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I Suffer from social anxiety disorder and its interfering with my life
well.. i have no life lol because of it my mums gona fone my doctor and try and get me a phsychiatrist or something to help me get better but iv been feeling really depressed to and i feel like killing myself to... i hate life and i just wish i was dead ...

2007-03-13 18:07:36 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

33 answers

I'm glad your mom is getting you help, you definitely need some. Once you are under psychiatric care and on meds life will change. Take it from someone who has battled depression for 10 years now. Its a bumpy road, but you will get through it. Take it easy and accept the help you are given!

2007-03-13 18:12:03 · answer #1 · answered by Peanut Butter 5 · 2 0

Get real!
You've got a problem, you need professional help, your Mum's doing the only thing possible! You can and will be helped by treatment, there's no other way. Treatment doesn't hurt!, you may need counselling, medication, anything, but you will get better, I promise. Listen to your Mum.
When you feel like killing yourself, you are in trouble, it never works anyway, I've tried it at least 30 times, the nearest I got to it was last June but the hospital dragged me away from the brink. Once you try it you'll do it again and again, so don't bother .
Listen to your Mum, she obviously cares a lot about you, even if you don't!
All the best, when this is all over and you start living life, this will seem like a bad dream!
Get well, get help listen to your mum , and talk your heart out to the doctors, that' what they're there for. Trust people, ONLY PROFESSIONALS, not just anyone!

2007-03-21 10:32:51 · answer #2 · answered by usha4pillai 2 · 0 0

I used to feel like that at one point, what helped me was getting my body moving! The mind and body are connected, and if you have no life you need to start getting one by getting some sunlight and exercise, even 15 minutes a day will raise hormones called endorphins. You will feel you have accomplished something already just telling yourself that life is already bad, it's bound to get better. Try a book called Feeling Good. . .and also watch what you eat. Too many sodas and sugar can cause issues that resemble anxiety. It might just be a phase. If you are a teenager, don't be so quick to depend on medication without taking care of your body because they have side effects and actually can increase suicidal thoughts! I'm not a doctor, but sometimes attitude and having faith in yourself can work better than drugs. Just remember that life is what you make of it, and that you have a mum who loves you and people care what happens to you, even strangers on the Internet.

2007-03-13 18:30:51 · answer #3 · answered by Lj 2 · 2 0

Trust me, your life won't be any better if you're dead! It's a proven fact that many of the people who try to kill themselves frantically try to struggle for life before they die.

Find something you enjoy! There are a lot of great things in life! Walk on a sunny day (actually, people who go outdoors more have less depression!) Play a sport. Paint a picture. Sing. There is something out there that will make you feel better.

Seek out a good friend, or if you don't have anyone you can trust, try to make a new one!

I'm sure you are a great person with a lot to offer...just give yourself some time. You'll get through this.

2007-03-13 18:13:16 · answer #4 · answered by hopewriter 3 · 2 0

For the past seventeen years i have had depression with my mood going up and down and for half of that time i didn't even realise i was depressed...i have been at the point of wanting to end it all and needed help which i got and this is what you need...life really is worth living you know and i know you probably can't see that but with the right help everything will come together for you...some people only suffer depression once in their life and others have to live with it and for me it's a matter of looking on the bright side even when everything is dark..fight it and don't give up..get the help and the medication if necessary and good luck

2007-03-21 11:06:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi there glam0ur0us_xx, How awful for you that you are suffering like this, and that it is interfering with your life. Please allow your mum to assist you by getting the help that you so surely need, whether it is a psychiatrist, counsellor or something else. Your mum loves you and wants to help improve your life and help you get better. It will be a long journey for you, but they say that a long journey begins with the first few little steps. Search for your inner strength to take these first few little steps. Only then can you start to rebuild and improve your situation. You can be helped and it will get better!!! There are some great people out there who can truly help you. One day you will look back on this and be glad you accepted the help. Feel free to email me if you need the moral support. I wish you all the best!!! :o) x

2007-03-13 18:17:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I have had the very same thing and felt the same way as you do before. I felt like I was lost somewhere, the person I used to be just disappeared and I felt an actual black cloud come over me. I couldn't even talk to people in a social context, and every minute of every day was torture. I was not myself anymore and it wasn't just because I wasn't thinking positive or anything like that. It was real and I believe your suffering is real too. Life is really hard right now, but it will get better (don't forget that!). I tried to get help, but the meds they gave me were not working (maybe I didn't give it enough time to work). I told the doctor to admit me to the hospital (Psych.), but they said not unless i was going to kill myself. I wanted to kill myself, but i told them i would not kill myself no matter what, because i would not do that to my parents (who had already lost a child). So I continued to suffer, until I medicated myself... which let to different severe problems. I wish I would have just said "yes i'm going to kill myself", then i would have gotten the help I needed in the hospital! I suggest you get to the hospital.

2007-03-20 20:13:48 · answer #7 · answered by luv2laf 1 · 0 0

Hey, join the club, don't despaired, listen to your mum, she is right. I had a very similar problem. eventually, with the help of my husband, i went to the doctor to get help.

It took a long time but slowly I am getting my life back together, I suffered depression, felt like ending my life. It's not an easy journey, It will be hard, one step forward, three steps back.

I still suffer, so i only go out with people I know, and always plan an escape route. Don't despair, help is out there.
Go with your mum for support, she cares for you, let her do this with you, she wants to help you.

Good luck, I will be here if you need me, check on my profile for my details.

2007-03-21 11:34:28 · answer #8 · answered by lazybird2006 6 · 0 0

Your Mum is doing the right thing by phoning the doctor. Depression is an illness and you need treatment. Your doctor can treat you and the NHS Mental Health team provides a good service. I have suffered from depression for seven years now and know how bad you must be feeling. Good luck and thank your Mum for caring about you.

2007-03-13 19:25:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I know exactly how you feel, try to find out if there is a crises centre anywhere near you. I tried to kill myself last month, and i'm very glad I didn't suceed, i've been getting proper help. It's hard to get other people to understand how low you feel, and I know this can make it worse. My best advice to help yourself, is try to concentrate on the good things in your life, no matter how small, anything that brings a smile to your face. If you fancy a chat then IM or E-Mail me. Good luck, and I promise things will get better, even if it doesn't seem like it now.

2007-03-21 03:05:13 · answer #10 · answered by Ian B 2 · 0 0

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