It's pretty straightforward, really.
The chance that random materials assemble into a person... maybe one in a trazillion.
The chance that an infinitely powerful being is standing around... one in an infinity, logically.
And any mathematician can tell you that one in an infinity is pretty much zero. So no matter how ridiculously unlikely the other one is, it's all you got.
2007-03-13 12:03:48
answer #1
answered by Doctor Why 7
The two are not opposites--except to the religious right who don't even understand their own Bible.
Evolution is science--it describes what we know about how life develops and changes over time. It says nothing--one way or the other--about whether there is a "Creator" or not.
The idea that there is a Creator--even that a Creator is logically necessary--is philosophy--and it is a perfectly valid--and widely held--philosophical/religious belief. And there is nothing in that viewpoint that precludes evolution--as long as you remember that evolution describes a physical process/history--and philosophy/religion deals with ultimate causes and meanings. Two entirely different things.
The fundamentalist arguement is simply invalid. There are many religions--and each has a different creation story. None has any claimto literal (physical) accuracy that rises above the others. What those creation stories all share is a common teaching--that there is an ultimate Cause--and that there are certain moral truths that all people should abide by. Only the ignorant and superstitous are unableto understand that that is the importance of these systems of belief--and it is only they who fail to understand that evolution deals only with the phical processes we find in nature.
2007-03-13 12:05:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
2007-03-13 11:57:36
answer #3
answered by سيف الله بطل جهاد 6
Evolution 100%
2007-03-13 11:57:14
answer #4
answered by The Happy Atheist 5
Hmm...interesting that there are only two presented options. How about this:
Evolution from simpler forms, leading back to elementary chemical-strings: Within our own understanding, this happened. We've seen it, we've tested it, it happened. Therefore it has a statistical probability of 1, or 100%. It's a fact. Kudos to the Creation-believers who acknowledged as much.
Creation by a benevolent god whose nature we partially understand and whose name we have right: From our own point of view, the universe is huge, and though I'm a personal atheist, I'm not arrogant enough to say I know everything. So I'd have to give it a probability of about 50% - half as much as evolution, for which, however unlikely it is, there is evidence. There is not as yet scientific evidence of this creator, but it remains a theoretical possibility.
The Hooville Theory: You ever read Dr Seuss? Remember the Hoos of Hooville? Creatures living in their own world, with grocery stores and radio sets and all the trappings of modern life...yet so small their entire world was based within a snowflake or a speck of dust. As I said, from our own perspective our universe is huge. Perhaps we too only have the ability to see to the edge of our own snowflake, and there is an entire uber-universe outside out own. Again, I don't know everything, so this idea of meaninglessness and scale has to be as likely as the benevolent creator theory. 50%.
The only thing of which there is sufficient evidence to be certain is that within our own biosphere, evolution has occurred. Everything else is possible, but unproven.
2007-03-13 20:27:41
answer #5
answered by mdfalco71 6
Evolution 100%
Creation 0%
2007-03-13 11:58:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Evolution 100%
Creation 0%
2007-03-13 11:56:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
And what shall we base our percentages on? Evolution-backed by evidence, 100%. Creation, maybe started evolution, maybe delusion by uneducated masses, um 50%? So that leaves us with Evolution is 100% true, Creation has a 50/50 chance of existing, and we are still just pulling numbers out of our nether regions.
2007-03-13 11:58:48
answer #8
answered by Huggles-the-wise 5
Evolution 90%
Creation 9%
Something Else 1%
2007-03-13 11:57:03
answer #9
answered by Skeptic123 5
I think the answer is right there for everyone to see unless they chose to ignore it and follow their animal instinct to deny the existence of a very intelligent and complex design going from the smallest particle in your body to the massively huge galactic order.
When people chose to ignore the creator it’s chaos everywhere and science can try to answer what it wants it can never explain how the world we live in was initiated in the first place, they ago as far as a big bang but cannot answer the simple question of who caused the big bang to happen in the first place or why ? They can tell you come from a monkey but they cannot explain why monkeys or any other animal for that matter hasn’t evolve into a humanlike creature or even developed the ability to speak, to feel, to have morals and boundaries or the intelligence and arrogance to make up crap about theories that doesn’t make sense about how he came to be !
They tell you a creator is out of question but when they’re stuck in their answers they just say we don’t know how or why !!
Science would be much more productive and would make much more sense it if accepts one and only one concept, the presence of a creator and sustainer of the universe. If only we accept that everything falls into place and suddenly makes sense !!!
I will finish by quoting one of the most imminent scientist of our time, someone who shaped the very core of modern science, Albert Einstein himself, on his death bed he while trying to write the so called “theory of everything” said to his nurse “God is not hiding anything from us, he only wants us to look harder…” take the hint…
PS: God does not equal church, I will not dictate which faith should be followed or which God is the true God but it’s you duty to search and find out for yourself, just don’t take the easiest option… your parents or your society does not necessarily hold the ultimate truth…
Peace !
2007-03-14 07:19:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Evolution 100%
2007-03-13 11:55:59
answer #11
answered by Chelle's Belle 4