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Hi, I am a student, studying sociology and have chosen to do a study on the prejudice and discrimination against Muslims and the religion of Islam. I would be glad to recieve any answers to the following questions., And if so, please leave your name and your age, if you'd like . Thanks


1). Do you Believe that The religion of Islam is based on violence? Before & After 9/11
2). Does your sense of view see all muslims in the middle east as harmful (terrorists)? Why?
3). Do you participate in Muslims/Islam prejudice? Be honest!
4). Do you honestly believe that the entire 9/11 attack was done by muslims and the U.S had no part in it?
5). Do you fear Muslims? Why?
6). Do you believe that every muslim should face prejudice just because of the 9/11 attack? Why?
7). What have you heard about the quran, and it being tied with violence?
8). Do you hate, or dislike muslims because of 9/11, or before?
9) What thoughts do you have about Islam/Muslims? Good or Bad
Thank You

2007-03-12 13:24:45 · 18 answers · asked by Mohsy 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

1) Islam is not based on violence and will never be.
2) Muslims are not terrorist and middle east is not harmful since I live in the middle east.
3) NO an 100 times NOOOOOOOOOO.
4) This is not true I think it is not done by Muslims.
5) Muslims are great persons.
6) No.
7) Quraan is not related to violence please don't talk about the Holy Quraan.
8) No one should hate Muslims.
9) Muslims are good and great people.

2007-03-12 21:52:59 · answer #1 · answered by princess 2 · 2 0

1) No, i do not believe that Islam is based on violence. It was sterotyped as a violent religion in the middle ages. After 9/11, CNN showed a tape of palestinians cheering. People across the world thought this was the reaction of the Muslim World. What people did not know, was that this was a 10-year-old tape.

2) I, as a christian, do not see muslims as terrorists. There are some terrorists, yes, called extremists. These people do not really follow the islamic religion. The Koran states that the religion is centered aorund peace, not war.

3) No

4) no idea.

5) No, i don't fear muslims. Sure, i am afraid of extremists, but there were horrible people of other religions too. Hitler was a christian.

6) No. Just becasue one group of people did something wrong and horrible, millions of other people who were innocent and felt the same way others did shoudn't have to pay for it. As i said before, Hilter was a christian. If you were a christian and people hated you because of what hitler did, how would you feel?

7) i have read various books about Islam, and none of them mentioned violence in the Koran.

8) No

9) Good

by the way, my name is maggie, and I am 14.

2007-03-12 22:38:31 · answer #2 · answered by mags 2 · 0 0

1) Actually, since Mohammed took his inspiration from Jesus and Judaism, I don't feel Islam is totally based on violence. On the other hand, the Koran has a lot to say about violence. It is a difficult question.

2) No, most muslims in the middle east are not harmful or terrorists!!

3) Honestly, I do not participate in muslim prejudice. That would just be wrong, and it would be against my basically christian beliefs of peace and tolerance. People are people, and there are lots of muslims who have done nothing wrong. They don't deserve the prejudice.

5) No.

6) No, of course not. That's ridiculous. Each person should be considered for themselves, not as a group.

That's all I can answer right now.

2007-03-12 20:33:42 · answer #3 · answered by Piaz 5 · 1 0

I'm Muslim so i don't know if my answers would count but anyway....

1) No..never. but based on what i see on the media I would if i wasn't Muslim.

2) No, not at all! i have family in Egypt and they love America..just not the government. They are so peaceful and loving..i don't know how anyone could say that.

3)No...If i ever have it was out of joking..and it wasn't about the religion but jokes on the culture of Arabs. So that wouldn't be considered prejudice because 1st of all i am half Egyptian and they are jokes on the Arab culture not Islam.

4) No i do not. I believe that the US knew about it..yet they did not do anything. If the Us never invaded Afghanistan then there would probably NO war in the middle east. I believe this 100%

5) No..they are my brothers and sisters. I fear that the Muslim extremists will hurt the true image of Islam..which they already have done. If they hadn't then you probably wouldn't be asking these Q's.

6) No..because the ones who planned 9/11 did something that Islam explicitly says not to. And its not fair that all Muslims have to suffer because of their stupid acts.

7) I believe in the Quran..and there is no violence in it. Unless you count when it says..defend yourself if someone tries to hurt you. That is the only time you are allowed to kill someone is for your own defense.


9)Good..again they are my brothers and sisters of Islam.

I am 14 years old.
I hope i helpped you.

2007-03-12 20:43:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1). No i do not believe the religion of Islam is based on violence before or after 9/11. 9/11 has nothing to do with the Islamic faith, just because it was committed by people of the Islamic faith does not mean that the religion they follow is responsible. Do you think catholics are responsible for the actions of the IRA because Catholicism is there faith? I think anyone with an ounce of intelligence can separate the two.
2). Absolutely 100% NO. There are 1.5 billion Muslims less than 1% are extremists. Its a form of religious racism to think such a thing. It's a stereotype and totally not true in any shape or form.
3).Of course not I am a muslim.
4).No i dont believe that anyone can see from the evidence its a conspiracy. Bush is not innocent.
5).No i dont fear muslims in any way. I have found them to be the most loving, honest, giving, charitable, peacful people i have ever met. That is why i chose to become a muslim over 2 years ago.
6). Of course not. Should all americans face prejuduce for Bush killing 36,000 civilian iraqi men, women and CHILDREN?
7). I have heard many out of context quotes and inacuraccies. I have read the Quran and can tell you it is a book of peace, love and unity.
8). Neither before or after. Should i hate catholics because of the acts of the IRA? Should i hate christians because of the Oklahoma bombing by christians?
9). I think Bush has done an excellent job of vilifying this beautiful faith. Its to suit his agenda, he has a whole country living in fear of terror that simply does not exist. If he did not create this fear how could he justify ivading Iraq? This means he can steal pipe lines and oil. Spending billions of tax payers money on this unjust war. There are millions of american citizens living in abject poverty, prisions overflowing, gun crimes, murders, rapes, no national health system but he is never short of money for guns is he? He was elected by the american people to do a job and he is not doing it. Look at your own country, what do you need as a nation that you are not getting? Plenty. Does he care? Does he heck. Live in fear and he has you right where he wants you. Look at the real evidence and facts. He is a liar and a thief and he is running your country. He is sending men and women to die for a lie. Iraq did not attack you, Iraq did not threaten you, Iraq never committed an act of terror towards you. So tell me why you are there again? War on terror? Yeah right.

Sen b, muslim woman, 36, Scottish.

2007-03-12 20:59:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1) "based on violence" - No, I do not think it is based on violence however, I do feel that it accepts violence in certain circumstances to further it's goals.
2) No.
3) No. However, in today's politically correct world, the truth is often labelled as being prejudicial. The fact of the matter is that my job is to protect my family and my nation and to do that I MUST know who the enemy is.
4) Yes.
5) No, I do not fear them. However, I must respect their willingness to pursue the goals of Islam.
6) No.
7) I have read the Q'uran so that I might understand how muslims develop their ideologies. It is very clear about the treatment of various groups of people and the differences in those groups. It is interesting that muslims are concerned about prejudices. They should look in the mirror first.
8) Not as a group, no.
9) I think they are very interesting people but I look at the actions of a group to understand their true beliefs. I look at not only the extremists, but the fundamentalist, the moderates, and any other group. I look at the reaction between the groups and how each group responds to events which occur.

2007-03-12 20:55:09 · answer #6 · answered by Wookie 3 · 0 0

1. No its based on peace, I never really knew anythign about Islam before 9/11 so i dont know.
2.I see that some Muslims are trapped in the Mid East among all the violence caused by those who claim to follow thier religion yet are going against what it teaches.
3.No, i dont. I might think "Oh, why doesnt that guy have a turbin" and hes walking with two women in hijabs but thats all.
4.I think that it was done by terrorists that happened to be Muslim. But the twoers came down way too neatly, It did look like a planned demolition.
5.I fear terrorists, but Muslims in general, No. Unless they harm me.
6.No, what kind of question is that? That would be like saying every white should be disciminted against because of the KKK.
7.Yes, and I have read those chapters. The introduction stated that it was Muhammad saying to him Muslim followers that they were at war with the Meccans and that since they were at war, tehy were allowed to kill in self defense. It doesnt say you can just go out and kill Jews jsut because they are Jews any time you want.
8.No, i dont, havent you sked that already?
9. I think that some Muslims tie Arabian culture too strongly into theri religion with all this discrimnation of women and the fixed marraiges etc. They need to go by the Quran and the Quran alone, and not by Arabian society as well.

I am sixteen, Catholic and my SCREENNAME is achilles12348 if you wnat to email me.

2007-03-12 20:34:07 · answer #7 · answered by YouCannotKnowUnlessUAsk 6 · 0 1

1) No more than any other. Religions aren't based on violence, but most promote intolerance that spur violence.
2) Of course not. Most people are decent people, no matter what supersittions they believe in. I'm actually about to marry a Muslim.
3) No, I don't. I think I'm fairly realistic in my views of Muslims and Islam.
4) Yes. I think the US could have planned better and reacted better, but I don't believe any of the conspiracy theories.
5) I fear Islam more than any Muslim. However, I don't fear it more than any other religion.
6) No, most Muslims are decent people.
7) I've read some of the Quran and it does contain some violent passages.
8) Actually, I like Muslims more now than before. Though that could be because I've met so many afterwards through my fiancee.
9) Islam is bad, but so are all religions. Religions are organized superstition and they've caused much harm in the world. However, people, no matter what their superstitions, are generally decent people.

2007-03-12 20:27:15 · answer #8 · answered by nondescript 7 · 0 1

I will address these, but need to preface my comments with a note that I have studied Islam extensively and concluded that it is bogus: there is an extremely serious error in the Qur'an which has been the bane of every modern Islamic society. As to your questions:
1. Not primarily. The basic thesis is the worship of one god, and advancing belief in that; jihad is a means, not an end.
2. No. The vast majority are decent people, who I would be happy to have as neighbors (which, for five years, I did).
3. No.
4. Yes. That has been established conclusively.
5. No.
6. No, with the reservation that Muslims have not been as vocal in opposing the terrorists as one might like.
7. I read the thing from cover to cover; see preface.
8. No.
9. Islam is the most successful swindle in human history.

2007-03-12 20:38:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

To me the most vital thing Islam needs is some centralized authority speaking out against the acts of the radicals. Unfortunately, Islam is very non-hierarchical, so there is no central group of perceived leaders of the Islamic faith that speak with one voice and condemn the actions of the heretical.

Where is the public outcry from Islam's theologians over the acts of these radicals? It is missing in the media and the silence among the leadership is deafening to the observers on the sidelines.

If Christian radicals were performing the acts that we see Islamic fundamentalists doing, there would be a world outcry among the leaders of Christian organizations condemning these persons as heretics. It would be in all the newspapers, television, etc.

Muslims are quick to point to the violence recorded in the Christian bible and claim that Christianity’s early history was violent, too. But unlike the Bible where some very awful HISTORY is recorded, the violence described in the Qur’an is part of Islamic THEOLOGY. This is a very significant distinction between the two belief systems.

The famous Muslim scholar and “father of modern history” Ibn Khaldun states the dichotomy between jihad and defensive warfare thus:

In the Muslim community, the holy war [i.e. jihad] is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the Muslim mission and the obligation to convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force... The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... They are merely required to establish their religion among their own people. That is why the Israeilites after Moses and Joshua remained unconcerned with royal authority [e.g. a “caliphate”]. Their only concern was to establish their religion [not spread it to the nations]… But Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations (The Muqudimmah, vol. 1 pg. 473).

I believe Islam is going through what the Christian faith went through during the Reformation. During the Reformation religious leaders were forced to carefully define their doctrines, that is, what do Christians really believe? This established a baseline of orthodoxy that then could be used as a litmus test for the practices of self-professed Christians.

Islamic leaders must do the same thing. They must codify their acceptable theologies, especially the violence now part of the Sharia, Muhammad’s Sunna (4:24, 4:92, 8:69, 24:33, 33:21, 33:50), and the “sword-verses” of the Qur’an (e.g., 9:5, 9:29). Then Muslim leaders should defend these theologies against heretics loudly and publicly.

I have found the non-Christian religions, such as Islam, to be philosophically indefensible, being internally incoherent or undermining human reason and experience. To better understand Islam, I suggest you review the following sites:


2007-03-12 20:29:08 · answer #10 · answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6 · 0 2

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