Well, let's look at the facts ...
~You have cut yourself (only a few times a year, but still, you have cut yourself)
~When you have cut yourself, it's been on purpose, and not by accident
~You feel embarassed and ashamed of it, because you are going to great lengths to hide the scars.
Yes, I would say that you are a cutter. But, since you recognize the fact that you are (possibly) a cutter, you can do something about it. Seek some help, either from a therapist, or (if you're in college/graduate school) a school counselor/school therapist. If you take action now, you can rid yourself of this harmful habit before it causes you any further damage. Don't get too drunk and if something bad happens to you, just have a good cry ... it's a much healthier way of dealing with your pain.
2007-03-13 18:27:53
answer #1
answered by Mags 2
You are really the only one to answer this question. I am a self-injurer (albiet more often than you describe, and not just cutting), but I believe there are 3 catagories of self-harm, and one is split into 2 groups. Those who do so repetitvely, and those who do so not as often. Labels I do not put much stock in, because it is what is causing it that is the real problem. But it is not stupid. It is a coping mechanism, albiet not a healthy one, but still. If you feel the need to cut your body when a very stressful situation comes up, you are addicted to it. I would suggest the below webbie, helped me alot. It is not only for cutters, but for those with eating disorders, and other problems, and is a community where there are others going through similar questions.
2007-03-13 18:25:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I would say so...please get some councelling because you don't need to be hurting yourself that way...stuff like that has the potential to get out-of-control quickly under stressful circumstances. Take care of yourself, there's nothing wrong with you...but you need to find a healthier coping mechanism.
2007-03-13 18:25:16
answer #3
answered by historyfan 2
Yes. because you only do it infrequently shows how much impulse control you have. get some help and ask for some aversion therapy. ie if you have the urge/impulse to cut, then put your hands in a bowl of icy ice filled water.
good luck :)
2007-03-13 18:19:07
answer #4
answered by scorpianne 3
Umm, yes? Considering I cut myself...ZERO times a year, I consider myself not a cutter, so therefore by process of elimination, that would make you a cutter.
2007-03-13 18:18:52
answer #5
answered by flyin_gsxr600 4
Yes, it does. Grace, it's not how many, it's the simple fact that you feel depressed and down on yourself enough to cut that matters. If you're not getting help, please check out what's available in your community. There are support groups and advice on the web too.
You take care of you! You are worth the world to someone...and you've already touched me. One last thought...alcohol is no one's friend.
Retro Richard in China
2007-03-13 18:28:20
answer #6
answered by truenorth1844 2
I know what your saying, i cut before. only for two days. Im gunna stop now. I dunno, i mean i wouldnt consider you a cutter, you just cut. I think a cutter is someone who cuts EVERYTIME they have a problem you know? and the people who cmnt saying stuff dont understand if they never tried it.Its bad, please stop, and if you can't, then get help. We'll stop together =).
2007-03-13 18:48:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you cut for no other reason that to cut, and have done it more than once, then I would say yes.
2007-03-13 18:18:43
answer #8
answered by lunartic5 3
yes it would make you a cutter. i am one. i have scars. new ones will come. its not everyday i cut. but i do.and that makes me one.. just curious...
whats your reason?
mine is that my heart hurts so much that i desperately want something else to hurt in order to feel physical pain . emotinal pain for me is much worse.
2007-03-13 18:30:58
answer #9
answered by wHosEtHbiiTchnao 1
yes this does make them a cutter.
2007-03-13 18:23:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous