Most companies are fine, If you call them and explain money will be tight they will try and help you. As long as you have had a good payment history and you keep them informed they should be fine. If you get someone who is not that helpful speak to a manager. Companies would rather get their money than not. I was a credit controller for years. I would always do my best for the people who wanted to help themselves. Dont put your head in the sand, keep them posted and you'll be fine. Good luck with the baby.
2007-03-11 23:31:58
answer #1
answered by Psycho Chicken! 5
You can ring and ask, but even if you have protected any loans, they don't consider maternity leave as a sickness and therefore wont use payment protection to cover you. Sometimes they will let you make smaller payments for a while. Try to do it as soon as possible, preferably before you start your leave.
2007-03-12 06:22:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
hi even if you have payment protection, getting pregnant is not a factor on which they'll pay (for most i've read anyway)
you will have to pay back the loan regardless. what you should try doing is contacting your bank and letting them know you've had a change in circumstances if necessary get doctor's letters, wage slips etc. and ask them if they could reduce your payments untill you return to full time work as the amount of income your recieve is now reducing.
2007-03-12 06:24:30
answer #3
answered by babyonlyne 3
I hate to be the one to tell you, but in the main, they're not interested. They'll just say you should have budgeted for a situation you knew was going to occur. Having said that, it's always worth trying to agree lower repayments, but they'll expect you to bring the shortfall up to date pdq......
Good luck!
2007-03-12 06:20:33
answer #4
answered by RuthieC 2
You definatley can if you have protected your loans against loss of work or other factors.
Im not too sure what happens if you havent protected them
2007-03-12 06:16:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
well when i was pregnant and told my bank they really didnt care and said that it was not covered by my insurance that i had taken out. so i suggest you read the small print. and thanks to my horrible bank i am now in debt up to my eye balls and will never be cleared as they kept slapping on the interest and late charges
2007-03-12 08:07:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Generally speaking, you have to keep making the payments.
2007-03-12 21:53:25
answer #7
answered by stlouiscurt 6
Hiya, me again
I had a loan, well still have, with welcome and they were fine reducing my payments, go ask your loan provider, im sure they will be fine!
2007-03-12 06:20:54
answer #8
answered by lisaviduka 3
come on now this is america. they'll make you pay off youre great great great great great great great great grea.....grandfathers debt.
2007-03-12 06:18:23
answer #9
answered by LS 5