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Could it be God or the Opposite of God speaking through me? I normally don't know much of any languages..other than English... just a few bits and pieces of French, Ukranian and Nanibijo Indian yet a find myself speaking in Tongues when I'm extremely angry. I don't understand what I'm saying yet for some strange reason I can't stop it! I'm not hollering when this occurs I'm talking at normal talk level or an entity using me is talking thru me at normal level! It takes alot to get me real angry! Do any of you find yourself speaking in tongues and not know what is being said?

2007-03-12 15:17:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Languages

Can it be God helping me to be calm and not getting into being Angry? I tend to get Angry when extremely insulted this isn't right away.. it continues day after day& nights too I've spotted the peeping toms on my front steps but it was dark so I can't recognize them! After a month of that I get real angry and find myself speaking in tongues. I think it is some spirit trying to keep me from blowing a gasket perhaps Jesus!
I know without that speaking of tongues I do holler but this don't happen much! Maybe an Angel is speaking through me to keep me calm!

2007-03-12 19:34:20 · update #1

Once when I was speaking in tongues someone said what U speaking Hebrew for? Another said What are U talking Indian for?
I just mention that I was probably ranting cause I was angry. I don't know anything about Hebrew and know very little Indian!

2007-03-12 19:39:29 · update #2

4 answers

Speaking in tongues is reverting to the pre-speech areas of the brain, it sounds a lot like baby babbling only it makes use of certain syllables that are favored by the user. It can be used as a form of prayer while in a state of religious ecstacy, it also can be used as a form of musical expression as in Jazz "scatting". It's a natural psychological phenomona, known as glossolalia. Look it up.

2007-03-12 15:33:45 · answer #1 · answered by Joni DaNerd 6 · 2 0

its the opposite of God if it happens when u are real angry. Usualy Holy Spirit speaks through U during prayers or when u feel real close to God not during anger. sorry,

2007-03-12 22:26:35 · answer #2 · answered by olegj29 2 · 0 1

the bible says it dose us good to get angry but for us to sin not may be it is gods way of controling your temper to keep you from sinning and when you are speeking in toungs you are speeking directly to God and if there is not another christian around who can edify what you are saying then God will show or tell you shortly after just keep the ears open and listen for god to speek

2007-03-12 22:27:26 · answer #3 · answered by family fan 3 · 0 1

What does your psychiatrist think of this?

2007-03-13 09:42:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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