~~An emphatic YES!! ~~
"I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death, your right to say it."
The Bill of Rights
Amendment 1 of the Constitution
*Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances*
(Just something I have to add)
Although I truly love and support our country, our government, I must confess to 1 small grievance. *The Separation of Church and State*... I'm sure someone somewhere felt they had a good reason for this - I just haven't found out what it is yet. But Heaven knows I'm trying. I've often wondered if it might somehow be connected to something I read on a bumpersticker sometime back. It said, "RUSSIA put Religion IN the schools and AMERICA took it OUT"......??????? Could this be true? I would NOT AT ALL enjoy putting another country 1 up on us in anything, and Lord knows that I am as patriotic as one can be, but I was also taught at a very young age, "You gotta give even the Devil his Due"
Sorry for rambling. Sometimes my fingers just don't know when to shut up.
2007-03-12 21:48:27
answer #1
answered by Jade 4
Our Constitution guarantees EVERYONE the absolute right to their own religious beliefs. HOWEVER, it does NOT provide for the singling out of one religion (namely Christianity) by the ACLU because the very mention of God sends them into a frenzy. They try to twist Freedom of Religion into Freedom FROM religion which is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!! If someone is angry and stupid enough not to leave the room or turn and look the other way if they see or hear something of a religious nature and instead try to wipe it out altogether, they are abusing the Constitution.
Since you didn't mention religion as the belief you mentioned in your question, let me add this one thing. No one has the right to practice anything that is against the law and/or hurts other people no matter what the believe. Question answered?
P.S. This is one subject I am willing to discuss but absolutely will not argue over. What I said is the answer to a simple question and leaves no room for arguement.
2007-03-13 03:17:02
answer #2
answered by Melanie L RN 1
As has been stated it is reciprocity.
Which also means we must at least acknowledge that there are some who have a right to their beliefs no matter how wrong they are. Let us use one which most here could say is wrong belief. (I may be taking a big risk here). Let us say the KKK ,obviously for most folks, it is apparent their belief system is wrong. But I cannot infringe on their right to believe that, but I must for the community take a stand which limits their potential to act out on those beliefs.... or at the very least have serious consequences for those actions which follow the miserably wrong belief system.
2007-03-13 07:08:33
answer #3
answered by thankyou "iana" 6
Of course everyone has the right to believe whatever they like. Lucifer had the right to choose, Adam and Eve had the same right to choose, Hitler, Stalin, the Khmer Rouge, illegal drug users, pornographers, murderers, abortion rights advocates, rapists, thieves - well heck everybody has the right of CHOICE. I suppose the consequences of those choices, based on their own personal belief system's are still in effect, last time I checked the sunny news headlines anyway.
Sarcastic yes, with just a little flavor of ...common sense?
2007-03-13 03:19:52
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
yes and no It is far more important to have the correct knowedge to be honorable and altruistic than to waste ones life on beliefs of delusion and baloney . Seek the truth in heart and mind and the rewards should explain the difference.
Hitler had his beliefs ! but so what....
2007-03-13 03:04:43
answer #5
answered by dogpatch USA 7
Yes, it is called the ethic of reciprocity. If I want freedom in my own beliefs then I must allow others freedom in their beliefs as well.
2007-03-13 03:05:28
answer #6
answered by Wisdom in Faith 4
No one has a right to belief. Sure, we have the free will and power to form our own beliefs, but that certainly doesn't secure them as rights. A right mandates that not only yourself, but others have a duty to respect, uphold, and recognize a certain position, entitlement, power, or need. We have a right to life because all men are imposed the duty to not exterminate a life. However, no men have to duty to uphold a belief or attempt to justify any given position.
People come to their beliefs in many different ways. Some ways are more accurate, meaningful, and useful than others. When people come to beliefs using improper and silly reasoning, they often form false assumptions, ideas, and concepts. Take for example the misled idea that certain races are inherently inferior to others: racism. No one has a right to this idea, because no one has a duty to justify it. We can hold any opinions we please, but that doesn't mean we have a right to them. We are not inherently entitled to them. Some of our beliefs actually demand rebuttal and detest. Rights do not invoke such demands. Rights are universally shared and upheld in duty. To speak of a right of the mind is arbitrary and meaningless. Sure, we can control the contents of our own minds and certainly we can decide for ourselves what we believe. However, no one has a right to recognize our beliefs as anything but mere beliefs. No one is required to respect, agree with, or promote our beliefs. No one has a duty to protect out beliefs. We inherently have that protection within ourselves.
A right entails justification, meaning, and reasonable means and ends. Not all beliefs are justifiable, meaningful, or reasonable. A belief is not a right, it's a belief.
2007-03-13 03:16:09
answer #7
answered by Acid Bath Slayer 2
Of course, your religious beliefs are one of but a few precious intangibles that define ones very existence.
2007-03-13 03:21:56
answer #8
answered by ringo 4
As long as their right to believe does not infringe on my right to not believe and as long as they don't make any of their beliefs instituted or laws based solely on their beliefs.I believe that everyone is free to believe and practice their beliefs as they see fit as long as they can respect those that don't believe as they do.
2007-03-13 03:04:09
answer #9
answered by Demopublican 6
That is correct
It is called "Free Will of Choice"
I may not like what someone believes but I don't have to live with them
I'm not the Judge
2007-03-13 03:01:36
answer #10
answered by Michelle 7