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Why do so many protestants judge Catholics for practices such as "praying to the Virgin Mary" or praying novenas to patron saints? OR praying in front of holy statues/pictures? Please, do not answer those questions. Basically, WHAT IS THE POINT of judging Catholics for all the practices and beliefs mentioned? I mean, what is going to happen to these Catholics for their beliefs and practices? Are they going to go to hell when they die, for the fact that they "pray to the Virgin Mary?" Huh? Are they not going to be saved?? What is it? Christians think its idolizing,so they are sinning.AND? Um.HELLO!!Christians, examinate yourself. Yeah, your own sins. You know you drop babies out of wedlock, drink to your heart's extent, enjoy the premarital sex over and over, etc., etc. If we are all sinners and if Jesus judges us equally for salvation, what is the point of even judging Catholics 'idolizing'? WE ALL SIN in one form or another and it's all the same in God's eye. Stop being hypocritical!

2007-03-13 16:50:48 · 17 answers · asked by Camera Obscura 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

Rather than find out what we actually believe, a fair number of Protestants are content to parrot the lies that they've been told about us by their ministers and leaders. They claim to know everything that we believe and think, but again, some of these posts make it blatantly obvious that they don't have any idea about the Church's real doctrines.

If they would take the time to find out what we really believe instead of what they *think* we believe, then maybe they would stop belittling their brothers and sisters in Christ. We all share the love of our Savior Jesus Christ and the desire to see others love Him, too. What more do we need?

2007-03-13 17:38:54 · answer #1 · answered by Wolfeblayde 7 · 0 0

If a person sees a wrongful thing being done, why would he ignore it and say it's OK anyway? If you see a person stealing a car are you going to say it's OK, not a problem, don't even worry about it?? I should hope not. What if it was your car? Would you want someone to help correct the problem? I know I sure would. I think people, no matter their status in life, should report such a thing and do their part to help correct the situation. Everybody sins. That doesn't make it a rightful or good thing. If a person does as you list..premarital sex, drinking to access, etc. they should be confronted too. No one is saying they shouldn't. A wrong is a wrong! God knows what a person does or doesn't do. God will dish out what a person has coming even if mankind does or doesn't. No one has the approval or license to sin. God will do what needs to be done and so should people. Turn from sin, repent of it, and cease doing wrong. If a person a religion, etc. is doing something that is not Biblical it should be pointed out to them too. If it's not in Gods word (praying to Mary etc) don't do it. It's that simple.

2007-03-13 17:15:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

In answer to your question, "What is going to happen to these Catholics for their beliefs and practices?
The most crucial problem with the Roman Catholic Church is its belief that faith alone in Christ is not sufficient for salvation. The Bible clearly and consistently states that receiving Jesus Christ as Savior, by grace through faith, grants salvation (John 1:12; 3:16,18,36; Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9-10,13; Ephesians 2:8-9). The Roman Catholic Church rejects this. The official position of the Roman Catholic Church is that a person must believe in Jesus Christ AND be baptized AND receive the Eucharist along with the other sacraments AND obey the decrees of the Roman Catholic Church AND perform meritorious works AND not die with any mortal sins AND etc., etc., etc. Catholic divergence from the Bible on this most crucial of issues, salvation, means that yes, Catholicism is a false religion. If a person believes what the Catholic Church officially teaches, he/she will not be saved. Any claim that works or rituals must be added to faith in order for salvation to be achieved is a claim that Jesus’ death was not sufficient to fully purchase our salvation.
We Christians should be praying for them and not judging them because they have been mislead.

2007-03-13 19:00:12 · answer #3 · answered by Freedom 7 · 1 0

So, is this a question or a rant. I've actually been judged by both Christians & Catholics. I had a Catholic priest tell me I was going to hell because I wasn't a Catholic. He screamed at me because I refused to confess my sins to him and take communion. Fancy that. There are judgemental people everywhere. Deal with it. I've also had loads of Catholic friends who "dropped babies out of wedlock" and even had affairs with married men (that would be premartial sex, correct?). Sin isn't exclusive to any religion. If you don't like what some people say about your religion, walk away. It's pretty simple. I don't whine when people tell me I'm going to hell for not being a Christian or Catholic. I couldn't care less.

If you have strong faith, other people's opinions wouldn't both you in the least. You just wouldn't care. Obviously you do so, you should probably stop pointing out what other people are doing wrong and accept the fact that there are hypocrites EVERYWHERE.

By the way, examinate isn't a word.

2007-03-13 16:57:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

There is no point considering Catholics don't "idolize" anything, nor do we "pray to Mary" rather we ask Mary and saints to pray for us as one Christian friend might ask another to pray for them. So no point, really just ignorance of what the Catholic belief is.

Pantheress above me, it could not be siblig rivalry as Catholicism if you were to draw a family tree of Christianity is the Mother all other religions Christian religions come from it. So it is more like a rebelious teenager relationship.

2007-03-13 16:56:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Peace be with you.

I belong to no physical church, I belong to the Spiritual Church of Jesus Christ, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, therefore a branch of his vine, in which our Father, who is in heaven, is the Owner of the Vineyard.

I do the work that I was given to do, by Him who sent me, I do not my will, but the will of Him who sent me. My work is to labor in the field, sowing seeds. Giving freely that which I was given, so as when the Owner comes, I can show him the talents I have gather, because I share what he gave me to those I hated, and they became my brothers in Christ.

I am a sinner, and I have a speck in my eye, but I can see clearly enough to pull the beam from your eye. I will not be angry with you without a cause, I have come to you and tried to bring you back to the flock, but if you do not, I will bring a witness, so that every word may be recorded, and if you still will not believe, I will bring it to the Spiritual Church of Jesus Christ, for I can do nothing of myself, I do only that which I have seen of Him. It is Him, that does the work. Read his words in Matthew 6.

A Greater love hath no man then to lay down his life for his friends, we are friends.

Remember the woman for she anointed Jesus at the hour of his burial.

2007-03-17 05:31:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Old but true saying: If you don't want to hear the answer, don't ask the question.

Worshipping Mary (who's dead) is more than 'just' a sin. Oh, and by the way, Jesus ROSE from the dead, so you can take Him off the cross now.

2007-03-13 17:01:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Because there is no other name under heaven that men can be saved. And Jesus said to pray to the Father in heaven. He also said to ask in His name. That is why. Mary was just the tool that God the Father used to bring Jesus His Son into the world.

2007-03-13 16:58:47 · answer #8 · answered by KingDavid6268 2 · 2 3

..... Because there is only one mediator, Jesus Christ. Catholics do a disservice to Mary by calling her Holy Mary. Mary was an ordinary woman, maybe very strong in spirit, but she was just a commoner, not some praiseworthy queen. Jesus had an obscure parentage - he was not born the son of a king and queen. He had humble beginnings. Glorifying her does the opposite of showing her humility. And as far as faith, she does nothing for us. Why doesn't Catholicism show the same fondness for Joseph? "Holy Joseph"? But you never hear of such things.

2007-03-13 16:57:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 5

You are right-YOU don't want an answer.Remember-WE followers of CHRIST-Have to learn and accept ,HIS teachings-in our own way-Too many feel THE- MY TRUTH-is the only truth and that everyone else must be wrong--Something about a mote in your eye/the log in mine

2007-03-13 17:42:52 · answer #10 · answered by phaedrasman 1 · 0 1

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