Look outside your window. Do you think that all that beauty and intricacies of life just happened? Surely not.
2007-03-12 09:21:06
answer #1
answered by Cupcake 2
Let me give you a simple argument called "The Cosmological Argument." The argument is this: The cosmos is here and must be explained as to how it got here. This argument is using the law of cause and effect, which states: Every effect must have a preceding and adequate cause (the cause must come first and be adequate). What do I mean by adequate? Well, the building didn’t collapse because a mosquito landed on it; the tsunami didn’t hit because someone threw a pebble into the ocean.
Now, when it comes to explaining the existence of the universe, you only get three possibilities: (1) the universe is eternal (it has always been here), (2) the universe created itself, or (3) something created the universe. There is no other possibility except to claim that the universe is simply an illusion and does not exist. So let’s examine these three possibilities to see which is the most reasonable.
First, is the universe eternal? Absolutely not. We know this is true because of the universally recognized second law of Thermodynamics (the law of energy decay or entropy). This law states that everything goes downhill from order to disorder, more usable energy to less. This law is the reason why heat flows from hot to cold and why this building will fall apart if it is not kept up with. If someone doesn’t believe in the second law of thermodynamics, just challenge them to live forever; even with this awesome machinery we have in our bodies, you will eventually wear out and die. We can see that the universe is running down and wearing out; the stars are burning up, the radioactive atoms are decaying, etc. As Psalm 102:26 says, the heavens “will wear out like a garment.” Given enough time, the universe will experience what some call a “heat death” where there is no more energy available for work (everything will just be low level heat energy); every part of the universe will be the same temperature, and no further work will be possible.
Eternal things obviously do not wear out because they would have had an infinite amount of time to come to their end. Since you cannot have an end without a beginning, the universe must have had a beginning. And everything that has a beginning has a cause. This building had a beginning, you had a beginning, therefore there must have been a preceding and adequate cause. The evolutionists know this and so they came up with the “big bang” theory from that “cosmic egg” (the universe exploded into existence). But there is still a major problem, you have to explain where that “cosmic egg” came from. As it has been said, “There must be a cosmic chicken.” Some scientists like Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov proposed the oscillating universe theory to avoid a beginning. This theory states that the universe acts like a yo-yo; it explodes and then gravity pulls it back in, and then the process repeats itself over and over. But the second law of Thermodynamics still refutes that idea, since each cycle would exhaust more and more usable energy. The universe is not eternal!
Ok, that brings us to the second possibility: Did the universe create itself? I think Hebrews 3:4 answers that pretty well, “...every house is built by someone...” Let’s say I walk into my livingroom and see a crayon drawing of our family on the wall. When I ask my daughter where it came from, will I accept her answer of, “It just appeared there; it came from nothing”? Her grandparents might, but I won’t. It is pretty clear that something cannot bring itself into existence. As R.C. Sproul has said, “It is impossible for something to create itself. The concept of self-creation is a contradiction in terms, a nonsense statement . . . It would have to have the causal power of being before it was. It would have to have the power of being before it had any being with which to exercise that power.” As it has been said, “Nothing scratched its head one day and decided to become something.” I’m sorry to have to drop this bombshell on you, but from nothing, comes nothing.
And now the third possibility: Did something create the universe? If the universe is not eternal and could not have created itself, then the only remaining alternative is that the universe was created by something or Someone. This would have to be a transcendent, eternal, self-existing being. I can find only one satisfactory explanation to our conundrum, and that is found in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
Someone may argue, “If the universe needs a cause, then why doesn’t God need a cause; who created God?” The answer is, everything that has a beginning has a cause. God, unlike the universe, did not have a beginning. Time is linked to matter and space (as we can see from Einstein’s general relativity). If God created the universe, then He created time along with matter and space. If God created time, then He is outside of time and doesn’t need a beginning.
What is more absurd, to believe that God Created everything out of nothing or that nothing turned itself into everything? The fact is, we live in a Universe that is an effect. There must be a preceding and adequate cause for it. The only thing that makes sense is a Creator who is more powerful than anything we can imagine.
2007-03-15 07:13:47
answer #2
answered by Questioner 7
like the first one said, there's no way to prove or disprove God. But you want evidence for God....
Probability studies say there is a 5 x 10 to the power of 123 chance of the Big Bang's occurance, a 97% chance of Christ's resurrection, and the numbers on how likely all the gravtiational/electromagnetic/nuclear forces and the different types of matter (nomral vs special) would have set the ratios neccessary for human life and galactic function by accident are pretty high (thinner chance of than the Big Bang has).
Accuracies in the Bible include hydrogen and oxygen molecules in the atmosphere, the moon forming from/after the earth, currents and wind systems on the other side of the world, cars, behavior in today's society, wars and enemies israel will have (even though they don't believe it), people will claim to be Christ when they're not, the formation of a zygote, a man's genetic make-up, the different Christian denominations (though christ didn't want this to happen)......
again, evidence is only good if you accept it.
2007-03-12 09:32:41
answer #3
answered by Hey, Ray 6
Look at how wonderful the world is. Apparently this is proof in some way of an invisible sky fairy.
There's also the bible, if you can ignore the fact that its only validity is found in circular reasoning.
And if that's not enough, Christians say if you don't believe you'l go to hell. So there's another proof.
I wish I were just making strawmen, but those are some of the real arguments for evidence that I've heard here.
2007-03-12 09:21:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I can prove it for you !!!
First of all think of your self and how you are created? who created you? who gave you live? who gave you family? who gave you a brain to think with?
And the answer is God!
Because do you think a human be like you can create you?of course no ! because there is 1 God!(the Creator)
Look at this earth! the moon the sun , stars,planets,sky and everything in this big world!
If you look at the sky! Can you see anything holding it ?of course no and if there is no God it will had fell on our heads!
All this can prove that there is God!
Ask your self all this questions and try to answer them!
Look at the earth and everything around you and look at your self! how you are created!
And if you don't see God that doesn't mean that he don't exists!
If i ask you! Do you have a brain? You will say yes!
Then if i said can you see it? you will say no!
And there is God but you can not see him!
Do you now?
I fell so sorry fo people who do not believe in God!
Because they Will go to Hell!
2007-03-12 10:08:42
answer #5
answered by SOCCER GIRL! 5
What evidence do you need?
When you look at a building to you deny that there was a builder?
If you didn't see the building being built how then do you know that there was a builder? You didn't see the workmen, the materials or even the plans, so how could you know that there was a builder?
Is not the building evidence that there was a builder? Sure.
Yet we will look at the whole of creation and deny the creator. If the building is evidence of the builder is not creation evidence of the creator?
I didn't have to see creation when it happened to know that creation takes a creator.
So what more would it take?
2007-03-12 09:26:51
answer #6
answered by Dead Man Walking 4
How can their not be a designer. The proof of his exitance is all around us in the sun, moon, grass, stars, sky, plants, animals and all the things around us. In the earth, Which is the right size, the perfect distance from the sun , has the perfect tilt, mixture of gases to support life, and a life cycle. We see design in ourseleves as humans. We have brains and a nerve center that store knowledge and memories. We have ears that we can hear just the right amout not to little so we could hear others talk and not to much we can Hear air molucules passing through our ears. We have eyes to see plant and animals and all creatoin. We have a heart to pump blood throughout are body.Even the appendix which is proven to be used in our immune system.
Every part of our body has a purpose and was designed perfectly.
God has given us more proof for him in the Bible.
The bible was inspired by God.
Bible is 66 books written by 40 inspired differnet authors over thousands of years.
1000's of Men and women died for this book so we could have it.
There is 100s of prophesies throughout the Bible
in isaiah, daniel ,Revaltion and more.
The Bible is the most historical book from that time in print.
It also has had 100,000 of thousands of copies maybe even hundreds of millions.
2007-03-12 09:24:13
answer #7
answered by rockinweazel 4
You wont believe in God, even if we truly attempt to describe to you what you are missing out on, you see to have faith, or belief in Someone greater is to many of us a beautiful thing, because it makes us a part of something greater than just being.
So it is up to you in the end. My hope and sincere prayer goes out to you and those who dont believe, that God grant you all you wish for, so that one day you too can see the beauty of God in all you see.
Just think of it this way, how many atheist have been willing to be crucified for what they believe in, how many are willing to die under the strictest of regimen, such as communism, so that they can practice freely what they believe in.
This kind of power, this kind of strength, this kind of love, must pour out from someone, or somewhere, and maybe, just maybe, someday, you'll experience the same.
God bless you always.
2007-03-12 09:31:51
answer #8
answered by Perhaps I love you more 4
For a god who supposedly loves us all, you would think those who asked for proof would be given it. How easy it would be for a divine voice to give people people an understanding. How hard it is to understand why it wouldn't. Proof seems to always be avoided by the divine and the non-existent
2007-03-12 09:24:44
answer #9
answered by Magus 4
I'm going to be straightfoward:
Christianity is all about faith: You have to believe it's there, pretend you are being chased by a crowd, You come unto a ledge that is a 900 foot drop off. You have nowhere to go, then you hear a small voice that says jump. You're scared yes but you have to believe that it will be okay. So you close your eyes tight and make a leap of faith. Next thing you know you are flying. Soaring across the air, and the mob is standing there puzzled because they don't quite understand what's going on, they see all the evidence they just don't understand it:
That is what Christianity is all about, making a leap of faith and leaving the ordinary to become extraordinary through Christ, because He is the one that makes us fly.....
2007-03-12 09:24:21
answer #10
answered by Creationist 2
If someone could PROVE the existence of a deity or afterlife or any of the related subjects, there would be no more reason for faith than to have faith that your computer exists. Also, if such a thing could be proven, there would be one religion. You don't see different sects of people arguing the existence and proper use of computers now do you.
2007-03-12 09:20:55
answer #11
answered by Noota Oolah 6