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8 answers

Two 16oz cans of sauerkraut and two rings of smoked sausage. (Hilshire Farm or whatever. ) I cut up the sausage into about 3 inch chunks. Dump one can of sauerkraut in the crock pot, layer the sausage, dump the other can of kraut. You can go on high for 2 hours or on low for 3-4 hours, but this recipe takes the least amount of time since the sausage is usually pre-cooked, and the kraut is edible right out of the can. All you're doing is heating it up.

2007-03-13 17:22:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Easy Crockpot Dinner

4-6 chicken breasts
2 cans creamed soups
noodles or rice, cooked

To make a simple and fast meal in the slow cooker you can take chicken breasts and cover them with your favorite soup like mushroom, celery, cream of broccoli or combine two soups.(Cream of chicken and cream of celery are good together.) Slow cook for 8 hours on low.

Serve over rice or noodles.

2007-03-14 06:41:06 · answer #2 · answered by miladybc 6 · 0 0

Ribs in the crockpot, boil ribs in water until pink is gone. Slap some pepper. onion salt, garlic salt on them after they are boiled. Throw them in crock pot. Cover them with barbeque sauce enough to cover them. Throw some water in there. More then enough to cover the ribs. Set crock pot to high setting first hour, then change to low. Let them cook in there for about 6-7 hours. Perfection.

2007-03-13 23:21:19 · answer #3 · answered by hbuckmeister 5 · 0 0

this is sooo good and easy...
beef tip roast
1 cup water
1 jar horseradish (not a creamy spread... but a ground horseradish)(any size the more the better)
PUt all in crock pot, cover beef with horseradish... slow cook all day. The intensity of the horse raddish is gone when slow cooked, all you have left is the flavor. Serve with boiled potatos or mashed. ;)

2007-03-13 23:12:24 · answer #4 · answered by charisma 6 · 0 0

real easy and good take a boneless pork roast potatoes carrots and a can of jelled cranberry sauce layer potatoes carrots oh a few small onions put meat on top put cranberry over all slow cook for about 7 hrs mummmmmmmm good makes its own gravy

2007-03-14 00:04:10 · answer #5 · answered by countrycollecter 3 · 0 0

get beef like stew meat cut in smaller pieces cook(until done) add onion and egg noodles cook until noodles are done

use chicken cook until done take out shred put back in broth
put pot on high to make a boil
in a bowl or cup mix milk and flour together(should be runny like) add salt and pepper pour in to chicken add egg noodles cook until noodles are done serve

you can make potatoe soup the same way as the chicken
only use potatoes and onion and celery

2007-03-13 23:13:05 · answer #6 · answered by country-girl 3 · 0 0

my all time easiest and favorite recipe 1 large can of cream of mushroom and a pack of chicken breast throw it all in and serve over rice its fabulous

2007-03-13 23:22:15 · answer #7 · answered by WYOnurse 2 · 0 0

how about a website with a bunch for you to choose from..

2007-03-13 23:09:46 · answer #8 · answered by darlin12009 5 · 0 0

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