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15 answers

Just how is the declaring of DC's gun ban unconstitutional going to make it easier for "non-law abiding citizens" to obtain guns? How it it going to make it easier to buy a gun on the street corner? Just how is that? I fail to see the logic in this statement....

But getting back to the original question, the answer is ABSOLUTELY! There is NOTHING that a criminal fears more than an armed populace! They don't fear the police because they know the police have rules they must follow. The public, on the other hand, has no such rules to follow, and now that the "Castle Doctrine" is sweeping the land along with the "Must Issue" laws concerning concealed weapons carry, the chances of a criminal getting killed while attempting to rob a citizen are getting better and better each passing day!

I'd say that the crime rate in DC will absolutely drop once the citizens are legally allowed to protect themselves. Once the thugs started getting carried away in body bags, the crime rate will drop REALLY quick!

2007-03-12 04:48:36 · answer #1 · answered by Team Chief 5 · 4 2

About time. How anyone thought it was constitutional to begin with just defies logic. DC isn't a state and doesn't share the same liberties inherent in such, but still the 2nd Amendment would certainly apply to any territory over which the Fed is sovereign.
Good possibility crime will drop. But it's more likely that there will be more innocent citizens killed by police, unless they make significant changes in police policy.
Now if only the court would finally rule that all firearm regulations against non-criminal law abiding citizens was unconstitutional.

2007-03-12 11:56:46 · answer #2 · answered by tj 6 · 3 2

You bet! Criminals would rather have their victims unarmed. There has never, and I mean never been an increase in crime by letting citizens arm themselves for protection. It is my personal belief that all able minded citezens should be armed. After the first thug gets swisscheesed for firing at people in a crowded restaurant or mall, would be statement makers would most likely find another avenue to voice their dissent with the world. Gone would be the days of T.V. "newspeople" shaking their collective heads at the tragedy of the hour, lamenting another senseless shooting spree that took(insert number here) lives. The report would be brief. "He-she entered through these doors, with a shotgun, and fired into the crowd." " The noise was terrible as the crowd returned fire!" "One man was wounded as the slide on his Beretta slammed on his thumb while he reloaded." "Police say d.n.a. evidence recovered at the scene should be able to give us an identity on the perpetrator in a few days." Back to you, Dan!"

2007-03-12 16:29:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The NRA viewpoint has always been "only the criminals have guns". Now law-abiding people can have them. This makes sense to you?

The DC ban was only on handguns. Rifles and shotguns were allowed to be kept unloaded and locked in the house as long as they are registered.

Handguns will still not be allowed outside the home. My prediction is that crime will not drop but some gun-toting citizen will shoot his/her relative after hearing a noise in the house. This is a good reason not to have guns in the home. Also, if a handgun is in the home, kids WILL play with it and hurt themselves or others, and there is always the possibility that in the heat of an arguement that a spouse will shoot their partner. Well, in DC, there are not many that have spouses so the Mamma going to shoot the BabyDaddy or current boyfriend.

2007-03-12 13:09:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

I live in Kennessaw Georgia and we have a unique situation here...there is a law on the books that says you "MUST" own a firearm to be a resident of Kennessaw. We have low crime here compared to the rest of Georgia and particularly low compared to the rest of the nation. (Only problem is that bang bang sound all night can keep you awake....ha)

2007-03-12 11:49:55 · answer #5 · answered by cappy 3 · 2 0

As statistics have shown in other areas, crime will probably stay close to the same, but the law-abiding citizen's ability to defend themselves will increase.

2007-03-12 12:23:13 · answer #6 · answered by floatingbloatedcorpse 4 · 2 1

Doubtful. The guns were not the problem, the people using them to commit crimes were. Until they stop with the Politically Correct civil rights nonses and get to enforcing the laws, nothing will change. The criminals continued to obtain guns then, and now its just a bit easier for them to get them.

2007-03-12 11:48:11 · answer #7 · answered by Sane 6 · 1 2

Have a look at comparative statistics.


Despite what the gun lobby tells us, casual gun crime is more, not less prevalent in states with lenient carry laws. More guns makes more crime and that's because cocky people with guns are a dangerous thing.

I know you think that very notion that anyone might have a gun will deter a criminal, but it doesn't seem to work. Same way you think that capital punishment deters murder... also statistically proven not to be true.

But I guess people have to cling to their beliefs, especially if their all wrapped up in cowboy style glory,

2007-03-12 11:59:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

I wouldn't think crime would drop. But gun-related crime is probably going to go up.
See, I think that the mentality that people are going to defend themselves from the "bad guys" if they all have guns is misguided, if well meaning. Sure, from time to time a situation will probably present itself for someone to "be a hero", but I think that more "law-abiding citizens'" children are going to shoot each other/their parents than bad guys.
Also, let me tell you something.
I used to be a "bad guy". I was addicted to crystal methamphetamine, and I would burglarize properties and steal from people. Especially armed people, like yourself! In fact, I would target them, because I could steal your guns. You wouldn't know until it was too late. More guns for you, more guns for me. Guns are not the magical crime thwarter that you seem to think they are.

2007-03-12 11:58:05 · answer #9 · answered by Bad Ichi 2 · 0 4

sure it will , if some criminal believes he will get his head blown off , from the person he is about to attack , bet he will think twice

i have had my concealed weapons permit for years , and am not a threat to anyone , unless they put me or my family in a situation
where i must defend , like i have always said who needs 911 when you got 9mm , well in my case .45

2007-03-12 11:45:44 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

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