There is absolutely no reason you can't.
Get in there and train as hard as you can.
Then get in the ring and do the best you can.
No matter the outcome, you're a winner in my book!
2007-03-13 04:17:12
answer #1
answered by JV 5
I am going to answer yes, because if you dedicate yourself and are disciplined anything is possible. But try to feel yourself out and come to terms with whether you want to be a "fighter" or a "martial artist." It will take much longer for you to become a fighter, than to be a martial artist. Fighting refers to street brawls or full contact competitions (of which there are a few on the east coast, but mostly are located in other countries). Either way, if you want to be a "fighter" then you face the possibility or further bodily damage (guy on the street pulls a knife, very skilled competitor brakes your arm, etc.). When you begin training you should start with some aerobic exercises and either light free weights or calisthenics. Take it easy when you begin, increasing the weight/time spent exercising by small increments when you have found your previous increment easy to perform. This will give your injuries time to heal and adjust. A lot of people assume that you should sit around and do nothing when you're injured to heal, this is a huge fallacy. If you do nothing while your injures heal then your body adjusts to match the amount of work you force it to do, which is nothing: consequently, when you are fully healed your muscles and ligaments will be very weak. So exercise, but exercise carefully. I would encourage you, however, not to seek to become a "fighter." Instead dedicate yourself to a martial art and over time the knowledge of that art will be second nature and will save you should you get into a fight.
2007-03-13 13:38:01
answer #2
answered by cunamo 3
well first off i think your a legend mate! Back with vengeance, i like it! Personally i have never done martial arts, im a boxer. I Broke my finger a while back, it took some time but i was able to get back into it. Sometimes it hurts the finger, but not to often. As for the age barrier, i spose it depends on how much you want it! If you believe that you can get your fitness level up there and can take the pain, then hell yes its do-able! If i was you, after taking those injures i would consult a doctor and or whoever takes martial arts. Personally i think that you should be ok with it, like you will have to go easy for a fair while, but once it heals properly it should be good to go! Remember that you need to be extremely careful with it though, you could make it worse, and then your chances of getting into the hardcore action would be slim at bes.Anyhu good luck with it mate, hope my advice was helpful in someway, and hope you can do it!
Good luck
2007-03-13 03:40:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you've already sustained a bad injury, and you're wife and kids rely on you, I wouldn't suggest fighting competatively.
As far as learning to fight, sure anyone can.
With your condition, I would suggest you find one cold-hearted S.O.B. to train you. Anyone else will go easy on you, and that will slow your progression.
Also, if you've never been in a fight: I suggest you try to avoid them. I've been in more than my share from pool hall stick fights, to bar room brawls, to chasing down shoplifters at a mall. Alot of people think fighting is very dramatic and exciting, it's really not unless it's vountary (a.k.a. sparing). In any other condition, it's just painfull.
Perspective check:
I practice Ninjitsu - I have for years - I'm in an advanced group and soon I'll get a shot at becoming a Shinobi (top ranking). . . If I don't like being in fights, I doubt you'll enjoy it either.
2007-03-16 19:28:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It's never too late as long as you are phisically able. I'd be concerned about your injuries, as it takes time to heal specially as you getr older. Check with a doctor if your feet would be albe to withstand the punishment, if they say it's ok then start training like a demon! If you train consistantly your ground game (e.gjiujitsu,wrestling) and your standing (e.g. muay thai, boxing) in a year or 2 you should be ok, if you want to compete, you need to train, sparr, and you'll find out if your body can take the punishment.
Best of luck, and hope you can achieve your goal!! it's definetely doable!
2007-03-13 05:07:07
answer #5
answered by Frank the tank 7
In a word... YES.
Grit and endurance won't beat raging testosterones and faster response time!
But you're never too old to learn martial arts!
If you had said "martial artist" rather than "fighter" you would have gotten a different answer from me.
2007-03-13 11:00:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
later is better than nothing. i think if u want to be a fighter ,mury thai is a good chioce. someone think its brutal,and its difficult but its not the fact. actually,muay thai is very practical .
there is a will ,there is a way. good luck
2007-03-13 03:55:54
answer #7
answered by kenmax1983 1
Anything is possible but your injury sounds serious, career ending serious at that if you really do have everyday pain in your feet.
2007-03-14 17:12:42
answer #8
answered by scorpion187us 4
you retard you are going thorugh a mid life crisis... brawler.. hey why dont you move to England.. there you can get drunk and brawl for free against amartures in the street every day...
2007-03-13 03:42:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
sigh. Go for it, I say!
I live in england at the moment.
2007-03-13 03:36:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous