1) I heard that muslims feel close to Allah when they're devoted, or in prayer. So to go further, do Muslims believe they can MEET Allah before they die? As in see him, talk with him, even touch him directly?
2) I heard Muslims think that the Bible and Torah are corrupted. Is this a written passage in the Quran, or is it from other teachings?
3) What are your view on Christians. Not Christendom, Christians. Christendom is anyone who associates Christ as a holy person, but not God. Christianity believes JesusChrist is God and you must be born again. So barring Christian beliefs and behavior, what do you think of the future of Christianity and do you adhere to any Biblical prophesies? i.e.: the devil shall rule earth for 7 years, then God for 1000, then there'll be a battle, and then the New Earth and New Heaven shall come.
4) Do you believe only Muslims get to Heaven? like, do people who never heard about Allah go to Hell?
7 answers
asked by
Hey, Ray
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
1. No human can meet, see or imagine the supreme creator in this life. Allah is the Arabic word for this supreme creator, who is the creator of the heavens & the earth & all things in between & HE IS NOT some other GOD invented by Muslims.
2 & 3. Muslims do not 'think' that the Bible & the Torah have been corrupted. It is a fact & everyone knows it. Just go through these two books to get a feel of the scores of errors, contradictions, unholy references not befetting a holy book claiming to be God's word.
Jesus (pbuh) was not God neither his son. He never claimed Divinity
Al-Qur'an 5:72
John 14:28
John 10:29
Mathew 12:28
Luke 11:20
John 5:30
Acts 2:21
Inspite of these verses, christians continue to believe he is God & son of God and worship him.
OBEYING COMMANDMENTS OF ALLAH IS SUBMITTING YOUR WILL TO ALLAH i.e being a Muslim which is not only mentioned in the Quran but also these other two books.
A. Abstaining from alcohol
Al-Qur'an 5:90
Proverbs 20:1
Ephesians 5:18
B. Abstaining from prohibited food
Al-Qur'an 5:5
Al-Qur'an 2:173, 5:3, 6:145, 16:115
(i) Dead meat
Leviticus 17:15
Deuteronomy 14:21
(ii) Blood
Genesis 9:4, Leviticus 17:14, Deuteronomy 12:16,
I Samuel 14:33, Acts 15:29
(iii) Pork is prohibited
Leviticus 11:7-8
Deuteronomy 14:8
Isaiah 65:2-5
(vi) Food on which names beside Allah have been invoked
Acts 15:29; Revelation 2:14
C. (i) Being Honest in your Business
(ii) Helping Neighbours
Al-Qur'an 107:1-7
(iii) Abstaining from Backbiting
Al-Qur'an 104:1-3
Al-Qur'an 49:11-12
(iv) Obeying and Respecting Parents
Al-Qur'an 17:23, 24
D. Dressing Modestly
(i) Al-Qur'an 24:30
Mathew 5:27-28
(ii) Al-Qur'an 24:31
(iii) Six Criteria for Hijab in Islam
Deuteronomy 22:5
I Timothy 2:9 e.g. of Mary
I Corinthians 11:5-6
E. Circumcision
Acts 7:8
John 7:22
Luke 2:21
F. In short, every Muslim should follow all the Commandments of Allah (swt) and His Messenger Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and abstain from the things they have prohibited.
If Christian is a person who follows the teachings of Christ (pbuh) and not one who worships Christ (pbuh). (Then Muslims are more Christian than the Christians themselves).
Muslim is a person who submits his will to Allah.
Jesus (pbuh) said, "not my will but thy will be done." i.e. Muslim.
John 5:30
If you understand the above points mentioned, it is clear that the stress today is not on following the teachings of Jesus & Moses (may peace be upon them both) but on worshipping them & necessary changes have been made in the two erstwhile holy books to make such idol worship look acceptable.
4. Only those will go to Paradise who believe in its creator. As well as the creator of hell & hell-fire. And also believe in the day of reckoning. And the fact that the dead will be raised again & shall be punished or rewarded according to their faith & conduct on this earth.
If you believe in all this & then do everything to go to Paradise while you were alive on earth, naturally you will go to paradise.
But if you did not believe in either the creator nor in Paradise nor hell & moreover did nothing to earn the pleasure of your creator, how in the name of the Almighty God are you going to go to Paradise in which you never believed anyway????
2007-03-12 09:09:29
answer #1
answered by easyrecognition 3
1) Noway!!
2) Yep it's in the Qur'an.
3)I have no problem with Christians, i have many great Christian friends. Qur'an doesn't say that Bible is all different from it's origine but it's changed so we also have common facts in Bible with Qur'an. Yes we do believe that war will take place.
4) Nope i don't believe that only Muslims will get to heaven. Allah/God say whatever you want is the most merciful. We cannot know who will get to Heaven and who won't.
Be blessed!
2007-03-13 16:28:43
answer #2
answered by Zifikos 5
1-No Muslim believes he can MEET Allah before they die.I think expression (touch)is not correct.
2-There are 2 views in this subject as words of Koran may have more than one meaning (as an invitation for thinking)
Some see Bible and Torah are corrupted and others see that they were wrongly interpreted.For example-as I think- the expression (Son of God)may mean who is risen by God,as sometimes we say we-all- are sons of God and this interpretion agrees with verses of Koran.
3-I have no answer for this question now.
4-Koran says (It's sure that the religion in front of(or considered by Allah)is Islam,so you can understand that only Muslims get to Heaven.For those who never heard about Allah
a-If they lived in the age of any prophet and did not believe him,they would go to Hell,if Allah did not forgive them.
B-If they did not live in the age of prophets or hear about religious book,they are possibly forgiven.
2007-03-12 16:43:01
answer #3
answered by Ahmad 4
"Not Christendom, Christians. Christendom is anyone who associates Christ as a holy person, but not God. Christianity believes JesusChrist is God and you must be born again."
From the New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary:
CHRISTENDOM: 1. The state or condition of being a Christian. 2. The Christian faith or religious system; Christianity. 3. Christians collectively; the Christian church. The nations professing Christianity collectively; the Christian domain.
Hon, your understanding of Christianity (and Christendom) is scary. If Muslims encounter only Christians of your ilk, I don't blame them for thinking Christianity is whacked.
2007-03-12 15:42:34
answer #4
answered by katbyrd41 7
“Say (O Muhammad): He is Allaah, (the) One.
Allaah-us-Samad [Allaah — the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, (He neither eats nor drinks)].
He begets not, nor was He begotten.
And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him”
[al-Ikhlaas 112:1-4
1.I heard that muslims feel close to Allah when they're devoted, or in prayer.
yes thats right,but in a spritual way,but not in the way of seeing,touching and so on
2.we do believe that there have been verses messed with.
3.we believe that Jesus peace be upon him was a messenger of Allah(God) and that he was a human being.The same as Moses and Muhummud (pbuh)
Tell me,can a human create an ant?the sun?air?stars?moon?and all life?
4.every human being will in their lifetime WILL hear about islam.
as i did and i become muslim.my father died a non muslim and i believe he will not go to heaven
please read in more detail below.and thank you for your respectable questions
2007-03-12 15:59:07
answer #5
answered by Jo 5
1)look everyone feel close to god in prayers...but that doesn't mean we will meet allah and will touch him before death...yes we do talk to him in prayers and thank allah he also answer us by accepting our desires...
2)yes we believe this and it is written in holy Quran..
3)christians are good people...ofcourse everyone is bad and everyone is good...well i cannot judge anyones future on religion and beliefs as i have no right...only God knows better...yes i have read and researched on bible there are many fulfilled prophesies...but i can give a list of unfulfilled prophisies too...
4)well....i dont believe that i will go to heaven as im not perfect and i cant jugde this for others too....only Allah knows the best....and one thing i can assure u almost all over the world everyone heard about allah and islam...most people search the turth and accept it...most just ignore it...im one them who searched it and accept it as my religion...
2007-03-12 15:46:48
answer #6
answered by FATIMA M 2
1) We see Allah all the time- in the night sky, it's called "The Moon"
2) The Quran is equally as corrupt- it was not written down until much later after Muhammad's death- who himself was illiterate. Perhaps if Muhammad had spent more time learning to read and write instead of marrying a 6 year old only to consummate the marriage when she was 9, he could have written it down himself. Look it up yourself, that's historical fact.
3) We Muslims offer several options to Christians: convert; live as a humiliated "dhimmi" having to pay high taxes with many rights lost... or last choice is we kill them
4) That's why we cut throats and blow up planes- so that everyone on the planet will hear about us. It gets the message out.
2007-03-12 15:40:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous