A lot of people hate what they don't understand, and will demonize entire groups based on the actions of a few perverts. Most priests live a chaste life, living as they vowed to do. How many of these accusation have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and remember, he said she said isn't typically valid America's legal system. Hatred of Catholics in America goes back a long ways, there was great distrust about Catholic France during the American Revolution, and being Catholic was one of the reasons the Irish were persecuted.
Interesting how some of these unresearched answers play into your first sentence their and prove you correct. You're quite clever and apparently you hit a nerve with some people. It's amazing how so many people don't realize that in a 3 year period Catholics, who attend daily mass, will hear practically the entire Bible during mass, if the local parish is obeying Vatican protocal of course. These readings are also paired in such a way as to illustrate the relationships between old and new testament events, read St. Augustine's writings and you'll see how an early churchman used the entire Bible, and could easily describe the relationships between the different events in the Bible.
Some people simply make up facts and modify reality to prove points. Don't confuse me with the facts sort of logic. If you really wanted to know why Catholics arew hated by many people you now have many reasons, more so if you read between the lines of what many of these posters are saying.
When you confess to a priest Catholics believe that the priest is acting as Christ. Or better explained as Christ acting directyl through the priest. The priest will act as an advisor to the person and suggest ways to avoid that sin in the future. The practice arose in Irland and was eagerly adopted by the church to the harsh practices forced on repentent people which often kept repentent people from repenting until death. Read the book of Baruch if you want a biblical support base, or simply read Matthew 18:18 or John 20:23.
On the subject of denying communion, communion by the way is said to be the body and blood of christ, not merely symbols, the church can deny communion to excommunicated individuals and those known to be in a state of grave sin. Why, because it is for the benefit of those individuals not to compound their problems by adding sacrilage to the list. If an individual marries again without death of the spouse (or proof that a valid marriage never occured) than they are living in an adulturous relationship ie: a state of grave sin. Catholic belief regarding the Eucharist is supported by Matthew 26:26-29, 1 Corinthians 11: 17-34 but especially 23-26, and John 6: 51-56.
The Catholic church usually does confirmation when people are 15-17 years old, well old enough to make their own decision.
The beliefs about asking the saints, especially Mary, to pray with you to God, erroniously identified as wroshipping them, are a frequent target of ridicule. Without intervention of the dead on behalf of the living Jesus' parable about Lazarus and the Rich man (Luke 17 vrs. 19-31) would make little sense.(the rich man goes to Abraham, not directly to God, on behalf of his surviving relatives). Further support is garnered from 2 Maccabeas, but many Protestant Bibles lack this book, because Luther used the Jewish Hebrew only canon for his old testament versus the older Greek and Hebrew old testament of the Catholic church which has more books.
Mary is said to be the queen of heaven based on the Hebrew kingship rules. The king's mother was the queen, not the queen's wife, he likely had hundreds. Jesus is the King of the Jews. I have never hear her refered to as the co-redemptress, which doesn't even make sense since Christ alone redeemed the world. Mary is the new Eve, and in that respect her agreeing to concieve Christ via the Holy Spirit gave her an extremely improtant role in the salvation of humanity.
Annointing of the Sick is supported by 5:13-15.
Marriage is supported by too many verses to mention.
Belief in the sinfulness of artificial contraception is based on the traditional CHristian meaning and purpose of sex as discussed in Job 15:34, Deuteronomy 28:18, Genesis 38:9-10, and in some of the letters, although I forget the exact vereses. Genesis 38:9-10 is the most blatant condemnation of contraceptive practices mentioned in the Bible.
All Catholic beliefs are biblical and many even predate the Bible itself don't take Mark 7:13 out of context, read 2 Thesselonians vrs. 15 and you'll notice something which jives perfectly with Catholic doctorine. I could do more of these, but I don't have the time.
Don't let anyone drive you from the one true faith!
2007-03-12 17:25:31
answer #1
answered by 29 characters to work with...... 5
You hit it on the head -- people choose to believe what someone else has told them about our faith, rather than researching it for themselves. If they'd read about why we believe what we believe, I think they'd see just how closely the Catholic Church adheres to the Bible and the beliefs of the first Christians.
There will always be those in any denomination that don't practice their faith or follow their Savior the way that they should. But the Catholic faith has always survived the problems, and it always will because Jesus Christ is in control.
2007-03-13 00:24:20
answer #2
answered by Wolfeblayde 7
there are 'good catholic churches' and there are 'bad ones'.. i have been to both.. i have been to the ones that have pompous rude priests who act like they themselves are God (they are not, in case you think they are)... and i have been to ones that have Godly men that lead their service... I know catholics who say they are catholic and not christian.... so somewhere someone is dropping the ball...
it is the same with most 'religions' (meaning denominations) .. you have ones that are lead by actual Christians... and you have the ones that are lead by people wanting a position of 'power, respect, free housing, insurance, etc' .... there is no 'perfect' denomination.... if you have Faith, that is what is important... it is all about the relationship with Jesus Christ... not about the church you attend... when we get past the whole 'religion' of it and just go back to following Christ and His example, then things would get better... but I know, because of the scriptures, that it will get worse before it will get better
2007-03-13 00:24:52
answer #3
answered by livinintheword † 6
Personally, I do not have anything against any Catholics, tina. But I do have so many things against Catholicism - product of my long research about the bible and the church history. But so as not to offend other Catholics who are not "open minded" about this faith, i hope you can e-mail me and I'll be more than glad to share it with you. You see, people who has a genuine interest to find and know God has always - a special part in my heart. I LOVE THEM, honestly...that's probably why I'm here...
God bless you, tina
2007-03-13 00:29:48
answer #4
answered by GH 2
I have lots of things against the way the Catholic sect practices.
1) Intercession with God through a priest---that is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible, I was born with all that I need to speak with God, and I don't need anyone to ask forgiveness for me.
2) Denying communion to those they deem unworthy--such as someone who is divorced...my grandmother a devout Catholic had her husband leave her through no fault of her own, it broke her heart and she was left utterly alone. The church was everything to her, and she was denied partaking in Communion and it made her cry everytime she was at Church. That is not very loving at all, I mean c'mon, even Judas was given communion by Jesus himself.
3) Throughout history there are instances to where the Catholic church as an instution have used their power to cause suffering for people, only to make themselves a stronger entity.
4) The church feels that birth control (even condoms) is a bad idea--a sin actually, while many of it's followers (esp. in Latin America) have to live in squallor and continue to have children they can not support. Sorry, but that is an antiquated concept. My only hypothesis is to breed more Catholics to increase the Church's power.
5) Not allowing the priests to marry, seems to be causing sexual perversions with children. Allow these men to lead a normal life and use the penis that God has blessed them with in a responsible and moral manner.
Thanks for listening. :o)
2007-03-13 00:26:58
answer #5
answered by ♥austingirl♥ 6
Catholicism goes against almost all the teachings and Laws contained in the Bible. You say that if people did their homework they would start to see it your way, but I say that doing a study on the Catholic Religions only proves that it is a religion based on man with their theologies and church dogmas that circumvent the Truth that is contained in the pages of the Holy Written Word.
I'm sorry for you that you have never done the homework yourself but go on believing whatever the church tells you. Give some time to the study and you'll see the light.><>
2007-03-13 00:26:26
answer #6
answered by CEM 5
Catholics have been through alot since....well since the bible. People have poked fun at it and even insulted it. And when you want to defend it people will say you're a fanatic, wet towel etc. Yes there are 'bad catholics' out there, but religion does not make the man, it is man who makes themselves bad. It is not just Catholics that are under attact, other religion as well.
I guess people are against it because it is 'easier' to make fun of other people rather than have other people make fun of them. Yes, they don't understand the teachings because it is not their way of life and people will be wary of things they don't understand.
But maybe this is our cross to carry, or a test of our faith.
It is good and well to have fun, but when it hurts then it is not fun anymore but abuse.
This is my opinion. :) WWJD?
2007-03-13 01:07:05
answer #7
answered by charchillies 2
Tina, if protestants actualy took the time to objectively study the matter, they would have no moral choice but to become Catholic, and then what would they do?
Anyone who showed up 1500 yeas (or more) late, after most of the world had already been converted for Christ, who revolted against God's one, true church, and then set up their own, complete with their own manmade rules, with no authority whatsoever, would be devastated if they had to face the truth.
This proves once again that denile is not just a river in Egypt.
2007-03-13 00:42:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I was born and raised Catholic. I went to Catholic Elem, Jr and high school. I went to mass every Sunday and sat at the front. I collected the offerings and would gather volunteers for the wekly collections. My girlfriend at the time( now my wife)was also Catholic. She would sit up front with me and shake the priests hand before leaving after mass. Due to a job offer, our marriage plans were put on hyperdrive. I was going to be hired out of town. We wanted to leave already married. The priest claimed he did not know us as a couple and denied ever having seen us. We had to go marry in Mexico by a a different diocees and for a price (donation as the priest called it.) We later tried to baptize our children. Each time, the CC would meet us with problems and dilemas which were hard to get around. I remain a Catholic but feel that similar to other entities I have long respected or looked up to, The leaders are now in it for the $$ or finge benefits(little boys.) Needless to say, I still have most of my beliefs, I just don't believe that modern day priest are worth looking up to. Maybe I am over generalizing. I am certain that a good priest with good intentions exists somewhere. I am just tired of looking. Aside from that, I raise my children to respect themselves, others and to believe in GOD. My wife takes them to SUNDAY MASS, I no longer go. Currently, they are attending classes for their 1st Holy Communion. It's just a plot to get me to go help with the fund raisers. If they should happen to miss three sessions in two years, they will not be allowed to make their 1st Holy Communion. My job requires me to take part in occasional travel. Once or twice every two months. They can't seem to understand that my family would like to travel as a FAMILY. We explained that they would attend mass at whatever city I was visiting and they would not understand. My children are trying. Pretty soon, they will get just as tired of the silly way the church business is conducted as I did.
2007-03-13 00:45:39
answer #9
answered by Danver 3
I love catholics. I am not against catholics. when they become born again they are true to the faith.
2007-03-13 00:21:49
answer #10
answered by Tribble Macher 6