Within India it would be near to impossible for you to become Wicca as Wicca was founded within England and as such hasn't had the opportunity to spread out as far as India. Wicca is a small religious grouping furthermore in order to become Wicca a person has to become initiated into a coven with lineage back to Gardner or the New Forest Coven – thus why becoming Wicca in India is going to be difficult, as I doubt there are many Wiccan covens where you are.
As someone else has already mentioned as Wicca incorporates witchcraft it may be frowned upon where you live so it is wise to be careful how open you are in your study.
You can always check out the numerous web sites on Wicca, although bare in mind of course that you cannot trust everything you read, there is a lot of misinformation regarding Wicca, furthermore as Wicca is oath-bound it means that the information you can get is limited without becoming Wicca yourself. Books are another option if you want to pay for them to be shipped to India, or if you can find a friend in US or UK who would be willing to share or sell them to you for cheap.
Note http://www.magickaschool.com as mentioned above is not a site about Wicca but a site that is in fact Neo-wicca, the path of Neo-wicca is no less valid than that of Wicca however there is a notable difference – Neo-wicca is a belief system based upon Wicca, without initiation, oaths, etc. The problem with these 'witch schools' is that they are often run by people who simply want to make money or a name for themselves by pretending to teach about Wicca, as they know people are interested so will take any information they can whether accurate or not, certainly there are plenty of people who would pay for this.
As for Wiccan things....it depends what 'things' you mean, Wicca don't have anything specific to them other than their beliefs and practices.
Here are some reliable links on Wicca, also some more Neo-wicca based web sites, if you have any questions or need any help please feel free to contact me.
http://amberandjet.spiralpaths.org - Amber & Jet
http://www.wargoddess.net/index.php - Enyo`s Workshop
http://wicca.timerift.net/ - Wicca: For the Rest of Us
http://www.homecircle.info - Homecircle
http://www.starkindler.org/ - StarFire Rising
http://www.asiya.org/ - Asiya`s Shadows
http://www.newwiccanchurch.net - New Wiccan Church International
http://members.tripod.com/~Moonpfyr/gardnerian.html - Gardnerian Tradition
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/2416/wildrose.html - Wild Rose Outer Grove
http://members.shaw.ca/stoneandcauldron/ - Coven Of The Stone And Cauldron
http://www.oldeenchantments.com/coven/ - The Hollywood Coven
http://www.geocities.com/DesertHenge - Desert Henge
http://www.geocities.com/firestonecoven/ - Firestone Coven
http://draknet.com/proteus/proteus.html - Proteus Coven’s Webspace
http://belladonna.hypermart.net/Sage-and-Sickle/index.html - Sage & Sickle Coven
http://paganwiccan.about.com/ - PaganWiccan
http://www.cogcoa.ab.ca/ - Covenant of Gaia
http://www.chasclifton.com/ - Chas Clifton
http://www.ravenwood.com/coven.htm - Ravenwood
http://www.avalonia.co.uk – Avalonia
http://www.rosemoon.com/ - Rosemoon
http://www.geocities.com/k_garber/wicway.html - The Wiccan Way
http://www.wildideas.net/temple/ - The Temple
http://www.candledark.net/silver/ - Pour Down Like Silver
http://www.thewellhead.org.uk/ - The Wellhead
http://dasa.on.ca/qs/ - Quicksilver Site
http://www.gis.net/~nagel/grovepage/ - Page of the Mists
http://www.geocities.com/gwydionfl/ - Pagan Place
http://www.geocities.com/reikihealer2001/ - NFTD
http://www.nectw.org/ - N.E.C.T.W.
http://www.doreenvaliente.com - Doreen Valiente 1922-1999
http://www.boniface.us/CTW/index.html - Compact of Traditional Wicca
http://www.pagansunite.com/ - Witch/Pagan Resources
http://www.geocities.com/thespiraloak/ - The Spiral Oak
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/4177/ - Manor-House For Wiccan Studies
http://www-personal.umich.edu/~sjgavula/wiccahist.html - History of Wicca in England
http://geocities.com/sphinxmuse/wicca/index.html - Wiccan Religion
http://davensjournal.com/index.htm?Header.xhtml&0 - Daven`s Journal
http://www.pangaeasanctuary.org/darkwood/ - Darkwood of PanGaea
http://www.wicca.utvinternet.com/ - Wicca na hErin
http://www.tryskelion.com/ - Tryskelion
http://www.mothersmagic.net/ - Breathless Noon
http://www.religioustolerance.org/witchcra.htm - Wicca, the religion
http://www.faqs.org/faqs/religions/wicca/faq/ - Wicca FAQ
http://www.allonewicca.com/ - All one Wicca
http://www.cuew.org/cffn/index.html - Coven of the Far Flung Net
http://www.sacred-texts.com/pag/gbos/index.htm - Gardnerian Book of Shadows
http://www.paganspath.com/ - The Pagan`s Path
http://www.rantingwitches.com/ - The Ranting Witches
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wicca - Wicca
http://janus.spawnfar.net/ - The Janus Gate
http://www.hiddenmuse.com/ - Hidden Muse
http://www.geraldgardner.com/ - Gerald Gardner
http://beaufort.bravepages.com/index.html - Beaufort House`s TradList
http://www.tradwicca.org/beginnings.html - A Traditional Alexandrian Coven
http://www.waningmoon.com/ethics/rede.shtml - The Wiccan Rede
http://www.glasstemple.com/home/ - Glass Temple
http://www.witchipedia.org – Witchipedia
2007-03-12 10:37:06
answer #1
answered by Kasha 7
If you do google it, bear in mind that some of what you will find out there is Wicca, and some is crap. Take it with a grain of salt...but there is alot of information out there, and also information on other branches of the Pagan family tree...I'm not sure what you mean by "Wiccan things" if you mean things like altar tools, and such, many make thier own instead of buying them, but they do not make you a Wiccan, and if the attraction is that you want to learn about Magic, the magic is not in the tools, it is in you, and you should spend a good, long time studying before you even try to do anything of the sort anyway...
2007-03-12 07:11:26
answer #2
answered by beatlefan 7
Christian Wicca is a secret to such a good number of. C.W. is an eclectic style of Christianity. people who can no longer evaluate the different teachings different than the Bible are very uncomfortable with this faith. Christian Wicca believes in the trinity of God the daddy, God the mummy (Goddess), and the Son God Jesus. We additionally study and prepare the concepts of the Bible, Kabbalah, Gnostic Gospels and Wiccan teachings. probably the main needed theory-approximately C.W. is their inclusion of the Divine female. certainly, there can't be a beginning with no father AND a mom. We worship the mummy Goddess as having equivalent potential in creation. the mummy is latest in each element of non secular teachings, even the Bible. (besides the reality so you might look difficult to discover it there.) additionally, there's a distinction between being Christo-pagan and being Christian Wiccan. in the past you go on the air alongside with your document, seem up the two and evaluate the biggest variations. I won't do it right here using fact this is going to easily get too long. only be attentive to that they are diverse. i'm often criticized via Christians and Wiccans alike. (extra so Christians. Wiccans tend to be extra open-minded.) i wish I certainly have replied a number of your questions. good success alongside with your radio document....advantages!
2016-11-24 22:38:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Here are four good links to get you started.
A relatively objective (non-Wiccan) set of articles on what Wiccans do and believe:
Another useful article:
A good site by Wiccans:
And the US Army Chaplains Handbook excerpt on Wicca:
If you're looking to do some reading, I'd recommend "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham, and "The Triumph of the Moon" by Ronald Hutton. I advise you to stay away from anything by Silver Ravenwolf, for reasons outlined in the following essay:
If you're looking for Wiccan services in your area, I highly recommend the Witches of the World section at Witchvox:
Just use the pull-down menus on the left to find individuals, groups, shops, and events in your area.
And if you have any further questions, please feel free to email me.
EDITED TO ADD: regarding The Notorious Dr. Zoom Zoom's post... he's an ex-Wiccan turned Christian. No problem there: people are free to convert from our religion as they see fit, no harm, no foul. However, he seems to be laboring under the misapprehension that all Wiccans know nothing about their history (the book "The Triumph of the Moon" mentioned above is an excellent non-Wiccan account of modern Pagan witchcraft). Furthermore... well, I'll refer to a post he himself made on the following answer thread:
Quote: "3. Don't worry about the religous doctrines of other people that you don't believe in. Do something more constructive with your time."
Hmmm... ;-)
2007-03-12 13:09:35
answer #4
answered by prairiecrow 7
You might wish to be a bit careful about practicing Wicca openly in India. I believe that it is one of the countries where witchcraft is frowned upon, and Wicca is a type of witchcraft.
Indeed, in that country, people are killed for the practice of Witchcraft. Please be careful.
As Witchcraft is frowned upon in that country, you might find it difficult to find information on Wicca there.
There is an online school of Wicca that has great information you might want to check out. They also offer a free first-year course that is quite good. You can find it at http://www.magickaschool.com
many blessings and good luck in your search.
2007-03-12 07:31:36
answer #5
answered by Deirdre H 7
2017-02-20 12:00:54
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Wicca doesn't need "things."
If you are practicing some form of Wicca that is dictating you need "things," I'd research a different kind, if I were you.
2007-03-12 06:56:32
answer #7
answered by LabGrrl 7
Internet is probably your best resource.
2007-03-12 11:29:31
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
this is a great podcast to listen to about paganism in general http://www.deos-shadow.com/
2007-03-12 06:56:25
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You could type in "Wicca" in Google...
2007-03-12 06:55:09
answer #10
answered by Anonymous