Witness by your actions. Let your life testify for you. You have done what God asks-you have testified and you have warned them about the consequences of their actions. Now you need to leave them in God's hands. Pray for them daily. Some times we can do more harm than good if we continue push. People are rebellious in nature and the more you push the more that they will dig their heels in. I have a close family member who I have prayed for for 18 years. This person has been in and out of jail several times. He went through a period of Satanic worship. Then a period of atheism. During these times I continued to love him,be there for him give advice. But the most important thing that I did was pray and live my witness. Six months ago he told me that he had accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. Since then he has received his ged,kept a full time job, secured a place to live and is making plans to marry the mom of his baby.
So live your witness and pray. God will take care of the rest!
2007-03-19 02:46:51
answer #1
answered by kairos 3
As a high school youth pastor, I see this type of thing a lot. The best thing you can do is to show them how your life is different by example. Witnessing to them can be done in several ways. Instead of using words, show them by example. At this age (I'm assuming teen) telling them the Gospel everyday may not be the most effective way of trying to help them. Live the life you know you should live as a Christian. Show them that light burning inside of you. Make them want to ask you what it is you have that they don't that makes you so happy and makes you live the way you do. Then that is the perfect opportunity to tell them about what Jesus did for them.
And if you never get that opportunity, you know that you did witness to them, through both example and words. You showed them what it meant to be Christ-like. And although you may not see them come to know Jesus in the next week, or even the next year, you have planted that seed in them and God will be at work on their hearts. You may never see them accept salvation, but you did what God has called you to do, and that is to plant the seed.
If you are active in a youth group, maybe invite them to an activity or an outing. Show them that it's fun to be a Christian! It's not all about what you can't do or can't say. It's about living life to the fullest for our Creator!
Just keep praying for them, and God will work in their hearts.
2007-03-19 13:57:24
answer #2
answered by Christina 1
This is a great question (or series of questions). Christ said that they (unbelievers) will know us by our love for other Christians (John 13:35). By your love for the brethren, you will establish a noticeable difference between you and unbelievers. Love is most easily demonstrated during difficult times, and if you ask for the opportunity, be aware that God might bring unexpected and humbling occasions through which He will show forth His glory.
Remember that Christ did not die on the cross so we could be moral, so that we could avoid weed, fornication, and the like. Christ died so that we could have a day-by-day, two-way, conversational relationship with Him. Being good, or moral, is simply the consequence of that relationship. Our job per Matthew 28:19-20 is not to make unbelievers moral, but to make them disciples of Christ, alive to the life which only He brings. Once unbelievers are quickened to this "living water," goodness and morality will naturally follow.
It's wonderful that you witness to your friends. Witnessing, something we are called to do, can be so very humbling, frustrating, and, at times, seemingly fruitless. It's been my experience that people accept, or at least become open to, the gospel when either they fall on hard times and need help, or I fall on hard times and they see how I react. As silly as it sounds, I'd pray for the latter, while wishing the best for the former.
So, if they ask you if this or that is a sin, remark with aplomb: "Sin or no sin. That isn't really the point. It's accepting Jesus Christ as the propitiation for your sins." Maybe the $10 word will give them pause.
2007-03-13 00:16:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I used to smoke weed and drink and everything like that but unfortunatly I discovered that If you mention God our anything like that people will call you a hipocrit.
Your actions define your charter. If you claim to be Christlike then you will act christlike. Smoking weed and substance abuse are not even the most basic commandments. They will always treat you that way till you set the example.
I was just like you and always felt different-that is the light of Christ in you telling you that you need to change and that there is no sitting in the middle of the fence. You cannot be blessed by heavenly father under the influence of drugs and disobeying his commandments.
I would start by checking out www.lds.org or www.mormon.org. This is the only religion that I found that would give me incentive to not drink or do drugs. There are some really cool people and blessings that you can learn about.
Good luck and god bless
2007-03-19 22:56:35
answer #4
answered by SEAN M 2
If they are talking to you and asking you those questions, then you are having an effect on their lives. Just because they don't get saved doesn't mean that they are not listening. They need to suffer some of the consequences of their sin and then they will see that you are not having the same problems that they do, and that your life is consistant in how you are living. Guaranteed, they will have problems that you don't, car accidents, girlfriends pregnant out of wedlock, illness that you won't have. You will miss out on a lot of problems and have a happier life than they do.
Listen to the Holy Spirit, maybe it was the right thing to say. Every situation is not the same and only you know what God would have you say. Don't be ashamed and although we don't want to hit them over the head with judgment and hell, they are a reality and everyone will face it one way or another. If you feel it should be said, then say it.. God bless.
2007-03-12 23:34:18
answer #5
answered by † PRAY † 7
Just live your life as you have been living it. Your behavior is a shining light on to them and they know it "inside". Most times, the presence of a true Christian amongst non-believers makes them feel that they are condemned by that person so make absolutely sure that you never say anything to make them feel that way. If they ask a question, answer it honestly but don't explain unless they ask more. I doubt if any of your school friends are totally ignorant about what Christianity is so I would not try to tell them how to "get it" unless specifically asked. When questioned, the one best answer is "It is your right to choose whether or not to believe. I can't tell you what to do."
Do not use scare tactics like "you're going to hell if you don't believe". Many non believers think that a statement like that is what Christianity is all about and it's not. We both know that non believers will in the end recognize God but it will only be after it is to late. That is there choice however. As the old adage says, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" Good luck and don't be discouraged. You are planting the seed.
2007-03-12 23:40:17
answer #6
answered by Poohcat1 7
First why do you feel you must show your high school friends that your life is different than theirs?
So you don't do alot of the things they do,like smoke weed,cigs I presume,have sex with them or just you and drink alcohol.
You certainly are at this time mentally different from them,but I can see right through you so what makes you think they can't?
If I testified to you everyday what would you think,of course I didn't say witness,that would be to easy.
I am very glad you have one christian friend who,"comes around".
The excuse"I just get so frustrated" you appear judgemental because you are judgemental,they love it,is this a sin or that a sin? Ask your christian friend when he comes around how to answer.
I like how you are putting yourself ahead of GODS knowledge
it must feel good knowing you are smarter than he.
2007-03-13 00:07:46
answer #7
answered by writerfour 3
Ok I'm not trying to be rude, but this right here is an example of why you piss people off. You appear judgemental because you are judgemental. Why are you trying to show your high school friends that your life is different? Obviously they know that you live your life different and they choose not to. Are they trying to change your life? They don't appreciate you trying to change theirs. I understand that christians have this thing where they are supposed to go around converting people to make themselves look better in the eyes of the lord, but really it is rude and uncalled for. I don't go around trying to get people to not believe, I choose not to believe and I don't even share that info unless I am asked. If you want to do some good in helping the lord, why don't you get more involved with your youth group or something like that, where at least you know the kids are coming to you. People don't like being chased after. I hope maybe this helps you, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm only trying to explain it to you.
2007-03-12 23:40:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You shouldn't have to try, if you appear judgmental to you, it shouldn't bother you. You live for God. Just pray, pray that God shows you what you need to say. Read your Bible. Don't worry about evangleism. Let God do that. This shouldn't be bothering you. Let them wonder why your different. Tell them to stop asking you if this is a sin or that is a sin, tell them that doesn't matter, sins don't matter if you just accept Christ! let God work in their hearts, and they should choose to follow him. Pray for them, and pray to God that He opens their hearts. frustration shouldn't be an issue when it comes to evangelizing. I feel like people do this too often. You shouldn't have to show your friends that you are different. Etc, i feel as though i am rambling. Just pray to God, and dont worrry about that! i've seen God do amazing things when i speak such as quoting verses i didn't even know! I will be praying for you!
2007-03-12 23:38:36
answer #9
answered by catchingfreak51 3
The first thing I would say is to go back and to apologize to your friends for blowing up at them. You sinned against them by being that way. This will go a long way towards showing them that you live what you say. When someone did this with me, it really got my attention and I started paying attention to them as a Christian. I eventually confessed my sins to that person and received salvation from Christ.
This brings me to my second point. Only Christ can save someone. All you can do is deliver the message. It's for Christ to deliver them to the Father. If you haven't yet, try speaking with older Christians (ie those who have been Christians longer, not necessarily those who are older than you) about evangelizing to people. Partner up with someone and go out to a nursing home, then watch and observe how someone else does it. If you can't find anyone at your Church you feel can help you with this, try other churches or do online searches. My church puts all of it's sermons and classes online. I don't know if there's something specific about evangelizing on the site, but there's lots of good stuff there, and I don't think anyone would be disappointed by what they found there, even if it wasn't what they were looking for.
Another thing to do would be to engage your other Christian friend in a casual dialogue about different topics of Christianity when your unsaved friends are around. Hopefully, God willing, they will see the joy you both feel in the Lord and want to learn more and actually participate. This can't be staged. It has to be a genuine fellowship.
And lastly, there's a good piece of advice I heard once
"People don't care about how much you know, until they know how much you care." We are commanded to love everyone as we love ourselves. Keep them in your mind in a place of compassion for where they are going. Christ held His people in compassion because sin was destroying them. Keep this, and their current damnation in mind and approach them from a place of compassion for their sin, rather than contempt. Sin is something we are blessedly free from, thanks be to Christ.
Please know I will pray for you, brother : )
2007-03-12 23:49:43
answer #10
answered by gentlewoman_of_god 2