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That is what we are supposed to believe? Probably more, because remember, supposedly Catholics aren't "saved". 33% of the world is Christian. 66% of the world is all the other beliefs.

If you pay homage to a vengeful, mean god, what's that doing to your soul? If you believe in a soul. YOur behavior will reflect what you believe in, emulating what you worship and adhere to. You become a reflection of the god that you adore and love.

If your soul needs to hate, to be vengeful, to be jealous, and to worry about hellfire and damnation, than you worship the wrong god.

You are then creating a vengeful jealous god inside of you as well as outside of you.

I believe in a loving God who is not jealous. I believe that there are many roads to God. He does not care which road you take, or if you take no road.

2007-03-12 09:27:32 · 26 answers · asked by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

The bible is crap and has nothing to do with God.

2007-03-12 09:39:26 · update #1

26 answers

So yeah. Two kids, Adam and Eve, took some of this god's fruit which made them realize they were naked. Now you might ask, "so what?" I have no idea why knowing you're naked is a big deal, but to this god it apparently is a big deal. Anyway the god told them not to eat the fruit and they did, so either for doing what they were told not to do or because they now know they are naked, they and all their descendants have to age and die, and then be reanimated to burn alive without dying in eternal flames. Apparently it's a rule the god made right after making the two kids. Don't ask me why.

Can't imagine me ever popping my daughter in oven because she takes food I told her not to take, or setting up some test, knowing she would fail, and knowing I would fry her for all eternity for failing. What kind of parent would do that? Heck, what kind of serial killer would do that? Then I decide I'll let her off the hook if her brother volunteers to be tortured to death in her place. Why I made a rule that someone has to die in ugly ways when I'm pissed is anyone's guess.

Okay I give up. It is simply retarded tribal lore to reinforce the patriarchy of the tribal fathers any way you look at it and it's a load of primitivistic crap that worships a bigger ****** than any I personally know, and I was a cop for a decade and a half, so I've known some doozies.

2007-03-12 09:39:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

No, he is not doing any such thing. It is not in the bible. Hell is for the wicked, not the ignorant.

The Christian "religion" is marred by big-mouthed idiots who want to make it seem like they are right and everyone else burns.

These are the people who will get it hard in the end.

I also believe in a loving God, and his loving Son, Jesus Christ, who would not punish a prostitute nor speak ill of even his worst enemies.

Think about how Christians are supposed to follow in the footsteps of Jesus... then think about how most of them aren't doing it right....

Don't blame the religion for the vast ignorance that has been stapled to it by mental midgets.

2007-03-12 09:32:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I think you are stereotyping a lot of people and misrepresenting Christianity. Your last statement of what you believe isn't that far off, and some of the 33% of Christians would agree with it. Yet you label them as hateful, vengeful, and jealous. Who made you think God and Christians ARE those things? Just because people are going to hell doesn't make God hateful. You can liken it all to this:

There's a kind farmer who invests in some fine sows that are soon to farrow. The farmer cares for them, spends a lot of time and money preparing a place for the little babies to be born and live. They arrive, he vaccinates, provides feed, cares for sick ones, and carefully watches their behaviours and actions for the next six months. They are allowed out into the barnyard at this time, and he observes their great adventure out into the big world. The barnyard is surrounded by a deep chasm that falls steeply into a rushing river. The little piggies are protected only by a fence, stout, strong, and electrified to prevent them from getting through. At first the little pigs are content to live in their safe world. However, many of them try the fence. Some are shocked, learn their lesson, and vow forevermore to abide by the kind farmer's rules and stay inside. Many more, moved by their own stubbornness, push through the fence, in spite of the shocking warning, and fall to their death. Did the kind farmer wish their death upon them? No, just like the piggies who stayed inside the fence, he loves the ones who pushed beyond it. The only difference is in the pig's actions.

God gives all of us a free will. What we do with our will determines our eternal destiny. I worship the same loving God you do...I just believe that there is a penalty for unbelief. He created us, we belong to Him, and we do owe Him recognition and love in return. Those who ignore or hate Him are busy pushing through the fence.

2007-03-12 09:52:26 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 0 1

a million. Hell can't be a place of hearth and torment. Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10: "For the residing recognize that they shall die: however the lifeless recognize no longer any ingredient, neither have they to any extent further a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. additionally their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they to any extent further somewhat for ever in any ingredient that's achieved decrease than the sunlight... by any skill thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy could; for there is not any artwork, nor gadget, nor expertise, nor know-how, interior the grave (Sheol in Hebrew, Hades or hell, in Greek), whither thou goest." KJV in case you recognize, experience or are unsleeping of no longer something you won't recognize you're burning, perfect? #2. Hell is forged into the lake of hearth. "And death and hell have been forged into the lake of hearth. that's the 2nd death." Revelation 20:14 KJV How is hellfire thrown into the lake of hearth? Firemen recognize that could positioned out the two fires. it rather is noted as a backfire, a hearth set intentionally to arrest the form of an coming near hearth. however the comparable verse explains that the lake of hearth is symbolic of the 2nd, or very final death.

2016-10-02 00:25:57 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

No, there are not many roads to God. There is only one pathway to God, the pathway thru Jesus Christ. GOd is clear in His word about this, and says There is no other way, and any religion that doesnt preach Jesus, is false religion and we are to flee from it. Those are Gods words. There is one true God, the others are false, according to God of the Bible, But God doesnt force you to believe in Him, He gives free choice, but does tell us Jesus is the only way. and yes, He does care what road you take. He wants noone to be lost. But He knows many will be, as they are decieced by the devil, the father of lies. People will believe whats easy to believe, saying they can do as they please, and will end up on judgment day paying a terrible price. God tells us if we believe Him, and love Him, we will obey, and be saved. Obedience leads to blessings and disobedience leads to curse. The Bibles words, GODS WORDS< not mine.
So what you say about it doesnt matter, or even me. Its what God says that settles it. He said Jesus is the only way...
any more will be lost. just how it is. we live in a society that says they do as they pleace, regardless of the consequencdes, and look at the news tonight and see if you dont feel the effects of that liberalistic attitude.
God tells us that one day it will be like sodom and gommoreh again and He will agan destroy it. Read the newspaper today and tell me, does it look like we are here already? YEP
Choose Jesus SOON..

2007-03-12 09:38:12 · answer #5 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 3 1

God does not now nor has He ever 'sent' anyone to Hell. People choose to go on their own by rejecting the Way, the Truth and the Life - Jesus.

2007-03-12 09:50:32 · answer #6 · answered by mikey 6 · 2 0

Believe what you want (Think about your last statement there is no logic to it at all)

I will believe in what God says

John 3:16
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. 17 God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.

18 “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. 19 And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. 20 All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. 21 But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.[g]”

2007-03-12 09:33:03 · answer #7 · answered by williamzo 5 · 3 2

67% is that all, he's softer than I thought! It is a he right! I guess 33% will beg for mercy and get it then!
I heard "and this is just a rumor" if your bad enough, when you go to the other place you can be a torturer rather than a torturee! "Alright, alright get in line, demons on the right damned on the left ..come on people I haven't got all eternity!"

2007-03-12 09:35:14 · answer #8 · answered by Michael B 1 · 1 1

I believe that you can read right from the source what God wants - the Bible is printed in English now.

2007-03-12 09:37:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

If you know what a Bible is you should look in it. In it it says that the only way to haven is true Jesus Christ no one can get to Haven except true him. That means if you don't have him in your heart and you don't believe in him or that miracles can happen you will go to hell. Jesus does not send you their its your choice to believe and go to Haven and if you don't believe you don't go to hell. if you know wrong and you do it you can ask him for forgiveness and he will answer your prayer. if you sin and you don't do any thing about it and if you don't have Jesus in your heart you have a chance to go to hell.

2007-03-12 09:42:13 · answer #10 · answered by majewskis 2 · 2 1

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