fat milk (Or any kind of milk, I always have 1% in the house)
1 cup of whipping cream
2 tablespoons sugar or artificial sweetener
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups ice cubes
1/4 cup rock salt (Whatever kind of salt you have on hand works fine)
Also you can add your favorite add ins like chocolate chips or any type of candy.
In a quart-sized (regular) ziploc plastic bag, mix together the milk, sugar, and vanilla.
Seal the bag tightly, without leaving a lot of air inside.
(If you are a little paranoid about it leaking out, feel free to tape it up!).
In a gallon-sized ziploc plastic bag, mix the ice and salt.
Place the sealed quart-sized bag in the gallon-sized one.
Securely seal the gallon-sized bag without leaving very much air in the inside.
Shake, mush, and squish the bag for 6-10 minutes, or until the ice cream has set to a soft serve consistency.
Remove the inside bag (maybe even rinse off the salt) and you can either eat the ice cream right out of the bag with a spoon, or pour it into a small dish.
If you want the ice cream to be more firm, feel free to throw the bag into the freezer for a little while!
2007-03-13 19:52:31
answer #1
answered by sarah s 3
Sure do!!
All you need is a large storage bag that seals tighty, one big enough to hold a gallon size ziplock and still have room for enough room for enough ice, and rock salt to get the job done and still have room for the gallon bag to move freely. The rock salt lowers the temperature of the ice, thus speeding up the process at which the cream freezes.
put the cream and flavorings desired into the gallon zip lock bag and seal tightly, and make sure it can't open on you during the process.
fill the larger bag with 3x's the amount of cream with ice and then seal that bag allowing a little air space so everything can move around inside.
Now shake the bag. toss the bag in the air and then catching it again, have a friend shake it for awhile. Continue this process for a minimum of 1/2 hour, for soft ice cream and 1 hour for more of a hard pack.
Enjoy your ventures is making america's favorite treat.
2007-03-14 03:08:37
answer #2
answered by Charles B 2
Whip 2 cups heavy cream, add 1/2 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Freeze but every 20 mins stir it up with a fork.
Commercial ice cream has a lot of air beaten into it.
2007-03-14 02:59:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Doing it by hand is hard on your arm but I'll tell you how to do it. You need 2 bowls and a hard spatula to mix with (a hard plastic one of reasonable size for your strength is a good idea), some rock salt and ice (and of course the icecream mixture you want to use.) Use the right size metal or stoneware bowl for your mixture to fit in. I'd suggest using a pint to quart size mixing bowl if you don't have good upper body strength and a good deal of stamina and a second bowl twice it's size. The second bowl can be plastic if you want so it isn't so cold to hold onto.
You will need to have a larger bowl to put the ice in and push your mixing bowl down into the ice.
Put your icecream mixture into the mixing bowl.
Sprinkle rock salt on the ice and start crushing your mixture onto the sides of the mixing bowl with the stiff spatula in as circular motion around the bowl. Be consistent in your speed. You don't have to do it really fast. You just have to be consistent in your motions.
This is going to be extremely cold so use gloves if you can't handle it.
Only stop crushing the mixture onto the sides long enough to add more ice and rock salt as appropriate to keep it relatively full.
Depending on what type of bowls, the spatula you use, and how well you can crush the mix against the sides will determine how long it takes to get done. It used to take me anywhere from 2-5 minutes for a small batch and up to 10 of you want it to be really stiff or for larger batches.
Good luck! You're gonna be pretty tired after doing this one.
2007-03-14 03:03:34
answer #4
answered by John * 2
Here are two different kinds of recipe for Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream. The first is made with a custard base (eggs and cream) and the second is a 'quick' recipe ideal for kids!
Custard base recipe
4 egg yolks, 1/2 pint (250ml) milk, 1/2 pint (250ml) double/heavy cream, 4 oz (100g) sugar or caster sugar, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract (or according to taste - everyone's different!)
First of all scald the milk (bring slowly up to boiling point in a saucepan). Separately, mix together the egg yolks and sugar until thick. Pour into this the hot milk, whilst continuously stirring. Then pour the mixture back into the pan and heat gently, stirring until the custard thickens - DO NOT BRING TO THE BOIL OR IT WILL PROBABLY CURDLE. When you can see a film form over the back of your spoon it's time to remove the saucepan from the heat. Leave to cool. This is the custard base and one you can use in many other recipes. When the custard base is cold, stir in the cream and vanilla extract, then transfer the whole mixture into an ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions.
2007-03-14 02:53:59
answer #5
answered by ♀Batista♀ 2
yes!!!! i do.....you need is
~ 1 Gallon Baggie
~12 Tbls. Salt
~1 cup Half & Half
~1/2 Tsp. Vanilla
~2 Tbls. Sugar
~1 sandwhich baggie
Now put the ice in the gallon baggie, add the salt. Let that sit for a while. Put the cream,vanilla and sugar in the sandwhich baggie let that sit for a while.(make sure to close it!)Put the cream baggie in side the Gallon baggie with the Ice and Salt! shake till your arms fall off or till is gets to an ice cream consistansy.......Put in Serving bowl and serve! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -=JJ=-
2007-03-14 03:11:46
answer #6
answered by FlowerChild ✿ 5
i am a preschool teacher and i make icecream a lot in the summer. we use two coffee cans. one large and on small wit the lids. fill the small coffee can with the icecream mixture and then put the lid and put the small can into the large one. Fill the inside around the small can with ice and rock salt in layers. put the lid on the large can. then we wrapped a towel around it and took turns rolling it all over the place. or on the counter. do this for about 15-20 minutes. tada!!!
2007-03-14 02:57:44
answer #7
answered by dipnz40 1
All you need is two plastic bags. Pour your ingredients into one bag, and rock salt and ice in the second. Place the first bag inside the second. Close them both, and shake vigorously until it begins to get solid. Enjoy.
2007-03-14 02:53:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
2007-03-14 02:51:52
answer #9
answered by lj719 1
2007-03-14 02:51:22
answer #10
answered by crengle60 5