It's called "temptation".
2007-03-12 14:51:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes of course. I have listened to those thoughts. There is the thinker, and there is the observer of those thoughts, who is doing the listening. It is impossible in this dream for them both to be one and the same. But the observer, is not a person, as you call it. Its you.
As far as "Being Happy, or Being Sad", these feelings and emotions are needed for you to experience the fullness of life. If there were never any sadness, would you know what happiness was? If you were born into a world of only happiness, and someone walked up to you and said, "are you happy". You would say, "happy", what is that?
All of life is filled with joy, is it not.? Have you not seen a person smiling and crying at the same time?
Just enjoy and be grateful for what is.
If you would like to take some of the hills and valleys out of your experience, try this...
Stop creating ANY HARM for
- Yourself
- Other Humans
- Animals
- Or Nature
and then just see what happens.
Also, whatever you are doing, give it your complete attention "awareness", and see with what ease you are able to accomplish whatever you are doing.
You have something within you that is more powerful than any human understanding. Find it.
2007-03-13 04:45:59
answer #2
answered by cosmicaware1 2
Of course not. There's just me. Little, good 'ol me. 0:-)
YES!! And that no good goody-two shoes ruins all my fun! >:-(
:P But seriously, if I'm in between a decision where I can take the good way out, or the bad, more than often, I'll take the good. I'm not as good as I could be, and I don't think everyone is, because there will always be some sort of negativity or doubt in their minds, but I try my best, and try to learn from my mistakes. If I decide to go the bad route, a lot of the times I regret it, and I'll tell myself not to do it again. So it's really about learning from mistakes and knowing which 'voice' to listen to.
Bah! Don't listen to that insanely long paragraph. Listen to me! I'd say take the cash!!
2007-03-12 15:01:29
answer #3
answered by fragileglimpse 2
The only thing I can suggest is that you don't have to follow the dark and evil, which is present in everyone. You can use your mind and will to choose the good. You can also choose what your mind dwells upon. If you are swaying to the dark you can consciously turn to the light. You are in control of which side you let be dominant.
2007-03-12 14:54:27
answer #4
answered by Fruitcake 2
There are no such things as other persons inside other persons! Still a person could feel the presence of another beings within them, there is no good explanation for this, I call this spiritual phenomena to be the total cause of our belief and religions.
Suggesters, the good, the evil, and the decider which is you.
All these represent the history of mankind, everything that you could possibly think of.
2007-03-12 15:13:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Its easy to separate the darkness from the light. The part of you that is selfish is darkness and the part of you that is altruistic is light.....of course it goes much deeper than that, but do you have the depth to go there? You have the knowledge along with the excuses, but are you really ready to repent? Do you want to transcend or are you perfectly happy existing in the middle? Whatever, its your choice.
2007-03-12 14:55:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I know what you mean.
I prefer the terms dark and light instead of good and evil. That in itself is part of the 'reconciliation'. To me, there are no moral value judgments in the terms light and dark.
Consider the spinning planet earth, light to dark, dark to light. Consider a hand drawn portrait. The best ones blend light and shadow. Too much light with no shading makes for an unnatural effect.
2007-03-13 16:47:53
answer #7
answered by ? 6
You have gotten some great answers already. Most misunderstand Satan, they have not seen the truth of his great teachings. To harness Satan's energy is to know him as an Angel of Light. There is only darkness in the misunderstood. People have been conditioned as to forget the truth. The shadow at first reveals the light, in truth there is no good or bad for all is the I AM. Knowing this of what good does it do to harm myself? However old habits die hard so there is gradual practise.
2007-03-13 17:22:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I have felt that I can take on a bit of a different personality when I'm influenced correctly. I behave one way when under stress, one way when in a hurry, one way when relaxing, one way when... you get the picture. I feel that other, more "
"motivated" personality takes over when there is need for him to do so. By motivated, I mean anywhere from angry to focused. The other me- the exact opposite... I'm in no way extreme and actually... quite lazy. He doesn't get to come out unless there's a movie to watch and a glass of Jack Daniels with a little ice...
2007-03-12 15:00:08
answer #9
answered by billthakat 6
For me, there's always "I" and "me." "I" is the ideal me, always with the best intentions, such as, work harder, quit smoking, be kind, don't drink too much, etc. Then there's perverse and slovenly "me" who wants to leave the dishes in the sink, skip working out, smoke two packs a day, and flip people off when the cut me off in traffic.
Good "I" has the damnedest time trying to keep a handle on bad "me." Basically, "I" is the ideal that I have for myself, which is always going to be unrealistic, because the person I am includes both "I" and "me."
2007-03-12 14:58:11
answer #10
answered by RabidBunyip 4
Drs Hal & Sidra Stone say there are a number of selves living inside each one of us. That is why to the careful observer we humans are like a freak show, benevolent one day and destructive the next.
2007-03-12 14:59:52
answer #11
answered by Imogen Sue 5