If you did your research you would agree with them. Take a look at how the Trinity was formed:
The answer is: not till 300-400 years after the days of Jesus and his apostles. It is a striking fact that the "early Church Fathers" -- the theologians who wrote in the period 100-300 A.D. -- knew nothing of it, and frequently uttered opinions which contradict it. For the majority of them there was no question of Jesus' being "co-equal and co-eternal with the Father". He was subordinate to God his Father, and was regarded as a "created Being". The teachings which now make up the Doctrine of the Trinity were the decisions of a number of general Church Councils. These are the most significant:
325 A.D. First General Council at Nicea, declared that the Son was from the beginning of the same nature as the Father.
381 A.D. Second General Council at Constantinople, declared that the Holy Spirit was to be worshipped with the Father and the Son.
431 A.D. Third General Council at Ephesus, decreed that Jesus had two natures, a human and a divine; also that Mary was the "mother of God", in opposition to those who maintained that she was the "mother of Christ".
451 A.D.
Fifth General Council at Chalcedon, decreed that the two natures in Christ constituted only one Person and one will.
The progressive formulation of the Doctrine of the Trinity over a considerable period of time, is clearly shown when the major creeds of the Church are compared. The church councils changed the bible.
2007-03-12 05:45:45
answer #1
answered by Justsyd 7
I, an atheist, do not think the bible was made up by a church conspiracy. I believe the bible is a slave training manual made effective by the edge of a sword ... a sword that has been at the throat of reason for too long. The global hegemony will certainly be a successful method to implant the idea of thinking into the minds of more people than any religion can overcome. Evolution is not necessary for the atheist conspiracy, but I'll give it a whirl...
2007-03-12 05:58:46
answer #2
answered by voodooprankster 4
No..... the bible was made up by a bunch of sheepherders when we still believed the earth was flat.
Atheism is proveable, testable, qualifiable, and quantifiable by mountains of data gathered over many many years by millions of scientists. Just because Christians would prefer to ignore any evidence of evolution, but use every bit of technology thats been created THROUGH SCIENCE, does not invalidate the discovery of evolution. The only thing not sure about evolution is the how, not the what.
2007-03-12 05:55:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Not a church conspiracy per se, I am sure all had good intentions. Well, mostly. You know how humans are.
But you must realise that it took some 9 centuries or more to compile what we now know as the bible. From campfire stories to writings in Aramaic and Hebrew, with Koine Greek added later on. This got interpreted, translated, voted on (canonization) and finally ended up as your English bible.
2007-03-12 05:52:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No...the atheists...and even Biblical scholars who are Christian...realize that its possible that some parts of the Bible may have been altered or left out to benefit the ruling authorities of the day. It probably was not a conspiracy and I expect they thought what they did...if they did it...was for the best. Still we cannot know what was in their minds at the time.
And no, I believe in evolution and I do not equate it at all with atheism...its a solid scientific theory.
The Skeptical Christian
Grace and Peace
2007-03-12 05:49:06
answer #5
answered by Dust in the Wind 7
It is proven that the bible is made up of a series of cannons and select stories collected by a panel, the councel of Nicea, chosen by the emporer Constantine. Get your facts together before you start acussing people of stuff. Oh by the way, Constantine was a pagan emporer who converted to christianity on his deathbed. He was just intelligent enough to realize that the world should be united under one religion instead of dozens, and the most popular at the time was Christianity.
2007-03-12 06:03:42
answer #6
answered by firey_cowgirl 5
No thats not it at all you have it all wrong.. the bible was written to explain the unexplainable in a time when people could not understand the world around them.. just like all the other mythological god/s of other cultures, people had to do something to explain the world around them and make sense of life so they tried to explain it in that way. Later unscrupulous people used the bible to further their own political agendas and furthermore to control the masses.. now people can not see to the root of the matter and continue to have a need to explain things by means of an old book that has no basis in fact.. we have ways to find real explanations for things nowadays.. the real question is why cant people pursue knowledge instead of belief now that we have the actual means to aquire knowledge.
2007-03-12 05:52:32
answer #7
answered by Kelly + Eternal Universal Energy 7
Atheists refuse to acknowledge there is a chance the Bible was not just made up and refuse to acknowledge the chance that evolution was. It is the double standard of many atheists. Christians are closed minded if they do not admit the possibility of evolution being true but atheists applaud other atheists for rejecting the possibility of the bible being true.
2007-03-12 05:52:24
answer #8
answered by gerafalop 7
No, it doesn't. At ALL. Get an education from somewhere besides Bob Jones and get back to us.
This reminds me of how people like to claim that global warming is a conspiracy of the "lib tree huggers." For some reason, it makes more sense to them that the "libs" just get off on freaking everybody out about the environment, rather than supposing that the energy industry, which has a multi-trillion-dollar profit stake in preserving the status quo, is on a mission to discredit legitimate science that suggests we need to alter our consumption habits. And of course that's because the industry buys politicians to disseminate the "message" to their party faithful, who swallow any kind of tripe whole without examining it, so that you wind up with Joe Republican on the street regurgitating ill-digested energy lobbyist speak like he works for Haliburton.
In exactly the same way, "religious" people are sold a bill of goods by their "leaders" with regard to evolution. But the terms they use in their disinformation campaign speak volumes. You always hear fundie nutbags talking about how evolution theory is "religion" which requires "faith" to believe in it, because of all the "holes." They say this as part of their attempt to discredit legitimate science. Isn't it just slightly ironic that their argument is essentially that science is religion, and that therefore it shouldn't be believed?
People need to look at these questions objectively, and make intelligent decisions as to who really has the motive to lie to them. Christianity most certainly has a deeply vested interest in maintaining the popular ignorance upon which its authority is based, just as the energy industry is vested in convincing people that global warming is a myth, or if demonstrably "real," just part of the natural cycle and not caused by human habits. Science, meanwhile, is only concerned with science. It doesn't seek to impose its findings on religion; but religion, realizing the threat of the progress of human knowledge to its antiquated dogma, reacts violently against it. So where's your "conspiracy"? If you're not quite a complete imbecile, it should be pretty obvious.
2007-03-12 05:47:42
answer #9
answered by jonjon418 6
Yes, but remember, It took only one madman to invent gravity.
2007-03-12 05:53:23
answer #10
answered by U-98 6