Peace and blessings be upon you, Asker!
I hope you'll read what I've to say even though it's too much. :S
Umm... examples, please? I mean, examples of violence in the Quran, examples of "violent" word to search for?... Any?
Still... just because when you TYPE a certain violent word in the search, and you get many results, you're gonna be silly and unwise enough to assume that the Quran actually SUPPORTS violence?
I've read the Quran; I'm Muslim so read it often--but WITH understanding, and WITH reading each verse in context and QUESTIONING the verses if they have violence. When you question--knowledgeable Muslims, of course; not anti-Muslims--you realize that those verses only apply to CERTAIN times, i.e. during wars.
You find it funny or something that the Quran only allows fighting in self-defense? That's the ONLY time the Quran allows Muslims to fight wars; we cannot initiate wars, nor can we fight wars for territorial expansions or anything silly like that. That's not a Muslim-doing, and if any Muslims do it, they're going AGAINST God/Allah and the Quran. And when Muslims go against the Quran, things don't go too well, and God promises such people a punishment unless they repent.
What you seem to be thinking is that because many Muslims DO NOT fight wars only in terms of self-defense, the Quran must really allow them to fight whenever they please. You're confusing the Quran with the Bible (which is known universally for its violence -- especially toward females).
But, umm.... MOST of the Quran is violent? :D Are you sure, buddy? Most of the Quran deals with laws and guidelines concerning society/family/relatives--NOT wars, NOT violence, etc. Politics included, by the way.
The Quran does NOT talk about Muhammad's beheading 800 Jews; that's not true, you see. There's no evidence for it in the Quran, and I'm sorry to say that because the Quran doesn't allow such things-- even during wars!!!!!--I am NOT gonna accept that as true, ok? Muhammad (peace be upon him) FOLLOWED the Quran mooost perfectly, so how can you seriously expect him to have done such a thing? Stop accusing the most wonderful, most influential man in history of having beheaded JEWS when he himself taught AGAINST such a thing and when such a thing is NOT permitted in Islam; I'll give you Quranic verses to prove that to you, so no worries.
Also, the Quran is the ONLY Holy Scripture that teaches its followers to give protection to their enemies after fighting a war with them (when the war ends). The Quran is also the ONLY Holy Scripture that teaches: "Let there be NO compulsion in Religion; the Right Path is distinct from the wrong one" (2: 256).
Did you know this? :S No, I bet you don't know this.
Don't be silly, kids.
Here are those "violent" verses that you're most likely referring to.
Anti-Islamic people often use the following verses to justify the stereotype that Islam is a religion of violence and intolerance and was spread by the sword. The following will hopefully help you understand that Islam DOES teach peace (but some of its followers don't practice Islam properly).
The verses used by these anti-Muslims are given below:
Sura 8.12 "Remember thy lord has inspired the angels with the message. Give firmness to the believers and instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. Smite them above their necks and smite the fingertips of them."
Sura 9.5 "When the sacred months have passed, kill the idolaters whereever you find them."
Sura 47.4 "When you encounter the unbelievers, Strike off their heads. Untill you have made a wide slaughter among them tie up the remaining captives."
Below are the completions of /explanations to the verses.
Sura 8 is about a BATTLE - the Battle of Badr - not just some daily affair. A battles take two side to occur. Are you under the impression that while these 'horrid' Muslims were fighting, the enemies were simply standing there like good little peaceful men?
Sura 47 was revealed during the first year of Hijrah when the Muslims were under *threat of extinction* by invasion from Makkah.
Sura 9 is interesting. Non-Muslims almost invariably quote verse 5 but leave out verse 4 and 6. Why? Because verse 4 says, "But the treatires are not dissolved with those Pagans with whom you have entered into alliance and who have you subsequently failed you in aught, nor aided anyone against you. So fulfill your engagements with them to the end of their term: for God Loves the righteous."
And verse 6 says, "If one among the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him so that he may hear the Word of God; and then escort him to where he can be secure."
So basically what has been done above is:
1. The background to each sura was shown. One cannot take a verse revealed for a battle and insist it is if for the daily affairs of Muslims.
2. It was shown how Non-muslims who wish to attack Islam, conveniently leave out verses before and after their quoted verse. Above, I have shown only one of the many examples.
And don't you forget: "Let there be no compulsion in religion; Truth stands out clearly from Error..." (Quran, 2:256).
In the Qur'an, the principle of fighting is purely self-defensive.
"Permission [to fight] is given to those against whom war is being wrongfully waged and, verily, God has indeed the power to succour them; those who have been driven from their homelands against all right for no other reason than their saying, 'Our sustainer is God!'" (22:39-40).
Now, anyone can commit acts of terror and aggression and say, "it's in self-defense." In fact, that is precisely what Al Qaeda is doing: they claim by killing 3,000 people in New York City and Washington, D.C., they are "defending" the Muslim nation against "Zionist and Crusader" aggression against the Muslims. What sheer rubbish! They're NOT following the Quran!!! They're killing others for personal pleasure as have done many, many other religious freaks throughout history.
The Qur'an clearly states, in the remainder of 2:190:
"...but do not commit aggression, for verily, God does not love aggressors."
"Committing aggression" includes killing innocent civilians in Tel Aviv, Beslan, New York, Baghdad, or wherever. Furthermore, when the enemy ceases its hostility, fighting must cease:
"...but if they desist, then all hostility shall cease, save against those who [willfully] do wrong" (2:193).
Another verse repeats this insistence that hostility must cease when the enemy stops its aggression against you:
"But if they [the enemy] incline to peace, incline thou to it as well, and place thy trust in God: verily, He alone is all-hearing, all-knowing! And should they seek but to deceive thee [by their show of peace] - behold, God is enough for thee! He it is who has strengthened thee with His succour, and by giving thee believing followers" (8:61-62).
Thus, even if the enemy is feigning a peaceful posture, the Muslims are still commanded to cease hostility and "place their trust in God."
It is quite clear that fighting is in self-defense, and aggression is not allowed. Now, Muslims have waged wars of aggression in the past, for sure, and they even called them "jihad against the infidels" in order to justify their desire for territorial expansion. In fact, one of the most pertinent examples of this was the Ummayad Dynasty, which enacted a policy of "jihad" as perpetual warfare. But, such a policy is not Islamically correct, and as the collapse of the Ummayad Dynasty showed, not sustainable.
Truly educated Muslims who practice Islam TRUTHFULLY know this as well:
During wars, Muslims are NOT permitted by God to kill children, women, religious leaders (priests, imaams, rabbis, etc.), or the elderly; we're not permitted to destroy places of residence, animals (unless they're being used in the war--as has been the case in past history), or places of worship like Mosques, Churches, Temples, etc. If Muslims disobey this law, that's between them and God, and God is most Fair.
THIS isn't violence to me! If Muslims aren't permitted to do these things EVEN DURING wars, do you SERIOUSLY believe they're permitted to behead "800 Jews"? LOL! Nope. That's not Islamic, and if you're gonna claim it is Islamic, give me evidence FROM the Quran that Muhammad (pbuh) did such a thing.
So, the important thing to remember about Islam is that it's being misunderstood by MANY people, and then there are those other people (anti-Islamic ones) who judge it based on how some uneducated-in-Islam Muslims practice the religion. They look at Osama Bin Ladin or other terrorists and then claim that Islam supports them in being terrorists. But that's not true. The Quran abhors terroristic acts, but people take verses out of context from the Quran and apply it to every-day life when that's not supposed to be the case.
The Quran, huh. You wanna talk abt the Quran and what it teaches? You think it teaches violence? The Quran teaches nothing but LOVE, PEACE, kindness even to those who don't share our beliefs.
"And tell My (God's) worshippers that they should speak in a most kindly manner unto those who do not share their beliefs. Verily, Satan is always ready to stir up discord between men; for verily; Satan is man's foe .... Hence, We have not sent you (Unto men O Prophet) with power to determine their Faith" (17:53-54).
So let's please look at what the Quran REALLY teaches (I'll only give a few verses, of course).
-- The Quran teaches us, Muslims, that we are to respect others, whether younger or older, but mainly elders, neighbors, guests, and so on. It allows us to fight wars ONLY if we're being oppressed by another group of people and/or if another people attack us (as in, in self-defense); hence, there's no such thing as fighting wars in order to gain innocent people's lands and whatnot (Quran, 22:39-40)
-- The Quran strictly says, "Do NOT take women against their will....On the contrary, live with them on a footing of KINDNESS AND EQUITY..." (4:19). No anti-Muslim seems to notice this, apparently. I haven't come across ANY other Holy Scripture that teaches similar things about women.
The Quran teaches people to respect their neighbors and guests more than anything and to have good relations with them, whether these guests and neighbors are Muslims or non-Muslims. And you'll see this very, VERY commonly being practiced among the Muslims.
-- It also teaches: "Never will I [God] suffer to be lost the work of any of you be it male or female: you are members of one another ..." (Qur'an 3:195).
-- And, "And serve Allah and do not associate any thing with Him and be good to (your) parents and to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the neighbor of (your) kin and the alien neighbor, and the companion in a journey and the wayfarer and those whom your right hands possess; surely Allah does not love him who is proud, boastful" (4:36).
-- And "O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do" (5:8). "To those who believe and do deeds of righteousness hath Allah promised forgiveness and a great reward" (5:9).
Sheesh, people! :D Don't be so silly and foolish and take the Quranic verses OUT of context and assume that they apply to every-day life.
~ Peace and blessings of God be upon the World and all of its citizens. ~
2007-03-13 06:01:08
answer #1
answered by ♡♥ sHaNu ♥♡ 4