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well according to the statistics america has a military power od 2.4 million soldiers whereas europe has 11.8 million considering america has 1/3 over seas whereas europe has only 1/16th if we went to war tommorrow would us europeans win, britian has one of the best armies in the world and france has one of the highest number of miltary jets, russia have a huge amount of nuclear wepons as does most of europe, and tanks, britian has a navy that almost equals the US in number but is far more highly trained due to thier pride in thier navy, tommorrow who would win can i have some american points of view

2007-03-12 11:45:01 · 24 answers · asked by James S 1 in Politics & Government Military

24 answers

With all the nukes flying both ways, nobody would win. In fact, seriously, the entire planet would lose any such war.

But in a non-nuclear war, I think the US has some serious technological advantages. We spend far more money on having the upper hand than in just sheer quantity of men/vehicles, which by far tips the scales in favor of killing faster, first. 1 technologically superior jet or squad of infantry can kill 10x it's own weight in lesser forces.

Quote from Wikipedia:
The United States is considered to have the most powerful military in the world, partly because of the size of its defense budget; American defense expenditures in 2005 were estimated to be greater than the next 14 largest national military budgets combined, even though the U.S. military budget is only about 4% of the country's gross domestic product. The U.S. military maintains over 700 bases and facilities. It also has bases on every continent except Antarctica.
So, spending more than the next 14 nations combined is clearly just to have the upper hand, not caring at all about quantity or size of force. Such things are trivial in modern, strategic war, where the first to fire wins.

2007-03-12 11:48:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It's unrealistic to assume that Russia and Western Europe would work together in this suicide pact.

Western European militaries, with a few exceptions, are small, poorly equipped and poorly trained.

Further, even with Russian involvement, there simply would not be the naval strength to land enough troops to be a threat. You hold up the British Navy, which is in fact the 2nd largest navy in the world. However, it is about 1/12th the size of the Navy.

The combined "European" carrier force.. would have about the same tonnage than a single US Nimitiz class carrier. Further all but 1 of these carrier are armed with Harriers, which will have a very hard time against F-18s, much less F-15s and F-22s.

In short.. there wouldn't be the political will to do it. There wouldn't be the backbone to start it. There wouldn't be enough troops to launch an attack. There wouldn't be any way of moving troops into position to attack. There wouldn't be any way to defend the ships making a landing. And they'd lose if they got there.

There's a reason Europe needed the US to protect it for the last 60 years.

2007-03-12 12:40:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Assuming you're putting Russia in with Europe, I don't think either side would allow any significant encroachment on their home territory without resorting to a tactical, then a global nuclear option. Someone may be declared the "winner" at the end of this, but whether the "prize" of what's left would be worth having is entirely another question.

I'm sure there will be a great deal of jingoistic chest thumping on both sides of the question, so I'll note one fact. Even at the height of the cold war, the Soviet Union did not directly attack America, because they were afraid of the consequences. Conversely, America did not directly attack the Soviet Union for the same reason. The "mutually assured destruction" balance holds just as true between those two powers today as it did then.

2007-03-12 11:59:08 · answer #3 · answered by Martin H 2 · 0 0

Well, I hate to say it, .......But it makes no difference. There wouldn't be anyone left to even say ..."IT'S OVER." Son, let me tell you about war; War only has loosers. I am a survivor of two of them. Nam was bad. Only dead people everywhere and the others scared of getting killed or murderd. There will be another war i'm afraid, because there are a bunch of radicals in the middle east that believe," from the cradle to the grave that America is the great Satan". And Ever since Komini returned to Iran, They have decided to jihad against the world. Simpley put my dear son "you will worship thier form of god, or be Executed....That does include your mother, Father and sister...And after raping her, cut off her head with a saw. The leaders of this twisted little country will be as responsible as was the" thug of baghdad." They are going to get thier asses kicked real bad before this thing is over.
You obviously have not been aboard any U.S. NAVY vessels.Ho-Ho.
Great Britain is not part of the Euro States and IS the most staunch ally of the United States along with NATO of which France is also a member. Although, not much of a supporter of anyone since being liberated from the Nazis. (you do remember who they were don't you?)
But, I will tell you this for certain." If any country attacks the U.S., the response will be a quick and total strike of that countries economic and military centers with EMP weapons."

2007-03-12 12:56:40 · answer #4 · answered by PHILLIP W 2 · 0 0

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2015-01-24 08:05:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This seems like a strange question.... is it a sudden surprise invasion? Then America would probably lose. If there was a build up first and Europe actually seemed like it was going to attack us we'd probably have prepared, but I'm not entirely sure if we'd win. Having more troops doesn't always mean you've got a clear cut winner.

But it's war so really no one wins /liberal_heart_bleeding

2007-03-12 11:55:24 · answer #6 · answered by geckoguy5000 2 · 0 0

1. Britian doesn't have half the number in their Navy as the USA and in point of fact would get their butt whipped soundly if a war came down. France would surrender after 1 day of eatting snails. Russia would no way risk our nuclear retaliation if they launched a strike. Italy, Muwahahahahahahaha, 1 troop of girl scouts knocks them off in a morning. Germany may give a fight, but when the rest surrender they would see the common sense approach.

2007-03-12 11:49:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

even with our overseas missions the united states keeps about 900,000 troops within our borders.

we also have 50 state national guards.

we are also the largest armed population in the world.

the strength of the us navy is enough to keep anybody at bay. suppose somebody did land a huge army on american soil, keeping them here would be a logistical nightmare.

also, any attack on america and the us population would quickly coalesce into a single force, americans would quickly forget our internal divisions.

true, i'm biased but my completely honest answer would be...no. i truly believe that nobody, not even the world's armies combined could successfully invade and hold the united states.

oh, and while europe is invading the us what about us troops that are already in europe? they wouldn't just sit there.

2007-03-12 11:56:01 · answer #8 · answered by Mr. O 3 · 1 1

If your going statistically then ya they can win by attrition, however a large percentage of the American people owns guns and those who don't have two by fours and anything else they can get their hands on and it would be hell to pay if a European army showed up uninvited on the streets of the united states, plus most of the marine corps is here in the states and the marines are all we need.

2007-03-12 11:51:05 · answer #9 · answered by im_the_online_jesus_fukers 2 · 1 0

America would utterly destroy Europe and enslave their populations in order to make even more weapons to be used against china. Why, well though I don't have stone tablets I heard somewhere the U.S. spends over 80 something cents out of the dollar on military which all and all will one day top 100's of trillions, with inflation though it might be a zillion(?)

2007-03-12 12:00:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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