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In the bible it says that when heaven is ready God will sent Jesus to take us to heaven (or something like that). So where do we go if it isn't ready for us. Also, the Bible says that there is nothing new under the sun, does that include our souls? I've tried to ask several preachers about it but they give me a blank stare and tell me they have to go.

2007-03-11 20:45:41 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

The blank stare and "gotta go!" should speak volumes.

2007-03-11 20:48:44 · answer #1 · answered by bobble242 3 · 1 2

I don't think the Bible was including souls when said '
there is nothing new under the sun'.

As far as where the soul goes until heaven is ready, I don't know how to imagine that, but I am sure God knows.

From the souls point of view, the time between death on this earth and Heaven will seem like a dreamless sleep. Life in Heaven will seem to pickup right were it left off on earth, only way better.

2007-03-11 21:14:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Those preachers would have to be part of "Babylon the Great", warned about in Revelation.
They are the blind leading the blind.
Look these scriptures up in your own Bible.
Ecclesiastes 9; 5,6
othing survives death.
But we are remembered by God, who will in time resurrect us.
Revelation 20; 12,13
Only 144,000 out of all the billions who have EVER died, have a heavenly outcome.
these ones are very special, and have proved their worth by obedience to Jesus while alive. Rev. 7;4 & 14;1
They are not all Jews, but taken from the whole world population.
They are not involved in wars or politics.
And heaven, being a perfect place, was ALWAYS ready for them.
And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christ for a thousand years. 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. 6 Happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority, but they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and will rule as kings with him for the thousand years.
These 144,000 have a special duty to perform in heaven. To assist Jesus.
All the rest will be resurrected back to a life in the flesh, on earth.
Psalm 37;

Now, you may ask, could not those preachers have told you this.
Because their 'eyes' have been blinded by Satan.

2007-03-11 21:19:38 · answer #3 · answered by pugjw9896 7 · 0 0

They probably give you a blank stare because it does not say that exactly. You need to get the exact scriptures and then ask the question. Everyone who dies goes before God and is judged by their book of life. Then he decides whether we go to heaven or hell. The nothing new under the sun thing I have never read in the bible and I have read all of it.

2007-03-11 21:07:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The preachers you are asking are wrong about heaven not being ready and they won't answer your deeper questions because they are afraid it might scare you off and some of them really don't know the answers. What is The Kingdom? It is The King and His domain. He is The King and everything is His domain so heaven is ready. When He said He would go to prepare a place for us He was speaking about His Day, The Lord's Day, when some who remain will speak in the toungue of pentacost which is not a language as we think of it these days but it goes out in all directions, meaning that no matter what languages you speak, you will understand it. The man on the cross asked Him to remember him when He came into His kingdom. He replied." I say to you, THIS DAY you shall be with me in paradise". The resting place. We can have that resting place today if we are part of His Kingdom. We don't have to wait till we die. Hope this helps some. Study to show yourself approved and trust no person what they tell you but delve into it on your own to try what others tell you, including me.

2007-03-11 21:00:04 · answer #5 · answered by aintnobeans 3 · 2 0

Once you die, there are only three places your soul may go to: Heaven, Hell or Purgatory.
Purgatory is a place of purging souls of the remaining attachment to sin.
Theres a Heaven but not a New Heaven and New Hell yet.


It is strictly forbidden to call upon the dead. God's angels would not disobey Him. So really, these people are contacting the fallen angels, or those who serve Satan. Remember, they ARE angels and thus they do have more knowledge than we do, and they could imitate a deceased one's voice or appearance easily.

Having said that, God has allowed from time to time certain saints to see Purgatory and even speak with the souls there.
But do you see the difference? Such people NEVER initiated the contact, it was all done in God's terms.

Those who disobey God and call upon the dead are falling into their own trap and becoming victims of their own disobedience.

2007-03-11 21:03:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Jesus said that He is gone to prepare a place for us, and that He will come back for us to take us away to live with Him. When we die if we are saved we go to heaven. As far as nothing new under the sun? I think that may pertain to sin or how people think. Read the whole chapter let the Word speak for it's self. Ask God for Him to reveal His Word to you.

2007-03-11 20:57:56 · answer #7 · answered by KingDavid6268 2 · 2 0

Our souls don't go anywhere, when jesus comes down from heaven he will calls forth..the land will give up it's dead and the seas will give up it's dead and THEN you will be judge by him when he opens the book of life.

either you goto heaven OR hell is up to him, 1 more thing, the bible is ment for kids to understand NOT for Adults.

brothers and sisters, there are REAL demons and REAL evil, evil will never die as long as there be a night sky.

I belive in demons, yes they are real, as real as you and I it's a never ending battle for our souls.

Plus there is NO such place as Purgatory and nor is there a place for our souls until we are judge, THEN we goto heaven or hell.
don't let anyone say that there is a Purgatory..there is not and thats that.

2007-03-12 11:09:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

genuinely no longer all religions prepare that. Jehovah's Witnesses have shown that the Bible teaches that meek and righteous ones will inherit the earth, and the wicked would be destroyed. in user-friendly terms some could have the privilege of going to heaven to rule with Christ. Revelation 14:a million Psalm 37:10,11, 29: And in user-friendly terms a short jointly as longer, and the wicked one would be not extra; and you will actual provide interest to his place, and he won't be. 11 however the meek ones themselves will very own the earth, and that they're going to surely locate their beautiful delight in the abundance of peace. 29 And in user-friendly terms a short jointly as longer, and the wicked one would be not extra; and you will actual provide interest to his place, and he won't be.

2016-09-30 13:30:01 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Revelations states that we do not go to Heaven until Judgement Day. We will rest, and Christ will return to resurrect our bodies into a perfect state and bring our souls into Heaven.

2007-03-11 21:02:42 · answer #10 · answered by Binky 2 · 0 0

you are decieved
heaven was from the beginning
you quote a lie
where which text
heavens was from the beginning as was hell
one is love of god /good /light love life
the other of death /darkness rejection of gods love and light
you deserve a blank stare
and what for being so decieved
prove it

2007-03-11 20:51:30 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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