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Spoke to my crush today, saw him a few times around campus, I finally went up and introduced myself.

We shook hands, talked, laughed, and during all of it, lol, i think i was shaking a little and talking fast. It went well, but im worried that my nervousness made me seem less attractive.

When a girl gets nervous talking to you, what impression do you get?

2007-03-13 18:13:42 · 14 answers · asked by 258Girl 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

14 answers

First I'd be *very* impressed that you made the first move and introduced yourself. I find that very attractive.

Second, I'd think it was adorable that you seemed nervous, as long as you were being pleasant and paying attention to me. You made the effort to talk to me despite how uncomfortable a part of you felt -- that makes me feel good. You must really like me. I've been on the other side, and wished a few girls were more aware of that suffering, and treated me accordingly!

Don't worry. I think you did just fine. And good luck, Catalina!

By the way, if this guy doesn't happen to be the one, don't let yourself start worrying about whether your approach turned him off. As long as you're being yourself (nerves and all) the *right* guy for you will love it. :-)

2007-03-13 18:18:35 · answer #1 · answered by Question Mark 4 · 2 0

Right away I think it's the "cutest" thing in the world. When I see a shy girl around talking to me, I know straight out that she has a liking for me. (I got a girlfriend, I'm just thinking it from a single person point of view). I would actually feel good that someone is nervous, because I would continue to say hi and talk so the nervousness will go away. I don't think it's less attractive at all. I think it's actually a good start. Everyone get's scared especially its someone you like.

Close your eyes and take a breather. The first stage is over... go for it!

Good luck!

2007-03-13 18:18:06 · answer #2 · answered by Sir Guitarist 2 · 2 0

Completely normal, in fact, if most guys in this situation were to do this, including myself, we usually get more nervous than you because it is society's pressure on males to always make the first move, but what a lot of people don't know is that it makes things a lot easier if the female can do it because it takes so much pressure off and things can sometimes go better than planned if the female can crack the ice first. He's probably thrilled, or at least impressed with you that you had the confidence to introduce yourself and put your ego/confidence on the line for him. I know I would be.

2007-03-13 18:32:37 · answer #3 · answered by Brandon P 2 · 3 0

if everything went well, don't worry so much about your nervousness. i mean, your shaking and talking too fast may be obvious only to you, and not to the guy. you say he laughed andtalked with you a lot, too? well, for me that means you probably earned success points!

you have passed the first hurdle..you already introduced yourself to him. maybe that's the reason why you were so nervous in the first place, for that was the first time you talked to him.

just relax and be yourself the second time around. chances are, he was also distracted by your winsome smile when you were talking, so no worries there, right?

keep it up!

2007-03-13 18:19:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When I get the impression she's so nervous, she must really like me. Which is a very good thing in my opinion. It also shows that she can't control herself perfectly, but I try and think of the positives :)

2007-03-13 18:16:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When a girl gets nervous to talk to me and she does talk to me then that makes me feel like I really am attractive. I like it I dont know about him

2007-03-13 18:16:28 · answer #6 · answered by Andres A 2 · 1 0

I'm sorry, I really am. But, this is what went thru my mind.

Watching her shake, I'd interrupt and ask her to do something for me, take a deep breath. That's all. Just one deep breath and I mean deep or I'd accuse her of not being serious about this. Then I'd ask her if I look as nervous as she is.

Finally, I'd tell her about a speech class teacher that told me how to get over talking to an audience is to imagine them all naked. Then tell her that that didn't work for me because once I imagined that, that's the reason I'm so so nervous with all these naked people hanging out here.

She'll laugh and I will have put her completely at ease.

2007-03-13 18:27:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

I tell her to get lost. Its a tough world. Its tough for men so why shouldn't it be tough for girls. Suck it up princess. If some chic I liked saw me shaken around her she probably drop a drink on my head. I get the impression that she is probably some spoiled brat with a rich daddy, who pays for everything

Ya that what I say...Get Lost. No woman ever cut me any slack I tell ya that. Not when it came to nervousness. Men have to be perfect, women should at least try to come close. Some do and that is great!

2007-03-13 18:25:54 · answer #8 · answered by Danomano 1 · 0 5

i get the impression that they like me. besides, i think it's really cute when girls get nervous around me.

2007-03-13 18:16:11 · answer #9 · answered by Pyromaniac 4 · 1 0

for me it is cute. I shows that you are interested in me. I would rather you be nervous then come-off aloof.

2007-03-13 18:18:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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