Love, every type of love is created in us by God. God is the creater who made us to be loving.
When we are born of God, God changes our hearts, because of the lack of love in there. The love of God comes into our hearts.
Everyone born has seen the true light of God, and babies get nurturing love from their parents. This nurturning love originates from God. God the Father is a nurturing Father. Much of the animal creation give nurturing love to their babies.
The first man & woman had helper, friendship love between each other. This changed (evolved as observing the animals) to romantic love to passionate love to sexual love to creating a new life in conception. Then the parents give nurturing love to the new baby.
Faith, hope & love is everlasting. Peace that the Lord gives isn't the peace the world has to offer (like cigaretts). Faith (trusting & believing God), hope & love is from everlasting, so is from God.
Conscience is God given to everyone born into this world, and this guides us in virtues.
2007-03-12 08:18:10
answer #1
answered by t a m i l 6
It could be evolution, but in no case do virtues prove the existence of God anymore than do vices.
Virtue is that which is beneficial to life and co-existence in a society. Vices oppose those things. Some virtue is pseudo-virtue. These are the things that are brought about by religious groups that are simply for controll of people by those groups.
These are things such that enforce adherence to doctrine and scripture. Often these result in the harsh treatment of "non-conformists" ... gays, lesbians, bisexual, transgendered and the like. Codified along with true virtue (honesty, perseverence, generosity, etc.) strictures against other parts of society are mostly self-serving.
Virtue helps provide for the continuation of the species. Love provides a means of uniting a couple and affords protection of the female during pregnancy and afterward. This enures that the offspring will be cared for until they are able to care for themselves. It's a simple and effective formula.
2007-03-12 15:10:10
answer #2
answered by Deirdre H 7
Virtues come from the act of supporting what one values. What one values comes from what they were taught and the fact that they are alive. Some value their life more than others, and some almost not at all. And here is where all human conflict is born. People who don't value their lives are irrational and dangerous, those that value their lives as supreme, make it there business to know reality and how things relate with each other, including people. They value relationships, they value trade and win-win solutions. all the others are no more than brutes who rely on whim.
2007-03-12 15:07:03
answer #3
answered by Real Friend 6
Maybe so...but then non-believers I think love too...not sure about trust, hope or peace...they will have to explain how they come to have those attributes. Perhaps it indicates that they also have the capacity to...uhmmm believe.
The Skeptical Christian
Grace and Peace
2007-03-12 15:05:27
answer #4
answered by Dust in the Wind 7
Yes there is evolutionary groundings for love, peace, trust, etc. Indeed natural selection uniquely favors cooperation, trust, hope and all of those. Study evolutionary psychology, it's a fascinating subject and you can learn where much of our morals came from...
However love, trust and hope do not come from god. If you read the bible, god is a brutish, hate-mongering, murderous, jealous, petty, vengeful, angry, genocidal and all around evil and unpleasant character. If morality came from god we'd kill our own children for being disobedient, murder women who didn't marry as virgins, and so on.
2007-03-12 15:04:58
answer #5
answered by Mike K 5
Yep, love and infatuation specifically are strong bond formers to help ensure an infant makes it to an age where they have a stronger ability to survive.
Other emotions are important for groups cohesion and longevity. All support a higher survival rate for humans, so are evolutionarily advantageous.
2007-03-12 15:05:21
answer #6
answered by Radagast97 6
Yes, those things are a product of evolution.
Homework -
Research social contracts, prisoner's dilemma, memetics.
Read The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins.
2007-03-12 15:06:56
answer #7
answered by Snark 7
These are all manifestations of the bonds that give us strength as groups, evolutionarily favorable traits.
2007-03-12 15:01:22
answer #8
answered by novangelis 7
No it's a concept that comes from your MIND... and is only as altruistic as the mind perceives it to be... hence the varied definitions thereof....
2007-03-12 15:25:15
answer #9
answered by vinslave 7
this ought to be interesting to watch!?
2007-03-12 15:03:05
answer #10
answered by Blitzpup 5